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GRAW2 (SP Demo)

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    Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
    I can't fathom how you could possibly think a thrown together effort like this can possibly beat Gears of War's incredible visuals...!
    I think the original GRAW had certain graphic effects going on that blew me away then what Gears of War provided. Just flying around the city in the helicopter before landing to realise that what you saw in the air at the beginning is exactly what you are going through.

    The explosions are certainly first rate as well as the addition of dust and particle effects (demo). While GRAW looks too clean and 'perfect' at times, the demo produces a variable showcase for the graphics.

    I'm not saying that Gears of War doesn't look good - far from it - but what Ghost Recon shows us is a brilliant vision of tactical war in the barren streets/environments and I like it.

    The demo puts Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell to shame already, in my opinion of course.


      Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post

      The demo puts Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell to shame already, in my opinion of course.
      Don't be afraid to share the GRAW love buddy. You are not alone.


        I personally thought that graphically the demo was a bit of a mixed bag.
        We'll have to wait to see what the full game is like though.


          GRAW2 looks good but is far from being visually accomplished. still some poor animations, such as reloading, and a first person view without the weapon model and related animations don't make a showcase at all.


            Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
            Just flying around the city in the helicopter before landing to realise that what you saw in the air at the beginning is exactly what you are going through.
            But as Kotatsu already pointed out, it isn't what you end up going through.


              More of the same? Yes please. Finally got round to playing this last-night and really, really enjoyed it. I like some of the refinements that have been implemented and glad Ubisoft haven't tried to reinvent the wheel with GR2.


                Found the demo a little flat tbh. I love GRAW, and would rate it as one of the best 360 experiences I've had so far, but this just seemed like a pretty dull part of a level. The cities were where it was at with GRAW IMO, I'm just hoping that the full game takes place in more interesting locations than the demo.

                The game looks good in so far as you can tell from such a plain looking level. The originals cities still stun me when I see them, and the demo certainly did not look as good as some of those to me !


                  To be fair Simmy I felt the same, the pacing was awful, dog slow!


                    Eventually got round to playing the demo, it was pretty good. Makes me wanna play the original again actually. Not sure if I'd pay full price for this though. Need to wait and see if it offer alot more than the last one.


                      Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
                      I think the original GRAW had certain graphic effects going on that blew me away then what Gears of War provided. Just flying around the city in the helicopter before landing to realise that what you saw in the air at the beginning is exactly what you are going through.

                      The explosions are certainly first rate as well as the addition of dust and particle effects (demo). While GRAW looks too clean and 'perfect' at times, the demo produces a variable showcase for the graphics.

                      I'm not saying that Gears of War doesn't look good - far from it - but what Ghost Recon shows us is a brilliant vision of tactical war in the barren streets/environments and I like it.

                      The demo puts Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell to shame already, in my opinion of course.

                      Oh join the Club , GOW never impressed me as much as GRAW or Lost Planet for that matter (To me that eats GOW for Breakfast ) . GRAW blew me away last year, and to me untill Lost Planet was the best use of the 360 in terms of GFX I've seen. Nothing in GOW matched the helicopter ride , and the feeling one gets from shooting the Vehicles and watching them explode and blow in to pieces with bits of debris , thats one of my all time stand out gaming moments right up there with the 1st time you see VF II onthe Saturn , the Top down sections on Contra III, or Ep 5 in Orta (I'm talking Jaw hit the foor moments ). The sinlge player game was much more Involving and far more interesting than GOW. GRAW II just looks more of the same , just with even more to do and more polish and GFX . I?m in 7th Heaven to say the truth and the game can't come soon enough
                      Though I?m not so sure about the demo blowing away RB6 Vegas though


                        Played the demo, meh its aight. Controls felt kinda unresponsive, especially firing. Hope that changes before launch.

                        Other than the excellent explosions it just sort of felt ..."meh"


                          Demo was ok, in a kind of GRAw 1.5 way. I have a problem with a 'disconnect' with this game and the previous one, the 3rd person view has a strange floaty feel and not the heavy, weighty feel of Gears for example. Your avatar feel like some strange gun extension ,moving about onscreen and a heavily armoured soldier.


                            I ditto the meh comments - its really nothing special to me...


                              Originally posted by MACO View Post
                              I have a problem with a 'disconnect' with this game and the previous one, the 3rd person view has a strange floaty feel and not the heavy, weighty feel of Gears for example. Your avatar feel like some strange gun extension ,moving about onscreen and a heavily armoured soldier.
                              this is because GRAW is still at heart a first person-shooter. so play it in the first person view and it gets much better.


                                Originally posted by Uli View Post
                                this is because GRAW is still at heart a first person-shooter. so play it in the first person view and it gets much better.
                                There's no gun model in 1st person though is there? It's rather odd looking, and certainly an afterthought.

