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You know you play too many videogames when...

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    When you touch down on an alien planet & nobody seems very pleased to see you.


      When, after running a busy Christmas period (15 weeks) without an Assistant Manager you spend your first full day off (a Sunday in February) playing through Resi 4 again and nothing else. I honestly can't think of a better way of spending 9 hours!


        I was sitting at some traffic lights once, wondering to myself why no one was driving on the pavement to get past the queue of traffic. Then I remembered I wasn't playing GTA3.


          Originally posted by peeveen

          Yes, I have been playing too much Hitman:BloodMoney recently.
          Similar story, I was walking around Chester, it was too busy, reminded me of the carnival level in blood money, I was on the lookout for a guy in a red chicken suit. Very sad.
          Last edited by jimmbob; 03-10-2006, 10:26. Reason: is it too, to, two, or 2? tutu? 2 many 2's...


            Someone needs to Thompsonificate this thread. :P


              Originally posted by Champloo
              When your shelf is lined with games you either havn't completed or havn't even played.
              Surely that's not playing enough ? Last count i think i had about 90 games on my shelf that i've not played, probably about a half of those still sealed.

              Still buying more though


                Originally posted by Chunky
                Surely that's not playing enough ? Last count i think i had about 90 games on my shelf that i've not played, probably about a half of those still sealed.

                Still buying more though
                Fair enough, but what I really mean, is that I play and buy too many. You can take my word for it, I spend far too much time gaming, yet I still have many many unplayed games lying around. I need to cut down.

                Thought I would add... when you have 6gb of Final Fantasy music on you hard drive.


                  Originally posted by atrus
                  When after heavy sessions of Lumines, you feel compelled to organise everyday objects and patterns into 4x4 squares. Also, when you see coloured squares fall silently down your wall when you are sitting alone at night.
                  I used to get pulsating after-images of Tetris blocks falling down my field of vision, when I closed my eyes. Seems to happen with all puzzle games, so it's just as well I don't play them much

                  Also there's a really good view across Poole Harbour where I grew up and when I go out on my post round (in the same district) I always think how much it looks like the background in the first levels of Super Castlevania IV, rather than 'looks like where I grew up'


           start drinking black coffee becuasee Gabriel Knight does

           start seeing peoples words above their heads and imagine you are moving in a certain manner after far far too much Ultima 7

                    ..and the dreaming thing of course.


                      Originally posted by Champloo
                      When your shelf is lined with games you either havn't completed or havn't even played.
                      This is me completely, but this isn't me playing too many video games, it's me buying too many!


                        ...when you have 6gb of Final Fantasy music on your hard drive.


                          ....When your hands fuse to the controller.


                            ...When you wake up and as you open your eyes, you see the shield going up the screen as you activate it in system shock

                            ...when you hear the sound of money pouring in from your harvesters in Dune 2

                            ...when you're positioning tetris blocks whenever you shut your eyes (or lumines blocks, or moving meteos around)


                              When looking out the window during a train journey, the first thing that comes to mind is parallax scrolling.

                              You sidestep into every room.

                              You quote lines from Killer7 at every available opportunity.(alright, who hasn't done this? )

                              Similar to Concept's Collosus fever, I used to imagine giant ants crawling over everything after playing the Chikyuu Boueigun too many times. Got worse after the second game, when I started dreaming about 'em too.


                                When you play Pro Evo 3 everyday, all day for a month and your best mate rings you at least 5 times a day to see who you have bought on Master League and thus raking up a ?450 phone bill......on the work phone!
                                Last edited by the_joker360; 03-10-2006, 17:15.

