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    All that Vita kit cost about the same as I sold my import version for to the bloke above, i'm still well in credit for the year.


      Originally posted by ikobo View Post
      All that Vita kit cost about the same as I sold my import version for to the bloke above, i'm still well in credit for the year.
      Thanks for reminding me bud! Git! Not that I'm bothered it was worth it I felt like such an elitist git on the train playing Gravity Rush the other week so I would have only spent it (wasted it) on beer anyways so least I didnt have to shell out ?300 this week on vita stuff... Oh wait ****


        Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
        nice - any differences (other than resolution) to the DC version
        I missed out on the DC version so I don't know mate. But there is a new mode called 'New Order'.

        Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
        Blade Runner, can we have a picture of your Star Trek coaster please?




            hey ikobo where did you get sigma+ from?


              Amazon mate. Bit annoyed, I took it the game was going to be an all new NG, should have done my research. CEX for it Monday.


                BlazBlue was ?20 from Zavvi to replace my JP PS3 copy. PS2 pad from Amazon for about ?13 I think, brand new obviously. Why pay like ?10 for a used one on eBay when you can buy brand new? Madness.
                Last edited by speedlolita; 26-02-2012, 16:57.


                  first blu ray film 9.99$ @ fye


                    Buy all of my Bluray discs from Amazon US. I can buy 3 BluRay discs with shipping from the US to Japan included, cheaper than buying one BluRay disc here. Yep, VHS prices in Japan were a joke, DVD prices were a joke and not to break the trend, BluRay discs are a joke. The avarage price is 3500 yen! US prices work out to be about 980 yen per disc.

                    And you guys in the UK think you get shafted when it comes to Media such as movies and games


                      LOL stop complaining, you have it good over there, well unless you want to buy a dvd or blu ray i have yet to work out why film media is so expensive over there, it's not even just Japan produced stuff. Western films that are brought over there have ridiculous price tags too. I think theres some dodgy consortium with rental places to keep the prices so high that it's more attractive just to rent them than buy outright, thats my theory.

                      Saying that i have picked up some cracking dvd deals on ebay for Japanese horror, a great place to search just have to be careful of the bootlegs.

                      oops a bit off topics so back to purchases hehe.


                        Originally posted by importaku View Post
                        i have yet to work out why film media is so expensive over there, it's not even just Japan produced stuff. Western films that are brought over there have ridiculous price tags too. I think theres some dodgy consortium with rental places to keep the prices so high that it's more attractive just to rent them than buy outright, thats my theory.
                        You're 100% right mate. The reason what ALL media in Japan is expensive including games and audio formats is down to a set "guide" by the government. Any retailer deviating from this "guide" a great deal could find themselves shunned by the industry. So much so it would effect business so bad that the store would need to close down. There are a lot of bull **** communist ideas in Japan although a lot of them are not known by the general public.


                          [off topic yet on topic]
                          Yeah I remember that BS only too well. I used to import anime from the UK INTO Japan as I could get most of a series for the same price as one volume there. Did pick up a couple of bargains though, and my only HD-DVD was the first TF movie for 2600-ish.

                          And damn Netflix for taking down all it's Godzilla movies bar 2000.
                          [/off topic yet on topic]

                          Hopefully some purchase pics later.


                            Some new stuff today. Under Defeat HD normal edition for the 360 and two new Bluray discs, Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and 3 and Lost in Translation. A fantastic movie that really does depict life in Japan for a foreigner pretty well regarding the communication side.


                              Feb shopping.

                              Oh and imageshack is apparently limiting people to 500 images from March 1st. You have 1 days notice people.


                                Crazy price/bargain day:

                                Total at the till: $5.24

