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Defence of games? Which are you peculiar to?

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    Originally posted by fishbowlhead
    Ring of Red for me, gets no attention (despite the favorable reviews when it came out) and its got long, sometimes bastard hard missions.

    But i still love him.
    Superb, I'd forgot about this. One of my fave games ever. Nothing really like it, I think.


      Originally posted by Jusatsushi
      I defend Dino Crisis 3 being better than the mediocre reviews it garnered and have been since time immemorial (or when it was released anyway).

      No-one listens
      Same here with Dirge of Cerberus and Grandia III. Both top titles, if people would stop comparing them to other games and enjoying them on their own merits.

      So many actually really good fun titles are overlooked because of this attitude. It's like people would prefer to dislike a title than find some fun in it.

      I try and approach most games I play on a clean slate.


        Pc gamers and Halo games are an odd bunch.

        I remember having a big argument with a bit fat guy in a GAME store once, I asked him what games were due out soon (just for kicks) "not much, but Halo 2 has been taken off the release list for PC"

        "it hadn't ever been announced yaknow"
        "yeah it had, etc etc "keyboard and mouse are better blah blah"

        The manager sent him to go work in the stockroom, haha


          Originally posted by EvilBoris
          Pc gamers and Halo games are an odd bunch.

          I remember having a big argument with a bit fat guy in a GAME store once, I asked him what games were due out soon (just for kicks) "not much, but Halo 2 has been taken off the release list for PC"

          "it hadn't ever been announced yaknow"
          "yeah it had, etc etc "keyboard and mouse are better blah blah"

          The manager sent him to go work in the stockroom, haha
          Halo with a keyboard and mouse? heracy, hearcy i tells ya.

          Sorry, ive got a nervous twitch when it comes to halo and PC's .


            I hate the mouse and keyboard argument. Yes, it's more precise than a couple of sticks but in multiplayer it doesn't matter if everyone's on a level playing field (that's why I'm dreading the rumours that Shadowrun and other games will allow cross-platform multiplayer because it'll be ruinous for XBL), and if a single player game is designed properly by a capable development team it shouldn't matter anyway. Never once when playing the Halo games and other top stuff like COD2 have I found myself wishing that I wasn't using a controller.


              Radiant Silvergun, especially when people say there's "too many buttons".
              Ferrari F355 Challenge is another game I'll defend against negative comments as I don't think it's been surpassed yet in terms of realistic racers.

              I accept that not everyone likes everything though. I'm more concerned with seeing/hearing stuff that's just plain wrong. I seen someone describe Time Pilot on recently as "a bad version of R-TYPE" which made my blood boil.
              Last edited by Kubrick; 19-09-2006, 21:07. Reason: Whoops, was the wrong game


                Originally posted by NekoFever
                ...that's why I'm dreading the rumours that Shadowrun and other games will allow cross-platform multiplayer because it'll be ruinous for XBL...
                Have a look at the second paragraph here for more on this.


                  That worries me, even if the system that each player is using is transparent. I can't be the only one who remembers Quake III on the Dreamcast when some people had the M/KB combo which divided it and then they let the PC players loose on DC players which was even worse? It just completely unbalanced things.


                    Originally posted by Brats
                    Likewise though, I'm quick to defend games that are often lazily described as being 'realistic' as a negative comment. Games like Ghost Recon and COD2 aren't realistic. There story lines, gameplay and even art direction are fantasy. Just because you aren't controlling a primary coloured blob around a blue sky environment doesn't mean these games aren't complete fantasy and a whole heap of fun.
                    I generally tend to find the problem is more often the other way around with most people I know, if a game doesn't have realistically styled graphics, settings and characters, it tends to instantly get dismissed as kiddy crap. Regardless of what happens in regards to plot, atmosphere, fun etc, and yes, I get very defensive about it, but having the piss taken out of you for years at high school because you thought Mario 64 was a great game was quite depressing :P it didn't have fast cars, guns or realistic graphics, so it had to be **** and for the under 7s! LOLOLOL!!!11


                      just Cause is a kind of an example of this.

                      It is set in the 'real world' but then people slag it off for not being realistic, it blatently wasn't intending to be realistic.


                        Originally posted by charlesr
                        I defend R:Racing Evolution. The Road sections of it are fantastic time trials. People slated it because it wasn't Ridge Racer and wasn't GT4 (thank god) and because the "career mode" was really short BUT IT WASN'T A CAREER MODE YOU MUPPETS. IT WAS A SHORT TRAINING MODE. Gah.

                        And anyone slating P.N.03 because you can't shoot and fire at the same time needs shooting in the face.

                        (I presume this is what you meant by this thread?)

                        R:Racing is the best racing game of, well, last gen. I never did get around to beating your time

                        But anyway.... I've nothing else to add to the thread If some bloke don't like some game for whatever reason, that's cool. Yeah, I'll try and educate where possible but at the end of the day, that's fine like. I still love <insert game here>. There's a line to draw at times like the Scramble example above; that's just someone who doesn't understand. So yeah, no need to lower yourself down 'idiot' level -- they'll beat you on experience.

                        Last edited by Commander Marklar; 19-09-2006, 20:06.


                          Originally posted by Smegaman
                          I generally tend to find the problem is more often the other way around with most people I know, if a game doesn't have realistically styled graphics, settings and characters, it tends to instantly get dismissed as kiddy crap.
                          I don't often write in to magazines but a letter in an early Xbox magazine inspired me to with just the same sentiment. I can't remember the exact words but it said something to the effect that with the Xbox being capable of such great realistic graphics, what was the point of cartoony games like Jet Set Radio Future. It actually made me angry to read it.


                            I don't often write in to magazines but a letter in an early Xbox magazine inspired me to with just the same sentiment. I can't remember the exact words but it said something to the effect that with the Xbox being capable of such great realistic graphics, what was the point of cartoony games like Jet Set Radio Future. It actually made me angry to read it.
                            It would seem they got their way because most of the games on the Xbox are the kind that I can't be bothered playing purely because of the visuals. Perhaps that is wrong of me, but hey, it's my entertainment. I couldn't care less about photorealism.

                            Halo with a keyboard and mouse? heracy, hearcy i tells ya.
                            I'd love to play Halo 2 with a mouse and keyboard. I've been playing it for about 16 months and I still can't control it as well as I'd like to with the Xbox s-pad... it's so damn hard to aim precisely with the goddamn thing.
                            Last edited by Lyris; 19-09-2006, 21:03.


                              Well to be fair what's the difference between being put off a game because it's realistic and being put off a game because it's not realistic?


                                I can't understand certain peoples criticism for Resi 4. It doesn't need a dodge-move button! You're just ****! And don't get me started on fools bitchin' about Killer7 and P.N.03.

                                I never want to get into arguments online though. Waste of time and energy.

