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Doom - XBLA

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    All I remember is how to get to E3M9.

    Basically on that level with loads of radiation suits (E3M6 I think) and lots of boxes, you have to use a rocket launcher to rocket yourself into the box that you cant get into ... have invunurability of course helps


      Originally posted by Kubrick
      For teh DOOM vets:

      How do you access the 9th level in each episode?
      In the first episode, there is a level that starts with you facing a door that, when opened, reveals a rectangular pit of acid with a path around it to either side.

      Eventually the exit is at the top of a slowly rasing set of stairs.

      The secret exit is obtained like this (this is off the top of my head so I hope this makes sense).

      - when you leave the start area via the door to your left, you'll see a soulsphere. just so we are in the right place.
      - when you flick the switch down where the imps are, it will open a door in between these two windows that will lead up to an area with the yellow key.
      - once you clear this area, go back down to where the two windows are, then bolt back up and left and follow it around and you'll see that a part of the wall has lowered. wait a few moments before you do this, cause the door lowering is triggered half way down that corridoor and you need to give it time to close before you bolt back up and try to get there in time. if you don't have the awesome music playing you can actually hear the door drop and you can bolt back there while on the way down, but that for the l33t only (i.e. thats what I do )
      - make it there in time and you'll be presented with a small room with some pillars, a few enemies and a RL.
      - there is a small exit thru the lava that takes you to a small room with a backpack and a switch. this switch raises a platform in the area at the start that will allow access to the sercret level. You can actually get there and finish the level without getting any keys at all IIRC.

      - also, when leaving this area via the way you came, there will be another dropped wall out and to the right that if you get there in time, will take you to the soulsphere. otherwise you can continue thru a short section of acid and come out where the switch is that allowed you to open up this area in the first place.

      I haven't played the subsequent episodes in ages so I can't remember how to get to those secret levels, but it's one of those things that I just know the moment I start up the level. Buying Doom on Xbox360 was a huge mistake IMHO but I'm a Doom whore. It just made me re-install the Collectors Edition back on my PC and reinstall the Doomsday HQ OpenGL mod and play thru the game again.
      Last edited by markgreyam; 18-10-2006, 05:24.


        I?ve played a few versions of Doom over the years, most notably Playstation and 32x (or Doom Through a Letterbox) versions but never played the ?true? version so have really taken to this.

        It?s surprising how atmospheric the game is after all these years. Hearing the hiss of a Cacodemon or the roar of a Baron of Hell still gets me after all these years.

        However, started Thy Flesh Consumed last night and even the first level in that chapter is insane. Thought it was bad enough that there were grunts and imps teleporting in seemingly all the time, but to be given a Baron of Hell to deal with armed with only a shotgun?

        Still, I?ll fight on.


          Yeah, the 1st 2 levels are a nightmare, but it gets easier after that.

          I found the best way to deal with the baron of hell was to lead him back into the room where you start, and then run back to the place where you have to jump over the lava to get into the room with all the windows down the sides. From here you can shoot him without him getting too close.

          Does that even make sense?


            The Barons of Hell are just meatbags that you can waste tons of ammo on. But they are also slow so most Doom Players tend to leave them. This is one of the few criticisms of Doom and it's why id brought in the less powerful Hell Knight's for Doom II.

            The last chapter Thy Flesh Consumed is all about ammo conservation imo. It's amazing.



              The thought of leaving a Baron of Hell roaming about the level chasing after me fears me with dread.


                You can often lose them though. If you get far enough away from an enemy, it won't chase you.

                Or, you can use them as a weapon . The Barons are great at missing their target and smahing one of their green fireballs into another enemy, particularly Cacodemons. Then just sit back and watch the fight ensue .


                  Originally posted by sharky_ob
                  Yeah, the 1st 2 levels are a nightmare, but it gets easier after that.

                  I found the best way to deal with the baron of hell was to lead him back into the room where you start, and then run back to the place where you have to jump over the lava to get into the room with all the windows down the sides. From here you can shoot him without him getting too close.

                  Does that even make sense?

                  Its not classed as a secret but on the first level theres a hidden room in the first bit of acid you get to its kinda on the right hand side beneath the final raised bit, if you drop into the acid and press against it, it should open, also note theres another hidden room in there on the right, these rooms have a rocket launcher in it which makes mr baron easier, but given the close proximety that he spawns to you it can be quite easy to blow yourself up....but that second level is very hard on UV its all about doing the first level and having nearly all your health and a lot of ammo which is hard!


                    Originally posted by C'
                    It?s surprising how atmospheric the game is after all these years. Hearing the hiss of a Cacodemon or the roar of a Baron of Hell still gets me after all these years.
                    I downloaded this last night. You're right. Its still very atmospheric. Creeping around in the corridors with the lights blinking on and off still gets me on edge.

                    Its still playable as hell too. After playing games like Gears, CoD and the like its simplicty is very refreshing.


                      Where you been Ish? You've barely posted of late.

                      As for Doom... MS and iD really need to come to an agreement about the most atmospheric entry in the series, Final Doom. Thing is I'm not sure what third-party/publisher developed/holds the rights to it.


                        I've been in the photography thread but thats about it. Chaos at work for the last few months meant I've not really had time for gaming.

                        Project over now so am back into it with a vengeance

                        I love the music on the phobos lab level btw. Though I can't remember if they're just random or tied to levels. Anyway its the slow creepy one. Fantastic. Still sends a shiver down my spine.
                        Last edited by Ish; 23-11-2006, 18:28.


                          I've just been having some fun playing E1M1 on nightmare, although I had a look at the scores of the top guy and they're insane! Every bloody level!

                          Anybody still playing this? I've only tinkered with a couple of levels after the first so if there's a need for somebody who doesn't remember the maps for some co-op action, I'm ya man.


                            Add me if ya want mate - still play now and then. also looking to get the deathmatch acheivements.




                                Originally posted by Concept
                                As for Doom... MS and iD really need to come to an agreement about the most atmospheric entry in the series, Final Doom. Thing is I'm not sure what third-party/publisher developed/holds the rights to it.
                                iD hold the rights for it. They were always very business savvy about holding onto their IP. They knew that if they wanted they could just release a game via shareware and still make millions that way.

                                As far as iD were concerned, they were doing publishers a favour by even speaking to them.

