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Wii owners, what are you doing?

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    Wii owners, what are you doing?

    Please rank the following as to how much time you spend on them, with the most time activity at the top.

    1. Virtual Console games
    2. Game cube games
    3. Wii games
    4. Photos, everybody votes and other channels

    Maybe it will change when I get Paper Mario but I hardly ever bother with the Wii games, and when I do, it's nearly always Wii sports. What are you using your Wiis for?
    Last edited by charlesr; 20-04-2007, 08:18. Reason: stupidity

    1. Wii games
    2. GC games
    3. Channels
    4. Virtual Console (just haven't got around to buying any yet )

    I play a lot of wii sports, but mostly lashings of Excitetruck and more recently Kororinpa.


      I have only played my wii like 4 times in the last 2 months, I have only used the web browser more than anything. 360 domination


        When I do play wii, its virtual console, got about 9 titles and it basically substitutes for a NES or turbogfx. Havent played excite truck in a month or two, wii sports only gets played when other non wii players are around.

        sad really, but I'm lazy


          1 - Channels (Internet, Virtual Console, Everybody Votes)
          2 - Wii Games
          3 - Virtual Console Games
          4 - Gamecube Games

          Doesn't get much game time at the mo' due purely to the slow releases. I've downloaded some great games for it but just haven't gotten around to going through them and most my GC games are imported so get run through the import GC itself. Come later in the year though I expect the Wii to get the most use of my consoles.


            Not a lot.

            I have the odd game of bowling (multi-player) on Wii Sports and am slowly getting 100% in Kororinpa.

            I have given up on 'Excite' Truck after playing MotorStorm and WarioWare is sitting on the shelf doing nothing because the multi-player is a bit rubbish (passing one Wii remote around - why?) and I have unlocked every mini-game possible.

            If it wasn't for the Virtual Console, I would have sold the Wii a few months ago. I am currently playing Excitebike (NES), Super Castlevania (SNES) and Super Mario 64 so it gives me a reason to switch the Wii on every now and again.

            I am still waiting for Mecury Revolution and Eledees, which both seem to be slipping every week since January. I do really like the Wii but the lack of 'proper' games such as Zelda: Twilight Princess does bother me.


              Can I just stick them all at 4 and be done with it?

              I'm sure I'll use it a lot more in the future, but at the moment it hasn't been used in about 2 months.


                Super Paper Mario!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                But otherwise, bugger all


                  Trying to sell it. I have played it once in the past month.


                    You shouldn't have any problems selling considering the shortages out there.


                      Every single console I've ever bought starts off with barren spell. It's always worth hanging on to them though


                        1. Wii games - Super Paper Mario baby!
                        2. Virtual Console games - Castlevania 4 & Punch Out at the mo
                        3. Gamecube games - just Ikaruga

                        4. Photos, everybody votes and other channels


                          1. Wii Games - Only Wii Sports latterly.
                          2. Channels - Had a browse around them once, but that was it.
                          4. Virtual Console - Never used
                          4. Gamecube games - never used

                          I've sold mine. Loved Wii Sports but couldn't get in to Zelda at all. No idea why, but I just wasn't enjoying it. So i decided to sell it and got my money back.

                          I know there's a quiet spell for every console at the start, but I can't see me picking another one up until Mario is released. There's just too many other great games out there just now demanding my time on the 360, DS and even the PC. At the moment the Wii has shown me there's a lot of potential there, its now up to developers to make the most of it and make me want to buy one again.

                          And I had problems selling it too. It took two listings on eBay to sell, so maybe it really is the traditional non-gamers who are buying this? I'd have thought gamers would be keeping an eye on eBay for reasonably priced bundles but i had such little interest it was very strange.

                          As for the channels, I thought they turned out to be the poor gimmick I thought they would be. Again, there's potential, but in this age of wireless computers and Xbox Live, there's a lot for something like this to live up to.
                          Last edited by ascender; 20-04-2007, 10:16.


                            1. Channels (Everybody Votes, internet)
                            2. Wii games (though not much right now. Not because a lack of games, but my intrests currently lie elsewhere
                            3. Gamecube games
                            4. Browsed the shop but never brought anything


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              I have only played my wii like 4 times in the last 2 months, I have only used the web browser more than anything. 360 domination
                              I think I last used mine 2 months ago, and before that at Christmas. I've had Wario since it came out, but haven't played it. I found Zelda tedius and dated, but Wii Sports is amazing.

                              I haven't bought any Virtual Console games because of the 50Hz issue on my PAL Wii. Also, the lack of trial versions means I'm not willing to risk not liking a game as much as I remember. The Weather/Internet/etc are pointless for me as I can look at the Net far more easily on my laptop or mobile.

                              While I like having a Wii, I'd be very surprised if it is anything other than a party console with the occasional must-have.

