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Wii owners, what are you doing?

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    Originally posted by Evolution-One View Post
    The Wii gets AMAZING press coverage but it seems "gamers" have lost interest in it really quickly!
    Not really. The old truth is that those who have something negative say are more vocal. I know also many gamers that are quite satisfied with their purchase, and I'm pretty sure that general attitude will change even here during Q4.
    Last edited by elkatas; 21-04-2007, 17:12.


      Originally posted by elkatas View Post
      Not really. The old truth is that those who have something negative say are more vocal. I know also many gamers that are quite satisfied with their purchase.
      Agreed 100%. This is always the case with new consoles, throw in a totally new control system and you are bound to be waiting while the top developers come up with the goods. I think the Wii is awesome and it will only get better.


        Originally posted by parkinho View Post
        Agreed 100%. This is always the case with new consoles, throw in a totally new control system and you are bound to be waiting while the top developers come up with the goods. I think the Wii is awesome and it will only get better.
        I agree too.

        It's very unusual for people to be selling theirs though (according to this thread they are), it's normal for people to just complain! It's the fact that so many people are so quick to sell them that concerns me.

        Three of my friends sold theirs within a month. If I'd bought one at launch
        and I was disappointed, I would have complained but definitely not of sold it so early.

        Obviously, the games will improve over time.

        I do worry about the control as more than other consoles it has had quite a few games announced by developers who seem so keen to cash in on non gamers. I do worry about the influx of window washing, conducting, golf, tennis games which will probably come from these companies and may well sell in their millions to their target audience of non gamers.


          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
          That's very unfair. Wii launched with Wii Sports, a game which has propelled the system to astonishing sales levels. That title alone is surely one of the greatest launch games in history. I'm sure Sony or Microsoft would kill for a title as powerful.

          They then followed it up with Warioware and the excellent Paper Mario, but every new system has a quiet first 6 months. 360 had the same problem, and PS3's release slate looks pretty empty until late summer.

          It's also stating the obvious that frankly everyone here was warned well in advance that an EU Wii was a seriously bad idea. You can blame Nintendo Europe for that if you like, but the rest of us just accepted over a decade ago that they're a right off and sticking with Nintendo of America and Nintendo Japan is the way to go.
          It might just be me, but games like Warioware and Wii Sports dont appeal me. Fact is I find Nintendo's current appeal to social / casual gaming quite nauseating. Games like Zelda and Mario do appeal to me however. I feel put that that i will probably have to invest in another console so that I can have a steady stream of substantial games (Warioare and Wii Sports don't fall into that category), whilst also being able to enjoy the games that Nintendo traditionally put out. When they do that, they do that very well.

          I thought the 360 a had a reasonable line up. Certainly as far as choice goes, you had a fair range over a number of genres - even the PS3 has games in most genres.


            I do find it ironic that the people defending Nintendo were mentioning the 360 having only one kind of game, yet Nintendo has been pretty much just mini-games apart from Zelda and Excite Truck.


              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
              I do find it ironic that the people defending Nintendo were mentioning the 360 having only one kind of game, yet Nintendo has been pretty much just mini-games apart from Zelda and Excite Truck.
              Nintendo themselves haven't actually released many Wii titles yet. If memory serves it's just Wii Sports, Wii Play, Twilight Princess, Warioware, Super Paper Mario, and Excite Truck.

              Two of those are mini game compilations.

              Of the games we know they are developing you could possibly call Wii Music and Wii Fitness mini game packs, but we don't really know enough about them yet. And of the rest - Metroid, Mario, HAMMER, Disaster Day of Crisis, Smash Bros and Big Brain Academy - there is only one mini game pack.

              People are really generalising with the Wii and often saying stuff which simply isn't true or fair. While I think it's fair to say Nintendo have been pushing the casual sector with the Wii they have also given the hardcore Twilight Princess, which is a pretty substantial old school Nintendo franchise.

              Just wait until F-Zero and Pilotwings are announced and we'll see who is frothing at the mouth with anticipation!


