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Gaming Rage!

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    Gaming Rage!

    I'm a very mellow kind of guy. If someone steps on my foot, i'll probably say sorry and thank them for it.
    For most people stubbing they're toe is the most painful and anger endusing thing man can do. But i've stubbed my toe and i've actually walked away without kicking the chair in rage.
    However, if i sit down and start to play a game i enjoy...and then lose or die...well, i enter a level of destuctive anger and do noises that even the animals in the jungle don't understand.
    Nothing in life has pissed me off quite as much as gaming. I've shattered 3 dualshock's, my megadrive pad has a chunk of plastic missing and i've even punched a hole though my bedroom door once!
    I've talked to my friends about this and they think i'm nuts. They can't understand why (when you've been playing for example Rainbow six, and enter a room and instantly die with no warning) i can't just smile stupidly and reload a save from level 1.
    I'd like to know if i'm the only one, or does anyone else fly into a massive rage? And if you do, what game has pissed you off the most? (Mine was Gran Turismo 3 licence test were i actually began to sob. )

    Originally posted by BeyondJumpFish View Post
    I'm a very mellow kind of guy. If someone steps on my foot, i'll probably say sorry and thank them for it.
    For most people stubbing they're toe is the most painful and anger endusing thing man can do. But i've stubbed my toe and i've actually walked away without kicking the chair in rage.
    However, if i sit down and start to play a game i enjoy...and then lose or die...well, i enter a level of destuctive anger and do noises that even the animals in the jungle don't understand.
    Nothing in life has pissed me off quite as much as gaming. I've shattered 3 dualshock's, my megadrive pad has a chunk of plastic missing and i've even punched a hole though my bedroom door once!
    I've talked to my friends about this and they think i'm nuts. They can't understand why (when you've been playing for example Rainbow six, and enter a room and instantly die with no warning) i can't just smile stupidly and reload a save from level 1.
    I'd like to know if i'm the only one, or does anyone else fly into a massive rage? And if you do, what game has pissed you off the most? (Mine was Gran Turismo 3 licence test were i actually began to sob. )

    Some of that is hilarious dude.

    I think there was a thread on this some time ago, but it happens with most of us really. Lately I've been able to control myself, but in the past I used to bash the controller on the table, bed, chair or anything else that was solid and next to me. I think its usually a sign that you need to take a break for a couple hours (sleep is even better especially if you're playing late at night), then get back into the game when you're fresh. You see quite a remarkable improvement in your own performance, temper and patience.

    There's been quite a few games that have pissed me off big time over the past several years, but strangely enough I can't think of anything recent right now.

    edit: yes I can. ****ing ultimate mortal kombat 3 on the 360 (against the cpu).
    Last edited by Light; 15-04-2007, 19:54.


      It happened once, and once only, have been able to control it since then, but this is the story.

      basically was on football manager 05 (i think) may have been cm 03/04. was over 25 seasons in, total play time waas over 2 weeks, and during the load sequence into the new season, it crashes, no biggie i think, will just reload a sasve, only saved a week before. tried that, nope, didnt work. tried a backup save, nope still nothing. for some reason the load crash had corrupted every save game i had, as well as the database and all backup saves. the sum of over 2 months of actual gameplay time (when you consider the various saves etc...) the result, a smashed keyboard that went through a smashed moniter that got thrown several feet along with a broken base unit!!

      from that day on i realised i needed to chill when it came to games, and i dont get to that point anymore, and if i feel i am (gears of war and pro evo 6 were culprits, that almost resulted in a broken 360!) i just turn off, walk away and take a walk! your not alone, gaming rage lives in us all!! lol.



        I never really throw anything, just normally swear or something, but I'm pretty mellow in general so I normally just get on with it.

        My brother is an entirely different animal though. I think we went through at least 4-5 PS1 and PS2 controllers during Pro Evo games, simply through him throwing the controllers to the floor in anger when something didn't go his way.

        In fact I can remember him even doing this with an Amiga joystick during the Sensible Soccer days, must just be the way he handles gaming anger.


          I get bouts of it. I usually don't care about getting my arse handed to me on a plate. But when I encounter an element of a games design that frustrates because it blatantly wasn't thought out, that really irks me. I'm a bit of a motormouth when I get angry at the best of times, but games really tend to make me f and blind, especially if I'm sat on my own.

          The other thing that makes me angry is when I fail at a task due to my own ineptitude and I know I'm capable of playing the game better than I am.

