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Fatal Frame/Project Zero discussion

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    Fatal Frame/Project Zero discussion

    A game that always appealed to me, but its not been until recently I have started to play the Xbox version of this marterpeice of gaming suspence

    Ill dispense of my main gripe first, Im yet to come across a more wooden, inanimate central character as the girl in Fatal Frame and it really does suck the personality out of her which is a real shame, as in a intense, gripping game like this it would of been nice to be able to bond more with its main character.

    That said, the rest is pretty good. Perhaps this game is the scariest ever made, ghosts are somehow more frightening than abstract mannequins and like found in SH3 which are more grotesque than anything, and it will make your heart race as something unexpected and unpredictable happens. Graphically Im very impressed, assuming that progressive scan makes the difference here its wonderfully sharp, vibrant and detailed with great use of light-sourcing.

    The environments are suitable atmospheric, and there is a tenseness that you feel when you first explore a new area. Sound too is well used, and on occasion you are left wondering where the strange whispering voices come from, again for me one of the things that made Silent Hill so great.

    Im several hours in and already this is becoming one of my favourite horror adventure games yet, whilst I found SH3 to be a little repetitive, with Fatal Frame it is all very fresh. The unusual method of combat takes some getting used to, whilst you really need to be aware of your environments to be able to survive, as movement in camera mode is limited and slow at best. Ill post some more impressions the further I play, and we will hopefully have a long overdue review of this online soon. I wondered what you guys thought of the game but please, no spoilers ok!

    I've literally only played a couple of hours of it because it scared the bejesus out of me!

    I am planning to give it a proper session at the end of the month when I move into my new flat and have the time to devote to it. But from what I have seen so far:

    The character is wooden but still appealing, the fact that she is youthful makes you care for her more than say the lead in Silent Hill / Resi Evil and with the rooms in the house being spacious the control never becomes frustrating.

    The combat is unique and adds to the terror. The fact that your targeting system reduces your field of vision, reduces the distance the spirits can be without you seeing them. This makes it slightly stealth like with you knowing that the ghost will come into view, just a matter of waiting for it.

    This is one **** scary game. For example you walk down a corridor. Then you see a ghost walk in front and across where you are heading and then he's out of sight. Is he waiting for you, do you carry on and look for him or will he have disappeared when you reach the end of that corridor only to scare the crap out of you when he appears behind you...

    Maybe (from what I have seen so far) not better than SH or RE but certainly a hell of a lot more scary. And that can't be a bad thing...


      I too am working my way through the X-box version, however seeing as I find it so scary my heart only allows a hr play a night.

      I would play in the day but that spoils it IMO and I wouldnt want my son to see the game. If it scares me a 28 yr old man then to a 7yr old boy I imagine a lot of nightmares.

      Impressions are brilliant to be honest as a horror fan then playing scary games nowadays, is the only equivalent to experiencing the fear that these movies used to prompt in me as a child. The overall look and feel of the game perfectly recreates the feel of Ringu The Eye and Dark Water.

      The look of the ghosts and their transparency and insubstantiation with the enviroments, is a major factor in adding to the fear, you really feel there is no escape from these things you must face your fear and capture that spirit. Cos you aint getting away. no siree bob

      The story has its hooks in me and is one of the more impressive narratives I've ever encountered in survival horror game. Cant wait to find out where its going.

      To sum up all I can say is you owe it to yourself as a gamer to at least try it, it is doing things differently but is a damn sight better than RE or SH IMO, its just scarier and plays better. And not a single spoiler 8)

      Wish I could get a S rank photo though


        I hate to admit this, but I gave up playing because I was too scared to enter a certain room. I did play it for a few hours and minced a few ghosts, but the noices in the game were just too much.

        Of course I'm joking, I gave up because the acting is so poor. Yeah, that's it, the acting.


          Nearly finished the PS2 version. Great game, but why reverse the controls in camera mode? Why suddenly switch movement to the right stick? And why have no option to switch this control? Criminal oversight on an otherwise great game. And scary. Scariest i ever played.


