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What bargains have you picked up? (The Bragging Thread)

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    1000 yen for this one

    for almost free...


      I guess my Panasonic Q deal comes into this? ?170 for the console plus 15 games.


        Wow! I want, thats a good price. Can you still get mint ones thse days?


          Originally posted by lll_r0ssco_lll
          Wow! I want, thats a good price. Can you still get mint ones thse days?
          Who was that for mate?


            Yourself with the Q.

            I checked aboot Ebay anyway and prices look rather swish, I am tempted!!


              Originally posted by Ajay1986
              A proper PAL version of AoS can fetch quite abit now id rekon ?40-?50 min, because it really is so rare.
              true,but konami are about to re-release all 3 gba castlevanias so expect a price drop.


                When? If thats so then I might get it up on ebay soon


                  They are only releasing them in JAP tho arent they?

                  I really hope they release them in english cause i only need HoD for my CV collection, but i hadnt heard they where doing so ive only seen them listed as JAP.


                    I thought it was a Konami thing, since they're re-releasing the GBA Contra game, too. And yeah, only seen them on import sites, so I assumed it was JP only.


                      Hantarex 34" idtv 100hz monitor 60? off ebay, for browsing the net and playing 31khz jamma games on my 29" cab or mak supergun.. whilst watching hd downloads on my 50" sammy dlp...nice!


                        i won zelda windwaker and bonus discs on ebay for ?3.71 other week ntsc version aswell


                          all new and sealed!

                          couldn't believe my luck


                            HOLY **** ?2.99 thats mental


                              Originally posted by importaku
                              HOLY **** ?2.99 thats mental
                              the guy in shop tried to tell me it wasn't worthwhile cos it only works with pso, i was like "umm, no actually", i tried to explain to him that they could be used for networking but then he told me you couldnt play those lan games online (obviously didn't know about warp pipe either), i eventually said to him that "i know what i'm buying, please can i just buy it?!", he then quite correctly stated "you probably know more about it than me."

                              after fumbling about in the shop window he asked "is it this one you want?", so i just excitedly replied with "all of them! i want all of them!".

                              was convinced they would tell me it was a pricing error at the till


                                Recently got a PAL N64 - purple boxed mint with 1 controller and official expansion pack.

                                And the following mint/near mint games:
                                Zelda OOT
                                Zelda Majoras mask
                                Banjo Kazooie
                                Donkey kong 64

                                For ?32 delivered from Ebay
                                Am very happy

