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Wii owners, what are you doing?

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    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
    I have a UK Wii Kotatsu, big mistake by me there, so Paper Mario isn't out yet here. Still, you are saying it's had two good post launch titles, in 4 months. I don't care what company it is, that is just atrocious.
    How can a console that is so predomenantly aimed at multiplayer fun make you EARN a multiplayer mode? :*
    Well said. I can't believe the number of apologists there are out there for Nintendo. I look at the PS3's launch ine up and it's been referred to as thin. If so, Nintendo's launch line up is positivey size zero. How can a company waste a a great hardware launch so?


      1. Virtual Console games
      2. Photos, everybody votes and other channels
      3. Game cube games
      4. Wii games

      This often changes when I get a good Wii game but they're so few and far between at the minute that I tend to follow the above pattern on the whole.


        Other than going "ooo blue light" and then promptly not bothering to do a system update to get the latest web browser (laptop in the living room > browser on TV), very little I'm afraid.

        If i were doing anything though its tended to be
        1. Wii Games
        2. Channels
        3. VC games

        Like others, I'm waiting for Paper Mario. Not too fussed about a release date as the other consoles are more than keeping me happy. The Wii would have been sold if it hadn't been a present from the other half.


          Originally posted by paul View Post
          Well said. I can't believe the number of apologists there are out there for Nintendo. I look at the PS3's launch ine up and it's been referred to as thin. If so, Nintendo's launch line up is positivey size zero. How can a company waste a a great hardware launch so?
          That's very unfair. Wii launched with Wii Sports, a game which has propelled the system to astonishing sales levels. That title alone is surely one of the greatest launch games in history. I'm sure Sony or Microsoft would kill for a title as powerful.

          They then followed it up with Warioware and the excellent Paper Mario, but every new system has a quiet first 6 months. 360 had the same problem, and PS3's release slate looks pretty empty until late summer.

          It's also stating the obvious that frankly everyone here was warned well in advance that an EU Wii was a seriously bad idea. You can blame Nintendo Europe for that if you like, but the rest of us just accepted over a decade ago that they're a right off and sticking with Nintendo of America and Nintendo Japan is the way to go.


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            I have a UK Wii Kotatsu, big mistake by me there, so Paper Mario isn't out yet here. Still, you are saying it's had two good post launch titles, in 4 months. I don't care what company it is, that is just atrocious.

            Wario was great but frustrating because I wanted to play multiplayer with my wife, but yet another title that doesn't allow it out of the box.

            How can a console that is so predomenantly aimed at multiplayer fun make you EARN a multiplayer mode? :*
            Warioware is primarily a single player game, so I suspect the design choice there was to focus people on the SP and leave the throwaway MP as an unlockable.

            Interesting Wii releases are coming - Big Brain Academy, Wii Fitness, Wii Music, RE Umbrella Chronicles, Dewy's Adventure, Nights 2, Beautiful Katamari, Project Hammer, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Treasure Hunter Z, My Sims, Super Smash Bros...

            Plus we've yet to see other big Nintendo series announced for the Wii, such as F-Zero, Pilotwings, and Animal Crossing. Hopefully they'll be on the way too, and we also know Miyamoto is working on an all new game.


              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post

              It's also stating the obvious that frankly everyone here was warned well in advance that an EU Wii was a seriously bad idea. You can blame Nintendo Europe for that if you like, but the rest of us just accepted over a decade ago that they're a right off and sticking with Nintendo of America and Nintendo Japan is the way to go.
              I don't quite understand how that excuses them from what they've done with the entire EU?

              You can accept this all you like, the bottom line is I have a Pal Wii and NO games to play on it, what exactly excuses that? I should just accept that they've sold me a £179.99 console and then given up on the entire EU on games? Oh, except for Wario.

              Oh and to even suggest that the 360 had a similar after-release period like this is laughable.
              Last edited by Jebus; 21-04-2007, 11:19.


