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    I wouldn't even have known about this yesterday if it hadn't downloaded itself, it didn't show up in the new games and since golden axe did I would never have gone looking for another new un.

    Despite playing the crap out of it I have never owned Sonic 1 myself so I may just have to get this. No rush though, since I'm playing a lot of Carcassonne at the mo.


      Originally posted by kendra View Post
      I'm on 170 at the moment. Been loving playing this again, and like I said the acheivements have given the game a new lease of life.

      When doing the game in under 40 mins, did you just blast through it? Or can you reload your save if you feel you've done a stage too slow, and do you have to get all the Chaos Emeralds?


        Just got 200/200 myself. Yes! ^_^

        I just had to get the Complete under 40 minutes achievement to finish it.

        MarioMark, to answer a few of your questions regarding this achievement. Yes, i did blast through it but you can (I did) reload your save whenever you want if your not happy with something etc and I can confirm you dont have to have all the Chaos Emeralds to unlock it. (Although I had the Emeralds achievement already so I dont know if that affects it in anyway but my guessing is it wouldnt!)

        Hope that helps.


          Nice one, cheers! Roll on Sonic 2!


            No problem.

            Yeah, I can't wait for Sonic 2. Has a release date been given for it do you know you?


              No, just confirmed that's all. But now the Xbox Live Arcade SEGA Emulator is built, I can't see it taking long to slap the Sonic 2 Rom on it. Surly Streets of Rage Online is a must now Golden Axe is out and Online.


                Oh god they've put on some nasty blurring filter to 'get rid of jaggies' >_< Why do they always destroy the clarity by doing this to old games?! It's the same even if you disable Smoothing.


                  Originally posted by MarioMark View Post
                  No, just confirmed that's all.
                  It's been confirmed? awesome news.


                    Originally posted by James Mc Fadden View Post
                    Just got 200/200 myself. Yes! ^_^

                    I just had to get the Complete under 40 minutes achievement to finish it.

                    MarioMark, to answer a few of your questions regarding this achievement. Yes, i did blast through it but you can (I did) reload your save whenever you want if your not happy with something etc and I can confirm you dont have to have all the Chaos Emeralds to unlock it. (Although I had the Emeralds achievement already so I dont know if that affects it in anyway but my guessing is it wouldnt!)

                    Hope that helps.
                    What he said, you only need 6 Chaos Emeralds, just continually use the save function when you're about to enter and keep trying

                    for the Fast Win...

                    Originally posted by Me on another forum
                    Times for each level/zone

                    Green Hill Zone
                    == 2:45

                    Marble Zone
                    == 7:10

                    Spring Yard Zone
                    == 5:40

                    Labyrinth Zone
                    == 8:49

                    Star Light Zone
                    == 4:44

                    Scrap Brain Zone
                    x:yy (Didn't catch it, it was about 3 minutes however)
                    == 7:00 (Guestimate)

                    Final Zone

                    Total: About 38-39 minutes (depending on what Act III of Scrap Brain Zone was). I used to add up my times on the fly to make sure I was within range.

                    Going on my times though I'd say maximum time per zone:
                    1) Green Hill Zone - 3 minutes
                    2) Marble Zone - 7 minutes
                    3) Spring Yard Zone - 6 minutes
                    4) Labyrinth Zone - 9 minutes
                    5) Star Light Zone - 5 minutes
                    6) Scrap Brain Zone - 7 minutes
                    7) Final Zone - 2 minutes

                    Total = 39 minutes.


                      Sat down and had a proper go on this today and polished off the achievements I hadn't got on my previous five minute goes. Slightly annoyed at how many goes I had to take to get the Green Hill and Marble fast time achievements though. It's not right that I was able to do those things easier when I was 11 than I can now

                      Still, 200/200 for the first time on an arcade game (although I'd have it on Cloning Clyde as well if there was ever anyone playing it online!)


                        The achievements really do add more fun to the mix. The only arcade games I've got 200/200 on are this and castlevania.


                          Is this the hardest 2d Sonic game or what? I always breezed through it on the MD but now I'm having huge difficulties with it. I probably need to get used to it. I did Green Hill in 31 secs though. I'm now about to enter GH 3, with 2 emeralds already snapped up. Yeah, the instant save is lame but oh so handy

                          Those bonus stage still totally suck though. Gimme Sonic 2 and Sonic 3's.

                          Also, its too bad but understandable that it lacks the spindash. It was featured in Sonic Jam on the Saturn iirc.


                            Love this! What does smoothing do..?


                              makes it look naff


                                Originally posted by Haribokart View Post
                                Love this! What does smoothing do..?
                                Some people love these filters, they're like what you get in emulators on PC, 'smoothing' to make it less blocky.

                                Destroys any clarity in the image though, I think it looks nasty. Gimmie blocky as it's meant to be tbh.

                                SotN XBLA had it, optional enable/disable. I think they call it 'enhanced' mode...

