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    Last count i did i was at 109, yup your games are still in there as well as games from a few others on here have helped plump out my collection.

    Iv'e reached that point now where i have nearly all the games im after & now im going back through the past releases to see if theres any interesting ones i have missed, however the problem now is games only a few years old are a total bitch to find new. It's like certain titles just drop off the face of the planet after a few years. Trying to avoid the trap of buying anything & everything i can get my hands on as theres a lot of crap out there, luckily trying out the roms beforehand weeds out the **** without me wasting my cash. about a third of my collection can be contributed to the fact i tried out the rom on a random game & loved it so much i bought the original. LOL without a flashcard i would never own as many originals.


      I thought I had more but sold a bunch before leaving Japan. Current count: 106.
      Blood of Bahamut and Disgaea are enroute, Mugen Frontier EX is on order and I'm keeping my eyes on Rune Factory 3, Last Bullet, Seventh Dragon, and FF gaiden: 4 warriors of light.


        Some nice DS collections here. I've just done a quick count & I'm up to 171 DS games...


          For some reason Game posted it out early, and upgraded me to express delivery for free. (I think because i preordered a few games at the same time, even though those games are still in preorder status. )


            Am still in two mind if i should buy it


              Originally posted by The Glider View Post
              Some nice DS collections here. I've just done a quick count & I'm up to 171 DS games...
              Damn now thats a chunk of ds games & no mistake. ding ding ding we have a winner hehe, i'd love to see a pic of that


                My replacement (refurbished?) Xbox 360 arrived last Friday, and I got to give it a try on Sunday night. So I have something to show for the £80 I threw at it a couple weeks ago.

                Saying that, on Monday afternoon we were watching a DVD on it, and I had left the room to get some food and drink. When I came back my girlfriend said the console had froze/died and started flashing red lights. She turned everything off, restarted everything and it seemed to be working fine.

                What to think though. >=(


                  Originally posted by importaku View Post
                  Damn now thats a chunk of ds games & no mistake. ding ding ding we have a winner hehe, i'd love to see a pic of that
                  That is a lot of DS games. If I wasn't married I'd probably have that many and 160 would be unopened...

                  [darth_vader_voice]Most Impressive.[/darth_vader_voice]


                    I think I was at 250 about a year ago, but I've sold some since then.


                      Lovely collection of "Wierd Al" Yankovic there Importaku! Woah! you've got some DS games too!!


                        Both arrived today:

                        Along with a less pleasant £16 customs charge for the Final Fantasy XIII OST.

                        Probably not even going to listen to it until I've played the game in March anyway.


                          Originally posted by MyDogSkip View Post
                          Lovely collection of "Wierd Al" Yankovic there Importaku! Woah! you've got some DS games too!!
                          Weird al is aces, got about 99% of his albums. In fact my music cd collection is pretty much only him


                            I met him at a signing in Australia around five years ago. Nice guy, too.


                              Originally posted by C' View Post

                              Along with a less pleasant ?16 customs charge for the Final Fantasy XIII OST.
                              Ah, balls. Should get hit with that tomorrow then as when I checked earlier it was awaiting customs.


                                Originally posted by C' View Post
                                Both arrived today:

                                Along with a less pleasant ?16 customs charge for the Final Fantasy XIII OST.

                                Probably not even going to listen to it until I've played the game in March anyway.
                                I saw that and thought "XIII! I loved that game!"