                I'm not excusing Nintendo EU, I'm just saying this is how they are and will never change, so if you want to play Nintendo games you need to go NOA or NOJ. This is how it's always been, everyone should know it by now.

                The 360 did have a quiet period after launch. It was a good few months before it got Oblivion and GRAW.


                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  Oh and to even suggest that the 360 had a similar after-release period like this is laughable.
                  It isn't laughable by any means, because X360 selection was plain horrible for first eight months if you didn't like 2nd string FPSs and/or Oblivion.
                  Last edited by elkatas; 21-04-2007, 11:28.


                    Compared to Nintendo's though...

                    I have bought 1 game since Wii launch : Warioware.

                    Oh and Excite truck second hand (which I sold the day after I bought it).

                    2 games (1 second hand!) in 4 months!! I don't think a month has passed where I haven't purchased a 360 game.

                    Anyway, clearly I'm in the minority so I'll leave it at that. I'm pretty much convinced I'll sell mine anyway now. I'm not prepared to keep a £200+ bundle under my TV for the sake of 3 or 4 (at most) games I might buy.


                      I feel I'm in the minority here! I'v got wii play, wii sprts, red steel, monkeyball, zelda, wario and excitetruck so don't feel a lack of games. Also downloaded a few pc engine games so enjoying splatterhouse, alien crush and r-type.
                      As far as future games go I'm tempted by eledees, super paper mario, and the 2 resident evil games. Any console needs a settling in period and the Wii is no different.
                      Just look at the D.S.........


                        Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
                        Just look at the D.S.........
                        Yeah, Wii is very similar to DS when you compare launches. No real 3rd party support, no prominent 1st party titles in the sight, people saying that how console won't ever offer anything to "hardcore", Kotatsu Neko saying how NoE is tool of Satan*, and so on. Only difference here is that everything is happening on accelrated pace, and before end of the year, Wii has taken first place in the market** , and there is many interesting titles out.

                        * Joke, joke. Don't hit me.
                        ** Wii is currently only 2.6 million units behind X360, so it is more than reasonable to except it to pass X360 before end of summer.
                        Last edited by elkatas; 21-04-2007, 11:54.


                          Originally posted by elkatas View Post
                          Wii is currently only 2.6 million units behind X360, so it is more than reasonable to except it to pass X360 before end of summer.
                          Actually, I did the maths on this. Based on this month's sales figures - in which the Wii is top selling console and Xbox360 in second place - it'd take Nintendo 4 years to catch up with the 360's installed user base and become the largest-selling console of its generation.

                          This month's sales figures may not be representative, of course. But Nintendo seem to be flat-out at Wii production - do you expect 360 sales to nose-dive?



                            Originally posted by elkatas View Post
                            It isn't laughable by any means, because X360 selection was plain horrible for first eight months if you didn't like 2nd string FPSs and/or Oblivion.
                            Or racing games (PGR3), fighting games (DOA4), sports games (Table Tennis) or shooting games (Geometry Wars)...

                            For me the PS3 and the 360 (at the same time post launch) have a much better selection of games than the Wii. The PS3's line up is pretty boring if you have a 360, but if you don't it is great.

                            I have 3 Wii games (Zelda, Sports and Wario). I can't think of the next Wii game I want to buy. Paper Mario isn't my thing.


                              I am disappointed with the release schedule. the three games I really wanted (Elebits, SP Mario and Trauma Centre) are all a while off, and looking at the forthcoming release list doesnt exactly inspire me. But I will prevail with it, and am glad I own one. I live in hope of a new Pilotwings, and some lightgun action from Namco or Sega. Oh, and something really nasty and violent where you get to chop people up good and proper with loads of blood and that.


                                People don't seem very impressed with their Wii, I'm a little shocked to be honest!!

                                I don't have one yet but I've been thinking about buying one lately and this is putting me off just a little. Are we thinking that the "Wii is a fad" line used by Microsoft & Sony is actually true?

