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Doom - XBLA

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    Yeah, the respawning has scuppered me a couple of times. I like to open the door, take a couple of pot shots at enemies, and then run back into the previous room and repeat ad infinitum. Can't do that here because some bugger will come up behind you and shotgun you in the back.


      I did the first level on nightmare just by running past everyone. Nightmare mode is very hard!


        How the hell do you do the second stage of the fourth chapter? Ive got about 40 shotgun rounds but about 100 enemies trying to take me down. I had this on the PC and PS1, but i cant remember it being this hard.


          I hate the fourth chapter. Played it with some friends and found it boring and unenjoyable.


            Originally posted by Garny
            How the hell do you do the second stage of the fourth chapter? Ive got about 40 shotgun rounds but about 100 enemies trying to take me down. I had this on the PC and PS1, but i cant remember it being this hard.
            Is that the one with acid all at the bottom and lots of radiation suits?

            Took me ages to do that, quite often you have to let them kill each other, ignore the invun until the very end (when facing the Cyberdemon)


              Was the 4th chapter in the original? I don't seem to remember it... but I may just be going senile.
              Chapter 1: Goatdemon
              Chapter 2: Cyberdemon
              Chapter 3: Braindemon

              What am I missing?


                Originally posted by Nijo
                Was the 4th chapter in the original? I don't seem to remember it... but I may just be going senile.
                Chapter 1: Goatdemon
                Chapter 2: Cyberdemon
                Chapter 3: Braindemon

                What am I missing?
                It's Ultimate Doom, which appeared a little bit later.


                  ...wish they'd ported the PLaystation version instead

                  i'm having a great time plaing this over live (co-op mainly) but why on earth didn't they port the Playstation version instead?

                  anyone who's played the PSX version will know they made significant improvements to the the lighting, sound quality and most importantly the music..

                  the pc music sucks but the playstation tracks were some of the most terrifying compositions every to grace a videogame.....

                  also, the PSX version had rearranged levels and incorporated levels from ultimate doom and doom 2. no doubt microsoft will be flogging those as independent 800 point downloads


                    I wouldn't have thought it'd be hard to understand why the PLAYSTATION version of a game hasn't made it to live arcade ?

                    I think they've done this perfectly - Love having the old music & sfx and the graphics still look amazing even on a 40" HD panel which I was very surprised by.

                    Also think sticking to the 4:3 aspect ratio was wise.

                    Controls - Ace
                    Game - Ace
                    Sound - Ace
                    Graphics - Ace

                    For me this has been one of the top3 live arcade releases to date - I just wish Doom2 was in there because I fear it'll pop up for another 800 points in about a month (which I will dutifully pay !)


                      Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                      I wouldn't have thought it'd be hard to understand why the PLAYSTATION version of a game hasn't made it to live arcade ?

                      I think they've done this perfectly - Love having the old music & sfx and the graphics still look amazing even on a 40" HD panel which I was very surprised by.

                      Also think sticking to the 4:3 aspect ratio was wise.

                      Controls - Ace
                      Game - Ace
                      Sound - Ace
                      Graphics - Ace

                      For me this has been one of the top3 live arcade releases to date - I just wish Doom2 was in there because I fear it'll pop up for another 800 points in about a month (which I will dutifully pay !)
                      Will we get Doom2 and Final Doom all in one? or will MS charge us 800 points for each of them?


                        I remember when Doom2 came out, Dooms Day posters everywhere and a hefty ?50 price tag. Eek.

                        Not as good as the original though imo, but having said that I'd pay another 800 points in an instant


                          Whilst I am loving this, especially in co-op... its quake I really want.

                          That is pretty much the first FPS game to get me wholly addicted to multiplayer and even if it shipped with just the default maps I would pay 800-1200 points for it. On a side note I wonder if they would consider map packs as content for these games given that there is a wealth of it already out there?


                            I'm loving this too at the moment - getting the most attention on my 360 for sure.

                            Not really played it much online, but fancy doing some co-op if anyone is up for it?


                              Originally posted by Garny
                              Will we get Doom2 and Final Doom all in one? or will MS charge us 800 points for each of them?
                              They're both pretty big games. Doom 2 has 50 levels and Final Doom 64 (plus secret levels).

                              The Playstation version of Doom and Final Doom were amalgamations of Doom 1 & 2 and Final Doom & Thy Flesh Consumed from Masters of Doom respectively. However they did lose some levels and some of the levels were butchered slightly (lower ceilings and missing rooms mainly).

                              I also prefer Bobby Prince's original music, but that's probably just a nostalgia thing.

                              Doom 2 and Final Doom released as DLC for 400 points each would be .


                                For teh DOOM vets:

                                How do you access the 9th level in each episode?

