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Wii Issues Thread

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    Just got my Wii replaced at Gamestation, here's hoping that this one works better


      I can't play Mario Kart. For some reason my Wii keeps kicking out the discs when I insert them while it's turned on, but if it's on standby it takes and keeps them in.

      The thing is my Wii is an NTSC one and my Mario Kart is PAL. So I put the freeloader in on standby which turns the Wii on, then swap the disc for Mario Kart after the Wii reads the freeloader and the MK disc comes out half way, goes back in, then comes out all the way.

      It's not a freeloader issue, it just means because of the fault I can't use a freeloader as I can only put discs in while it's on standby.

      It has got a Wiikey in it which I've currupted because I don't wanna use it anymore and can't be bothered to uninstall. Maybe I should just take it out, but it's totally inactive.


        My US Wii won?t play any games. I put a disk and it starts to load up then it as trouble reading and I get the following error :- An error has occurred. Press the eject button , remove the game disc, and turn the power off.
        I can remove the game disk but I can?t power the Wii off unless I pull the plug out of the wall. Anyone else had the same problem and managed to sort it out? . I don?t really fancy having to send it back to VG+


          Don't mean to necro-post, but I thought it was better to use the search function than create a new topic about it...

          So I bought a Wii today, and I seem to be having trouble getting it on the internet via wireless. I'm trying to get to hook up to the internet via a LinkSYS Wireless-B Ethernet Bridge (model no. WET11) which is in turn hooked up to a Linksys BEFSR41 router.

          I tell it to detect wireless networks, and it finds mine. I enter in the WEP key for the wireless and accept everything before going to the connection test. I keep getting the error code 51030 "Unable to find access point. Please confirm SSID and try again"

          I'm not entirely sure how to go about setting everything up manually (entering in the correct IP address, DNS, gateway, subnet mask etc.) when things are run through a wireless bridge, or I'd have tried that instead.

          Wii internet connectivity problems sound quite common, so I'm kinda hoping at least one of you will have had the same/similar problem enough to help me out.



            One thing I have discovered about nintendo devices is that they are extremely fussy over WPA encryption, so make sure it is WEP you are using. Also, ensure SSID hiding or similar features are disabled on the router, as this can cause problems.


              Originally posted by Volition View Post
              One thing I have discovered about nintendo devices is that they are extremely fussy over WPA encryption, so make sure it is WEP you are using. Also, ensure SSID hiding or similar features are disabled on the router, as this can cause problems.
              Thanks, mate.

              Well, as far as I can tell, the wireless bridge has no option to hide SSID. It also only has WEP encryption, as far as I can tell. There's no option in the setup to change to encryption types other than different WEP ones.

              And it's funny you should say that, 'cos my friend had the exact opposite experience. He couldn't get it to work with WEP, but when he changed it to WPA it worked flawlessly *shrugs*

              (The only thing I've learned from all this is that Nintendo devices hate internet XD)

