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Singstar PS3

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    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
    Are you sure? I thought they'd said you couldn't because the quality wouldn't be good enough...?
    Oh, well maybe things have changed. My bad if that's the case. I think it was Edge where I read about it, so if your info is more recent than the Rock Band Edge then you'll be right.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      True but it is still pretty cheap, even iTunes is 79p a track, so it's not bad considering they (I think) come with videos too?
      Yup, HD where they can get them, and apparently they've cleaned up any older ones as much as possible.

      Mentioned this to the missus earlier and she's quite interested. Our eldest sings along to anything and everything at the moment so we'd probably have a right laugh over the festive period.


        Had a go on Singstar PS3 today at eGames in Melbourne and it really is a quite nice improvement over the PS2 version. The whole package just feels a lot more responsive - things like track selection work much faster. The PSEye integration looks quite nice too. But it's the music that's on the disc that impressed me most - some of the highlights for me were:

        The Killers - Mr Brightside
        The Killers - Somebody Told Me
        Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc
        Blur - Coffee and TV

        It's coming out in Aus on 6th December and the singstore pricing is pretty much the same as the uk at $2.50 per song

        Oh yeah, it does us the old PS2 mics, so no need to shell out for new ones. Apparently, the video stuff also works with the Eye Toy, and the old PS2 discs will work with the PS3 game -
        Last edited by JamesBelsey; 18-11-2007, 04:48.


          Originally posted by JamesBelsey View Post
          the old PS2 discs will work with the PS3 game -
          I don't believe they do. It says the PS2 games will work on the PS3, no mention of them working in any fashion with the actual PS3 game. I was hoping that all the old tracks would be on the SingStore with the facility to then insert the PS2 games to enable free downloading of tracks I already own. I guess it is too difficult to implement as you could simply borrow the PS2 games from someone else and get the tracks for free.


            But you can only play PS2 games on the earlier PS3 models, not the latest ones.

            It doesn't make it very clear on there really...


              Well that article is from the 16th July when all PS3s had BC. Perhaps part of the delay has also been to do with getting the PS2 versions to work with the PS3 game then, using some kind of swap disk method maybe? I'm assuming BC wouldn't be needed to simply read the video and audio data off the discs?


                Yeah, the question asks if they work with the PS3 game, but the answer just says they'll work on the PS3 - hmm...

                Oh well, guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks.


                  I thought I'd resurrect this thread with the excellent news that, finally, the Singstar wireless mics are out in the U.K. on 20th March 2009!


                    Originally posted by funkydan View Post
                    I thought I'd resurrect this thread with the excellent news that, finally, the Singstar wireless mics are out in the U.K. on 20th March 2009!
                    Not to sound like a grump but what is with all the USB adapters for PS3, GH, SF Pads and now these....


                      I don't understand why there are no proper BT accessories for the PS3 either. I want a keyboard for it, but I don't see why I need a dongle when it supports BT.


                        GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love.

                        Sony has announced that due to sorting out licensing issues, the US and UK Singstar stores have now been unified meaning that anyone can access every song available between the stores from now on and that future song releases will be released universally simultaneously. From tomorrow, the missing backlogged songs will start being updated to the stores. Just in time for New Years parties


                          Best news evar! That's fairly impressive stuff actually. On a sidenote, has anyone got Singstar Dance yet?


                            Yep! I've got Singstar Dance. Pretty hard to get decent scores - not that I'm a fantastic dancer or anything, but it still seems rather tough. I think you can cheat it but just keeping still on the spot and waggling the Move controller about (although the last time I tried that, I got a worse score than had I been jumping about the living room as normal...).


                              Sony has announced a new SingStar Blu-ray disc game: Back to the 80s. It's due out in time for Christmas and features 3…

                              Sony has announced Singstar: Back to the 80's for release this Xmas and the 5.12 patch which intergrates Facebook

