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Fatal Frame/Project Zero discussion

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    Agreed about the ending, it was definitly one of the more powerful endings Ive seen in a videogame. Are you going to try to unlock the other endings? I did start on Nightmare mode, initially it seemed very easy until was hit by a standard ghost which in one small hit deleted about 90% of my health meter!

    The bit that really got me though was ..

    Originally posted by spoiler
    The cut scene for the Blinding Ritual, where the spiked mask was placed on her face, blinding her eyes, horrific I thought.


      Yeah, I'm certainly going to try for the other endings, probably after I've finished Viewtiful Joe. I might try using battle mode to get enough points to fully beef up the camera first, though. Actually this aspect of the game was a pleasant surprise for me- I was expecting that I'd have to work for all the upgrades again on my next time through.

      Originally posted by spoiler
      The blinding ritual didn't get to me quite so much as some of the moments in the game, mainly because I knew about it and expected what I would see. However, I did jump out of my skin when the main character knocked the mask by mistake, and all the ritualists turn to look at her. It did make me look at Blinded in a completely differant way, particulary when she was stumbling about, unable to find me.


        Im yet to try battle mode, I didnt realise the points from this get carried over into the main game so perhaps I will. My camera is maxed pretty much though, I just need to get the additional abilities, which in truth I never used during the first time round. I guess they may be of more use in the Nightmare mode however.


          I've just finished Nightmare mode, which appears to involve you losing the ghost detection meter when you're running around and a doubling of the damage that enemies inflict. The ending is indeed differant, being better for one character and worse for another. Apparently you get the third conclusion for finishing "Fatal" mode...

