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Defence of games? Which are you peculiar to?

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    Originally posted by Brats
    I just dislike lazy categorisations:
    I just need to add to this - one of the most dismissive & irritating generalisations that continually rears its ugly, pus-filled head is 'kiddy' when referring to colourful, fantastical games. I will defend the difference between games for children & 'kiddy' games to within an inch of my life.


      Originally posted by Geoff D
      I just need to add to this - one of the most dismissive & irritating generalisations that continually rears its ugly, pus-filled head is 'kiddy' when referring to colourful, fantastical games. I will defend the difference between games for children & 'kiddy' games to within an inch of my life.
      I totally agree. Many games appeal to the child in all of us, not just children.

      Likewise though, I'm quick to defend games that are often lazily described as being 'realistic' as a negative comment. Games like Ghost Recon and COD2 aren't realistic. There story lines, gameplay and even art direction are fantasy. Just because you aren't controlling a primary coloured blob around a blue sky environment doesn't mean these games aren't complete fantasy and a whole heap of fun.
      Last edited by Brats; 19-09-2006, 12:56.


        Oh yeh that is a very good example. That really gets on my nerves! Always have to defend that.

        And I always defend MGS games, I have a soft spot for them, and think that they own the earth so anytime anything bad is said, I always completely disagree!

        But its because I generally think they rule!


          Shenmue, i hate to hear a bad word said about it. I'm also aware tho that i'm in a minority which makes it harder. I'm not talking about people on here necessarily as i know there are a lot of fans on here but in the gaming world in general (how do i know i'm in the minority? well they would ****ing finish it if i wasnt)

          If i had a penny for everytime i've heard someone brush it off with a comment about feeding cats i'd....... well i might have about 50p but you get my drift.


            Xenogears. I loved the story, yet you hear so many comments about how cheesy and awful it is. Maybe if I went back and played it now, i'd see that it is pretty cheesy, but at the time I played it, I was completely absorbed and hate to see the game criticised (even if it is only to justify all the Xenogears merchandise i've forked out for).

            I've also got a soft spot for the Zelda series, but I don't think I need to say why.


              It's a rare thing for me to do, though I have soft spot for MGS2:SOL and its plot which some people find difficult to comprehend. For me, that's part of the charm not knowing wtf is going on, but then it just clicks.

              Obviously this led to Kojima and his team designing MGS3 to be predictable and as boring as possible in terms of plot elements. /Bait, sorry


                I suppose the original Halo would fall under this category for me. I never understand why some people slate it so much, the AI was superb at the time and is still better than most games today. The generally outdoor level design, though admittedly repetative at times, made a nice change from the usual coridoors and the inclusion of some genuinely useful vehicles was great to see too. The weapons were pretty much all different from each other and remained useful throughout (instead of giving you progressivly better weapons like most FPS's do) plus it controlled better than any other FPS on a pad. Also, you always hear people saying 'its good for a console FPS, it wouldn't be anything special on the PC' but it's not like there's many FPS's on the PC that are as good. The Call of Duty's, the Half Life's and FEAR, but that's pretty much it in terms of good single player FPS's with decent AI. The multiplayer wasn't exactly crap either.

                As for any others, i'll defend to the grave that PN03 was a great game


                  Banjo Kazooie - Hated the ****ers who tried to ruin it saying it was a M64 rip-off. A lot of people didn't notice during the N64-era but a lot of the game which RARE did were basically like "sequels" to Nintendo in-house stuff. And a lot of them were as good if not better - certainly more game in them.

                  Think Banjo/DK/DKR.


                    i agree about banjo kazooie and the other rare platformers

                    its like now days any game that has a free roaming city is going to be classed as a gta ripoff even if its a better game


                      Got to be Killer 7 and Resi 4 for me, especially K7 as it's pretty bizarre and unconventional and tends to get negative comments in that respect. Can you Killer 7-dissing philistines not see that it is genius incarnate????!

                      I think with Resident Evil 4 that some folk seem to focus on very small negative points, whilst failing to see the bigger picture - ie. 'ooooh, it's not proper Resi', 'ooooh, the escort missions are frustrating', 'ooooh, I don't like QTEs' etc. etc. That the game is one of the most outstanding achievements in modern gaming, both visually, sonically and gameplay-wise seems to get pushed under the carpet.

                      In all honesty, though, it doesn't really matter - I don't care that much. If someone lacks joy from a certain gaming experience then I kind of feel a little sad and often wish that they could 'get it'. And that's pretty unrealistic as tastes differ so much. It's like I sometimes play my fave jazzy CD's and some people tell me it sounds like elevator music.

                      ****in' philistines!!!


                        This is a good topic for someone like me because I get my kicks from a niche genre(to most people), so it does feel as if I'm having to back an entire genre up - sometimes. It seems like there is a total lack of understanding by a certain few places on the net, and as an older gamer first and foremost, who, before I came online wouldn't even have known the word 'fanboy' existed to such an extent. Apart from, of course, the 'in the gutter' single format gaming press.

                        Its funny though because when there's a big release in this genre I'm talking about all the people who showed a lack of understanding during the quiet time then go on like they are the worlds biggest experts all of a sudden. Just to try and jump on the bandwagon before it leaves town again.

                        I just have to sit back and laugh sometimes. Good topic though!!


                          I guess the one that annoys me most sa of recent is the trendy slaggin off of PDZ, if those people had actually bothered playing it on one of the hardest settings they would of seen the diamond in the rough.


                            I defend Dino Crisis 3 being better than the mediocre reviews it garnered and have been since time immemorial (or when it was released anyway).

                            No-one listens


                              I don't really do it anymore, but I used to be very active in a big PC community and they'd slate the hell out of any console FPS, especially Halo. I was pretty much the only one who'd defend it and I don't think any of them had anything good to say about it. When Halo 2 came out they were complaining about the state of the industry when stuff like that sells, as if it came with a free case of leprosy or something.

                              And Shenmue. That's my answer to everything.


                                Ring of Red for me, gets no attention (despite the favorable reviews when it came out) and its got long, sometimes bastard hard missions.

                                But i still love him.

