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    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
    Some people love these filters, they're like what you get in emulators on PC, 'smoothing' to make it less blocky.

    Destroys any clarity in the image though, I think it looks nasty. Gimmie blocky as it's meant to be tbh.

    SotN XBLA had it, optional enable/disable. I think they call it 'enhanced' mode...

    Depends on viewing distance and what TV you have. On my HD set I have it turned on, and I'm not too close to the TV. I do notice the disadvantages to it though when I'm up close, but because I'm at the correct viewing distance away from the TV it looks better to me.


      Originally posted by MarioMark View Post
      No, just confirmed that's all. But now the Xbox Live Arcade SEGA Emulator is built, I can't see it taking long to slap the Sonic 2 Rom on it. Surly Streets of Rage Online is a must now Golden Axe is out and Online.
      Do you have a link to confirmation? I love Sonic 2, alot alot more than the original. Co op as well. Still, Sonic 3 and Knuckles would be the dream.

      Managed to get 32k as well, I'm on the top of my friends leaderboard.

      Last edited by El Leone; 20-07-2007, 11:00.


        Originally posted by El Leone View Post
        Still, Sonic 3 and Knuckles would be the dream.
        Yeah, but I bet they release them as a seperate game to make more money

        I'd love to see 3&K come out as a whole package, as one massive Sonic game, it's the best IMO.

        Edit: Just thinking about how good Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 + Knuckles were, how did they let the franchise get so bad over the years? Sonic Advance and Rush are ok but they don't feel like the old Mega Drive ones.
        Last edited by MarioMark; 20-07-2007, 11:20.


          OOf I had to have a go at that Marble Zone speed achievement quite a few times. The annoying thing = it's all about when you reach the lifts, spikes, crushing platforms, etc.

          I did a flawless speed run through that clocked in at about 92 seconds because I happened to reach the green platforms when they were blocking the way, and that set in motion an unavoidable series of waiting games.

          When I got the achievement it was on a really grubby runthrough featuring numerous jumps straight into the lava, but I seemed to hit all the moving platforms at the right time. That achievement felt unclean.


            Just picked some points up for this! Can't wait to get it, along with Golden Axe to play with my mates !


              Prinnysquad I spent about 40 minutes getting that one last night, you know you can save mid-level ? there are some good runs on youtube - if anyone's still struggling. It's just a case of getting to the chandlier shaped thing near the end of the level before it climbs and costs you another four or five seconds.


                I may have had a sneak look at youtube at one point ... only to notice there were no magical shortcuts that I somehow missed when I played the game religiously as a kid. It quickly became apparent that the sub 80-second runthrough was all down to luck and flukey timing.


                  Picked up the Win, Perfect Win and the achievment for obtaining 100 Rings today! A good day for the ol' Gamerscore !


                    I'm just playing through slowly, without losing a life, got no chance of getting the sub 40 minute achievement though. Nice game to pick up and play for ten minutes