          Both result in plenty of swearing and cursing to the point I have to just turn the game off and walk away for ten minutes.

          It's actually put me off Gears at the moment. Up until 3/4 weeks ago I'd been playing Gears multiplayer pretty much ever night since release and was getting quite fed up with it. But I was perserving with it because the guys I play the game with are a good bunch and love it to bits. Anyway, I was in a crappy mood before I put the game on, I end up on the opposite side to my usual teammates, so I think "Sod it. I'm gonna get cained but I'm gonna ride it out". Ten or so defeats later, I'm getting narked because I keep getting the worst score on our team, which happens to be losing every match and I know I'm more than capable of doing better. I'm getting narked because of Gears' hit and miss close quarters combat. I'm getting narked because we're blatantly suffering from some lag and because my teammates are very much enjoying kicking my arse. The more games we play, the more we lose and the more angry I got. Eventually the controller gets lobbed across the room and I just turn it off without so much as goodbye because I'm too busy cursing.

          Haven't touched the game since

          I'm honestly not like this on any other day of the year, but Gears just really got me that night.

          Did find out that the controller was better made than the 360 though, as it barely suffered a scratch.


            I'm a relatively calm gamer who doesn't feel the need to fly into a rage at a game. In fact, if it starts getting unfairly frustrating I'm far more likely to just turn it off and swear never to play it again. Inevitably I'll come back some time later and get through that part first time

            What I do have is a couple of quick anecdotes about friends who are slightly quicker to lose it. I've seen one literally snap a PS2 controller in two - not smash it on the ground, but actually come over all Hulk-like (not big and green) and just break it in half. Another friend was told to stop playing Ninja Gaiden for a couple of days because he was getting so frustrated by the last boss that he starting getting proper chest pains


              Originally posted by NekoFever View Post
              I've seen one literally snap a PS2 controller in two - not smash it on the ground, but actually come over all Hulk-like (not big and green) and just break it in half.
              Man i really wanna do that!


                yeah i started the last thread about 'the rage' after i destroyed a kingdom hearts GBA

                but i cant find it


                  After watching the Angry Nintendo Nerd on youtube ( ) all i do when i get pissed off is just repeat one of his phrases @ the game; ASSSSSSSSSSSS, cockadodle ****! etc. etc.
                  And i just end up laughing a little and not flying off the hook, like i used to....


                    Ahhh gaming rage, I like to think of it as a little gremlin called grage that lives inside all of us gamers. This little gremlin comes out in me when I play Pro Evo mostly and recently Gears of War too, you know when you are certain you shot someone but they got you instead! Oh I can't the PGR 3 wheel clippers, who deliberately spin you out......

                    I have calmed down slightly as I have got older though, but certain games just that little old grage out of me!


                      I remember a guy at uni who used to get this real bad. There was this twat in halls next door to me who used to play happy hardcore till 4am and drive me nuts, and it got to the point where even he got pissed off with this other guy, and one time had to text him at god knows what hour telling him to stop swearing at his PS2


                        fighting games were a major cause of gaming rage for me

                        the mission mode in soul edge 2

                        super streetfighter 2 turbo

                        mortal kombat when the ai becomes really cheap

                        most snk bossess


                          Wireless control pads are the worst for this as they fly further and do more damage!

                          The last game to really hack me off in that way was DQVIII, trying to defeat the bosses in the dragon sanctuary.

                          Bastards, the lot of 'em.


                            I don't get rage as much as I used to nowadays but it's still pretty intense for my girlfriend to sit there and hear my foul mouthed bed punching antics.

                            That is the ultimate cure though, drop pad, punch bed.

                            Currently beavering away on perfecting burnout revenge on 360, got 4 more perfect awards to go and it's absolutely infuriating. Luckily Super Paper Mario came along and gave me a massive Nintendo hug.
                            Last edited by Dezm0nd; 16-04-2007, 08:36.


                              Yes Boggy the punch bed method works for me too, it works well and nothing gets broken.

                              The most frustrating game for me of recent times is the offline story mode in Phantasy Star Universe. That game reeeeeally pissed me off! There are very few save points in some areas of the game, you get dead far into a chapter and die, meaning you have to start it all over again!

                              Why do RPG's do this to you with the save points!
                              Last edited by MarioMark; 16-04-2007, 09:29. Reason: Changed the avatar to suit the thread. hehe

