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Last game you played that featured a memorable soundtrack?

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    Katamari (and the sequel) for me ... only videogame soundtrack I've ever bought, though I do have The Blindfolded Pianist's Mario themes on my iPod too!


      I bought Street Fighter III OST because I couldnt find it anywhere, some of the music in that games good.

      Although, it isnt a game. I also purchased the OST for the Street Fighter Alpha/ Zero Animation, I really like the soundtrack from the movie


        Ha! I bought the Streetfighter Movie soundtrack off ebay many years ago for 99p, actually it's really good!

        Did you know Streetfighter 3 soundtrack come free with the strategy guide?

        Silent Hill 2 has a very haunting soundtrack and big shout out to Chrono Trigger for the SNES.


          God of War II. Very good orchestral background music.


            Originally posted by Prophet Hero View Post
            Just bought Super Castlevania IV (my first VC purchase). The music is even better than I remembered from all those years ago. Superb.
            Personal favourite of mine. Probably the best 16-bit soundtrack ever IMO.


              Too many to list.

              There are some fantastic tunes on FFXI, like many FF games some of them are mind-numbing loops that make you sick after hearing them a thousand times. Some of them are impossible to get bored of though.

              Metroid Primes 1+2 for the reasons listed above.

              Anything by Rare. Most of the classic music by Wise/Kirkhope single-handedly transcend the mood. For instance, from first glancing at games like Donkey Kong Country and Banjo most n00bs would think "Bah! Kiddy!!", listen to the music though and you get a different message, which is also reflected in the extreme difficulty found later in some titles (JFG, Blast Corps. and DKC2 standing out there).

              Donkey Kong Country 1+2
              Perfect Dark
              Perfect Dark Zero (The soundtrack alone made this a good game for me. lol!)
              Star Fox Adventures (mostly)

              All cracking OSTs.


                Elemental Gearbolt has a brilliant soundtrack.


                  chuck rock the opening tune


                    There are so many memorable soundtracks in games i us cant pick one......... but i recently started playing kingdom hearts and the OST in that was very memorable. I especially like the tune on the 2nd level where you meet Squall (david boreanez aka Angel/Sealey Booth) (sp on all of that!) for the first time, in some town type setting, very nice.........



                      jet set radio/future

                      oh and rez. epic.


                        Most of the shmups i've played have great soundtracks; weird electronica music. I own both FF7 and FF8 soundtracks, both are fantastic. But yeah i'd agree with most people here and say that We Love Katamari is the best i've heard in a long time.
                        Naaa Nanana Na Na Na Naa!


                          Mostly interested in hearing what was your last memorable soundtrack, rather than in general.


                            Last Hope was memorably good, shame the actual game was pig's nips


                              i played shadow of the collosus the other day,so that would be the 'last' game i played that had a memorable soundtrack.It also happens to be one of the finest videogame soundtracks ever made.


                                Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                                Mostly interested in hearing what was your last memorable soundtrack, rather than in general.
                                Huff, ok.

                                I think Shmups have MEMORABLE soundtracks, DoDonPachi's springs to mind. I own FF7 and FF8 soundtracks because i REMEMBER them as being good so i bought them.
                                We Love Katamari get's stook in my head when i play it so i class it as MEMORABLE.

