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Deadly Premonition / Red Seeds Profile PS3/360 - Director's cut PS3 bound in West

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    Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
    ^You can borrow my 360 version, if you want. PM us with an addy and I'll post you teh joy.
    Thanks Jazzy, but my 360 is still dead, a black brick with Elite written on it LOL. .


      I still can't bring myself to play this. I want to see what happens but it just takes more effort than I currently feel like.


        Now that I have the 360 version I'm tempted to sell my PS3 copy (platinum'd it anyway). What's the going rate, ?20?


          Finished the story the other day. Characters you actually feel for! Who'd have thought it. In my top twenty gaming experiences of all time.
          So tell me, can I now finish the side quests?


            Yes, you can go back and do them. Unsure if you can do them all if you have already done certain things in the wrong order, but check the first play thread.

            nakamura ban request.


              I'd love to have a crack at this game, but I HATE horror, so it's a no for me... I'll just listen to everyone else's praise.


                What do you mean by "horror"? Maybe it's not what you expect.

                Or head over to giantbomb where you can watch them playing it for hours, so you can see if it's your sort of thing.


                  The cover for example, puts me right off. It looks disturbing. Maybe that's not indicative of the game though? Will watch some gameplay to check it out though. Like I said, I'd love to have a go if it's not going to freak me right out.


                    There're some horror elements and sequences in the game, but it's not really an actual horror game like Silent Hill etc. It's more of an adventure game with some horror mixed in. If you don't want horror at all you probably shouldn't pick Deadly Premonition up though.


                      It's a pretty scary game in parts. Or maybe I'm just a wuss. To be fair it's the non-scarey parts that are the best. It's brilliant. I'll play it again one day.


                        Originally posted by mekanor View Post
                        Like I said, I'd love to have a go if it's not going to freak me right out.
                        It won't freak you out in the traditional horror way (jump and then it's over), but there are things that happen in Greenvale that will stay with you for the rest of your life.


                          Originally posted by mekanor View Post
                          I'd love to have a crack at this game, but I HATE horror, so it's a no for me... I'll just listen to everyone else's praise.
                          I don't like horror and I don't watch horror films but I loved this game. Try it, love it, thank us!


                            Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                            there are things that happen in Greenvale that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
                            Just to echo this, but to add that those things are both traumatic happenings and happy/funny happenings.


                              *remembers one particular late sequence*


                                Well I drove around town for a few hours/days yesterday having now solved the case. Well it was horrible. Talk about feeling loss for a person. Life just continues in this town despite the tragedy but it just feels so empty without you know who.

                                I can honestly say this is the first time I have ever felt for a game character. And to think that has happened in one the of the most ironically awful games ever made. Incredible.

