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Should I sell my Wii for a PS3?

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    no keep your wii sir, or opt for a 360 till some decent games are out for ps3, i have had 1 since novemer and i still only have 5 games, wii i have 20+ games


      Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
      I'd get a DS if I were you. It MDK's all 3 consoles by a long, long way.

      So, so true.

      I had all the systems, flogged PSP and Wii and haven't looked back since.


        Originally posted by Bleeders View Post

        So, so true.

        I had all the systems, flogged PSP and Wii and haven't looked back since.
        I was waiting for you to post actually. I'm down to just PS3 and DS now. PS3 will gather dust until MGS4 and DMC4 methinks, apart from the odd upscaled PS2 game. DS rocks so hard, people just don't understand.
        Kept you waiting, huh?



          I'd hate to disappoint; PS3, 360 & DS for me. It's all I need.

          Zelda DS is fudding AWESOMENESS!!!1!!


            IMO it depends how badly you want to play Metroid. Maybe there's something else coming out in the next 6 months that's worth you keeping a Wii for, but mine is playing exclusively Gamecube games at the moment. Any console will be cheaper in a year's time, so money banked now is money saved in the future.

            I've had a lot of fun with Resistance & Motorstorm - I guess maybe GTA4 & Warhawk might appeal to you within the next few months, but right now Gamecube is giving me most gaming-per-dollar.



              Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
              no keep your wii sir, or opt for a 360 till some decent games are out for ps3, i have had 1 since novemer and i still only have 5 games, wii i have 20+ games

              20+ =O theres only about 5-10 good ones!


                Well I have 13 games for my Wii, and am happy with each and every one of them. Except maybe Super Monkey Ball.


                  i have 20 top class or good games, the wii already has far more to offer game wise, i do like my ps3 allot, but wii is the clear winner, present and future for me,


                    My PS3 is a glorified PS2 atm. There's fudge all on it.
                    Go DS!


                      Either way, wait untill after E3. Sony have hinted on a lot of games over the next 12 months but how many of them you would want to pick up (or any of us for that matter) remains up in the air. If all there is on your list is a big hitter like FF13 or MGS4 it might be worth waiting untill those games are out to pick up a cheaper PS3 then.


                        Originally posted by Emir View Post
                        There's fudge all on it.
                        If that fudge gets into the workings, you'll have a problem.


                          The dust is doing a fine enough job of destroying it as is.......


                            Should you sell your Wii for a PS3?

                            Are there enough games you want to play on the PS3 to justify the price, and are you bored with your Wii? If so, sell it.

                            Are you slightly bored with the Wii, see nowt much of intrest on the PS3 but are looking forward to the upcomming Wii games? If so keep it.



                              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                              If that fudge gets into the workings, you'll have a problem.

                              I laughed so hard at that I almost choked on my first cup of tea of the day.


                                Although there isn't much to play on the Wii or PS3 at the moment i wouldn't sell the Wii because like the PS3 the games will come out for it in due time. If i were to sell the Wii for any other system it would be for the 360.

                                I've got the US version of the Wii and haven't played it for months, but i'm not selling it as i know i'll have to buy it back when that must have title come out.

                                IMO, i'd keep the Wii, buy a 360 and wait for the price to drop and games to come out for the PS3.

                                Honestly though, the best time to get a PS3 will be 2008!