            What a coincidence! I just got back into this game a couple of days ago. And for the life of me, i cant figure out why i stopped playing in the first place! It is an incredible game IMO. The scariest game ever definitely..That is until you listen to one of the tapes: The voice acting is just laughable Why can't they include the original Japanese soundtrack as an extra? They can't tell me they dont have enough space on a DVD to include it ft:


              Originally posted by cassidy
              The overall look and feel of the game perfectly recreates the feel of Ringu The Eye and Dark Water.
              That is so true! whereas RE is influenced by the Romero classics and SH is just mad, Fatal Frame has obvious references to Ringu in particular. Ghost without a face finger pointing an important object, anyone?


                Have to agree. Excellent game. I'm only a few hours in (PS2 version), but for a game that requires exploration and a fair bit of wandering, that's pretty good going for me, being an arcade gamer at heart. I'm not a fan of RE and I've never played SH, but this game has me hooked. The combination of an immensely creepy atmosphere and an innovative camera combat system has kept me interested so far. This is the only genuinely scary game I've ever played. My only gripe would be the switch from the grainy black & white at the beginning to standard colour/textures. I'd love the game even more if they'd stuck with the look employed at the start.

                Currently I'm stuck at a point and have found myself wandering around aimlessly, but hopefully I'll figure out how to progress before I get bored, and move on from what is pretty much alien territory to me in gameplay terms.

                TO sum up, if you haven't played Project Zero/Fatal Frame, you really owe it to yourself to give it a try, even if survival horror/wandering/adventure games aren't your staple.



                  You can pick it up for PS2 at in their 2 for ?20 sale



                    I'm definitely gonna return to this game as soon as I've finished with Silent Hill 3. I played it for a while and was really impressed, but kinda lost interest. I'm definitely gonna give it another try now though, it deserves to be recognised and appreciated by lots of people.


                      Got about half way through it but it honestly does scare the life out of me.

                      THe sound and little flashes of stuff out of the corner of you eye/screen really got to me, especially played in the dark and with sound up loud.

                      Can only play it when the missus is in the room tbh

                      Scariest game ever, and definitely worth picking up if you haven;t played it before. I WILL go back. Probably.



                        Speaking as one who just finished Silent Hill 3 last night, I would also add that Project Zero offers something more than just the grisly delights. The original Silent Hill left the ResEvil formula behind, but Project Zero (Fatal Frame) does likewise with Silent Hill.

                        As for the "wooden" character, I agree partly....however, the vulnerability of the character couldn't be more obvious. When she's attacked her knees buckle inward, and her hands go up to protect herself, and more importantly, she screams like a girl (at least in my Japanese version....the Japanese know how to scream).

                        Plus, in the Japanese version the girl is reported to be much younger. Whereas the 'states' (XBox) version attempted to "grow" her up a tad.

                        The sequel looks great and I can't wait for some hardcore horror again. Silent Hill 3 was okay, but already it is starting to wander, and the spell is fading. SH3 added so much stuff that it started to become a sick joke. Still a great ride, but I've rode this far too many times.....especially when SH3 really plays more like SH1.5. (great extras with replay through)

                        Yeah, Fatal Frame for the XBox should be a must for horror fans. I recommend you get it under your belt and get it finished. Just be ready for the third's just not cool. Nuff said.


                          Oh great so I'm on the 2nd night and only managing a 1hr play a night, and then he goes on to tell me the 3rd night is even worse even scarier. Im gonna have to bite the bullet and get a mate to play it with me. This cannot be happening


                            I'm waiting to pick it up cheap on the XBox (I don't know why but I'd rather play it on the XBox). Why cheap? From what people have said here and elsewhere it sounds ridiculously frightening and I'm not convinced I'll be able to finish it. Or play that much of it.

                            I was the same with System Shock 2. I had to play it an hour or two a day. At mid-day. That was the only way I could make myself finish it. Loved that game. But by god....


                              Me and my fiancee played this at 1am lights switched off and running through hi-fi (aint got no surround yet!!) and god i jumped out my seat almost every part of the damn game its warped, since i picked this game up i have been recomending it to everyone i know although few of my friends thought it was a bit slow....shame cause it demands a play straight through to the end the later nights are just scary stuff suspension wise, i cant wait for fatle frame 2 looks even more damn scary!!