                Woah woah woah! I only said that because other people were claiming that if you didn't like "FPS or Oblivion" then there were no 360 titles either...

                But even you, in your post again have literally just proven my point. "they have also given the hardcore Twilight Princess", one game in four months.

                I love Nintendo, don't get me wrong. But where are the new titles?

                F-Zero and Pilotwings? Hmm...think I remember playing them on a snes That's all I'm saying. Metriod, Mario, Smash Bros, Big Brain Academy. It's hardly cutting edge new stuff is it! More importantly, which of the titles listed COULDN'T be done on the gamecube.


                  I'm adding this really late, but what the hell. This is what I'm doing with my Wii at present.

                  01. Trying to find a cheap copy of Rayman Raving Rabbids
                  02. Untangling the remote/nunchuck cable from my other controller cables
                  03. Brushing the dust off it
                  04. I spent 10 minutes playing Wind Waker 2 months ago, to see how it had aged
                  05. Playing Wii Sports

                  And I'm not even joking. It's seriously the biggest anti-climax I've felt for a console ever.


                    I replayed Wind Waker on my GC a few months ago, it's just as good as it was when it relesed, and the same pacing problems still remain. Shame really.

                    Anyway, I don't really own a Wii, I intend to own one by the end of the year, but for me theres not enough to push me to get it. I'm also waiting on the online component, and seeing how they're gonna handle issues such as the lack of online games and more importantly how you're going to communicate. I can't see anywhere to plug a headset in..


                      Originally posted by El Leone View Post
                      I replayed Wind Waker on my GC a few months ago, it's just as good as it was when it relesed, and the same pacing problems still remain. Shame really.

                      Anyway, I don't really own a Wii, I intend to own one by the end of the year, but for me theres not enough to push me to get it. I'm also waiting on the online component, and seeing how they're gonna handle issues such as the lack of online games and more importantly how you're going to communicate. I can't see anywhere to plug a headset in..
                      1. if the game only needs the wii mote it can plug into the bottom of the wii remote.

                      2. The console has/uses bluetooth remember.


                        Oh? There's a plug into the bottom of the controller? That's not so bad, but I could see that being a pain if you're moving your arm around and stuff. Didn't realise it had bluetooth either, so I guess that doesn't matter about the plug then. Thanks for replying.


                          Originally posted by Jebus View Post

                          I love Nintendo, don't get me wrong. But where are the new titles?
                          One other thing I don't get is Whilst there was a lack of titles at the Wii's launch, there weren't many first party titles coming out at the back end of the GCs life. So the obvious question would be what have Nintendo been doing in that time.

                          Aaah, who knows. I have been toying with the idea of trading my Wii (chuckls to self) for a 360 whilst they're still holding their value (and then buying again when the software climate becomes clear and it's favourable to my taste). However I do find the size of the 360 and the PS3 quite off putting (as bizarre as that sounds).


                            Finally got round to buying a Component cable for the Wii, great boost in picture quality. Actually playing Cube games in Progressive

                            Forgot how good Wave Race actually is !!


                              I havn't been suprised or disapointed at all in the Wii progress so far, though that is speaking from a US Wii owner. Zelda, Excite Truck, Monkey Ball, Rayman and Wario are all games in my collection available in the UK, with Elebits also amongst my games. Admititly three are esentally mini games but are by now means bad.

                              I counted over 40 games available for the Wii on Games website, hardly no games released, although honestly not many of them appeal to me. But they've already said that its the casual gamers they're going after first. Remember, this is not a 360, where the opposite was easily true. Little mass market games and a sizable chunk of FPS's, Racing games and Oblivion. Saying that, there are some though I would like to try like Red Steel, Sonic, Wing Island, SSX, Kororinpa, even Tiger woods, all available in the UK.


                                Not played it for months Can't be arsed to switch the cables and internet over from the 360. Got Wii Sports coming in the post so hopefully that will give me a kick up the arse.

