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Doom - XBLA

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    Final Doom on PSone was the series' atmospheric highlight. I wish they'd used the same music and lighting effects for the 360 port.


      Amen to that. PSX doom was the bees knees.
      Last edited by k0pp0; 03-10-2006, 09:37.


        Developers take note - THIS is how level design should be done.


          Originally posted by JohnMcL7
          Sounds like you're thinking of Legacy Doom, a later released engine which allowed you to play through Doom with some OpenGL lighting effects and the ability to look up and down.

          Ahh so I did word it wrong.
          The point I was trying to get out was that I could have sworn you "Couldn't" look up or down (Like you can in todays fps' games) in the original doom.
          Turns out I was right but it also turns out I worded it badly.


            this game still makes me ****ing jump...


              Yoshimax, sorry I missed your game was hoping I would get some co-op action going soon but got a real eary morning
              And whats up with messages not showing up when ingame in Doom, A bug with the port ?


                Grabbed this today. All I have to say, or type is...


                Played it on XBL and had a bloody great time. I grew up with DOOM on 486DX so I love this so much, look forward to playing you lot.


                  Although I personally prefer Final Doom (as above), I do have to say it's a great conversion of the PC. Considering that it's running on a panel well above the original resolution of the game, it looks nigh-on identical to how I remember it. I was expecting it'd be chunk/block text galore.


                    Originally posted by Concept
                    Considering that it's running on a panel well above the original resolution of the game, it looks nigh-on identical to how I remember it. I was expecting it'd be chunk/block text galore.
                    indeed, my screen is about 78" bigger than the original monitor it was played on yet it still looks lovely!


                      I bought this game the other day and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I've played this game countless times (never with online play though, which kind of sold me on it) but it still stands up well which is testament to the original quality. The dual stick controls are also excellent, even without the vertical look. It's never felt this good to play in the various keyboard/D-pad configurations that I've used over the years, and it's still really creepy.

                      Since I'm whoring over achievements I tried to get that one for finishing a level on the highest difficulty by playing the first level. My God! I got slaughtered in the first room! It's insane!


                        Originally posted by NekoFever
                        Since I'm whoring over achievements I tried to get that one for finishing a level on the highest difficulty by playing the first level. My God! I got slaughtered in the first room! It's insane!
                        I did that achievement today.

                        I found the best way is to go left and kill the 4/5 people and open the first secret...go that way and just ****ing leg it to the last room, kill the imp and soldier then get into the final room, run to button ignoring the imp.

                        Took me about 4 goes to figure that out mind you.

                        Can you get the achievements with co-op play? I'd quite like to get the episode ones, but dunno if I can be arsed to go through them all on my lonesome.

                        Also, how long does it take to get 50 kills, not tried the online deathmatch yet.
                        Last edited by Jebus; 09-10-2006, 16:14.


                          That one shouldn't take long. I got something like 12 kills on my first game.


                            That acheievement wa sobtained with some late night wine and some good skilled running through the 1st level lol.
                            Hard as nails.


                              My only problem with nightmare is the enemies come back- I like to slowly go thru the level killing everything, and I just can't do that on nightmare

                              My tactic for getting thru the first level on nightmare was just peg it to the second room, kill all those guys, peg it to the secret bit on the right before the exit room, grab the health and armour, then peg it to the exit. I felt like such a cheat!!


                                Yeah, that's how to do it - and after the courtyard secret bit when you open the door you should be able to blast the barrel with a snap shot to clear out the imp.

