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Most Addictive Game Ever?

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    Most Addictive Game Ever?

    What game have you lost more hours to than any other and can keep you up till silly hours?
    Personally dont think anything can touch the football manager series of games (before that championship manager) in terms of keeping you hooked and wanting to stay on for more

    Cast your votes below :-)

    Ive got to say for me it was diablo 2 lost a year of my life to that game, all i can say is thank god the new patch was brought out and i got banned for using Map hack dunno where i would be if i still had my account, the mind bogles


      Tetris is the most addictive videogame known to man.

      Mods you can close this thread now.


        I've played Halo since launch day.

        Not only is Single player so far ahead of any Shooter but Co-Op is a revelation and adds even more possible tactics to the procedings. And I havent even discussed Multi-Player which only it's sequel could top.

        It's my most played game and the 5 years after it came out, I couldent stop playing it. Since it's been exhausted by me I've stoped playing it and it's left a huge game shaped hole in my gamesplaying. Me and my brother played it almost everyday for 5 years and I hope Halo 3 kicks some arse.

        It needs too.


          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
          Tetris is the most addictive videogame known to man.

          Mods you can close this thread now.
          You are having a laugh? can you play tetris for more than an hour or 2 without being bored silly?


            Oblivion. PSO. San Andreas. ISS '98 (pre-2000). Rez. Wipeout 2097/3.

            Probably put in between 1000-1500 hours between them.


              The Winning 11/Pro Evo series. Since WE5, me and a group of friends have had 3 times a week all evening multi player sessions on these. Literally thousands of hours lost to this immense series.
              Looking forward to the Pro Evo 6 tourny


                Disgaea - you know you just have to clear a few more floors of the item you're levelling.


                  Originally posted by Concept
                  Oblivion. PSO. San Andreas. ISS '98 (pre-2000). Rez. Wipeout 2097/3.

                  Probably put in between 1000-1500 hours between them.
                  I've put 2,112 hours of gameplay into FFXI... since January.


                    Final Fantasy XI Online - started in November 2003. Still playing now. I have the odd week or 2 where I don't log in but I ALWAYS go back for more.


                      hmmm. i might say Halo, as i'm sure it has taken the most playtime over the past few years, but i wouldn't call it addictive as such.

                      for sheer stupidity and 'gotta buy 'em all' compulsion i would have to say DoA: XBV - bottles of nail polish, shoes, hats and various gifts and toys. it's the glossiest collect-em-up going.


                        Phantasy Star Online for me. Massive amounts of time each night on dial-up, great fun it was. If PSU is the same that might make me finally buy a 360.


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows
                          I've put 2,112 hours of gameplay into FFXI... since January.
                          How the bloody hell can you put in times like those?

                          You must be dedicated though!


                            Originally posted by DavidFallows
                            I've put 2,112 hours of gameplay into FFXI... since January.
                            that averages 7 hours a day every day since start of the year ! christ.
                            Least your getting value for your money I suppose


                              56hour-long weekend seshes, 9 hours on a worknight usually, coupled with 1-2 month breaks here and there... Or else it'd be around the 3,000 hour mark. It's certainly not healthy and most of my friends have had serious words with me over it.

                              It's tough to come away when you have something you need to get your hands on, or if you're in a Japanese all-night EXP party pulling in a level an hour.

                              Originally posted by Chunky
                              If PSU is the same that might make me finally buy a 360.
                              PSU is god. The beta pulled me away from FFXI if that's any indication.

                              Originally posted by DavidHolliss
                              Least your getting value for your money I suppose
                              LOL! 1,000 of those hours were spent on the free beta too!

