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The Most Excited You've Ever Been About A Game?

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    I was most exited (last year) about the wii launch, i caused mayhem cos my husband said " no worries about getting it love, i know a importer who can get you one" yeah right ! so anyways that fell through... i went into
    meltdown so he (husband) searched everywhere for me,whilst i was in tears, to get me one before christmas last year and made sure i had loz tp for xmas (i was so longing for this game) .... my hero


      MGS2 probably, I love MGS (my favourite game ever) so was really excited about part 2. This was back in the days when I just read the games magazines to keep up to date about upcoming releases. The more I read about MGS2 the more excited I got and then playing the demo just left me wanting more, like an idiot I didnt pre-order it. The guys at my local Gamestation (ironically I now work there) told me they would only have a few "normal sale" copies and I couldn't pre order anymore, I was gutted. I remember I missed (bunked) my 9am physics lesson to run to the shop before they opened to get my copy. The story finished with a happy ending though, I got my copy (loved it) and also got to the second half of physics lesson at school.
      Last edited by ezee ryder; 26-01-2008, 00:35.


        Perfect Dark, Halo 2 and getting my Gamecube are up there


          Getting my imported Megadrive which made me one of the coolest cats around. Also, riding home on the bus with 90 quids worth of Street Fighter 2. The box art was giving me a chubby


            I'll say some of the games I was most hyped about was ORTA onthe X-Box , Skelton Warriors on the SEGA Saturn (thanks to all the press in GameFan) and Lunar (again thanks to the likes of Gamefan) I even remember phoning the SEGA Pro phoneline to hear the Jp Speech in Lunar


              Probably mario 64, I was a poor student and paid £90 for it lol


                Probably Grand Prix 3. I bought a new PC for it the week before, which made that final week until the release day the longest week ever. The first thing I did was do a wet practive and marvel at the reflections on the track


                  Steel Battalion. I kept my girlfriend awake for about 4 days talking about it during the night, unable to sleep because of excitement..

                  It was great but ultimately sold it in the end. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.


                    Daytona and Rally on the saturn, now they were the days


                      I remember feeling both excited and guilty when I first got into serious gaming (very late) buying my first Playstation. I'd seen an early and at that time rare late night promotional TV ad which featured what I later came to realise was disingenous FMV of Colony Wars: Vengeance and actual game footage of Riven. I was stunned because I really had no idea how much video games had progressed over the 20 years since I'd first played Pong and Space Invaders.

                      I got both those games along with C&C and Tekken 3 in my PS bundle and I can honestly say I've never felt the same excitement over any game than when I first fired up Riven. God, I spent ages on it not knowing what the **** I was doing but being stupidly delighted at every beautiful new pre-rendered frame and puzzle.

                      It took me ages to realise Riven was actually a bit of an oddity and that, graphically, it was way above most PS games.

                      The most excited I became over a game after that was in fact the first used game I ever bought, purchased a week after I'd bought the PS and without any pre-knowledge of what it was about. It was the first game I actually completed properly: Tomb Raider.

                      It was more than I had ever hoped for, a real action/adventure, with a believable character you could actually get to run and climb around these incredible locations. I can still remember that adrenaline fuelled excitement, regularly boosted by the set pieces, animal enemies and particularly jumping out of my skin at the first raptors and then the T-Rex in the Lost Valley. It's not a lie to say that TR hooked me on games.


                        In no particular order:-

                        - Being introduced to a Commodore 64 for the very first time back in '87 iirc (My very first experience of Home gaming).
                        - Playing Hang-On on a mate's Sega Master System for the very first time (My very first experience of Home Console gaming).
                        - Getting my NES with SMB, Duck Hunt, Zapper & NES Advantage Joystick on Xmas Day in '89 (The very first Console that I owned).
                        - Seeing (and playing) Final Fight & SFII:TWW for the very first time in the arcades.
                        - Getting a US Original Gameboy from my Stateside-living uncle when he came over for a visit in '90.
                        - Getting my SNES (Super Scope 6 Pack) ON Xmas Day in '92, and then getting SFII:TWW delivered a few days later.
                        - Seeing (and playing) Donkey Kong Country for the very first time.
                        - Seeing (and playing) Mario 64 for the very first time.
                        - Awaiting SFIII (What a MAJOR disappointment that turned out to be...!!)
                        - Getting Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time & F-Zero X on the N64 on their release days (and taking the day off college to play them!! ).

                        I have more, tbh, but these are the standout ones for me!
                        Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 27-01-2008, 16:01.


                          Mario 64.

                          The amount of times I went in Toys R Us pre-launch just to play it was crazy


                            Originally posted by mr_sockochris View Post
                            Mario 64.

                            The amount of times I went in Toys R Us pre-launch just to play it was crazy
                            Yep, I was the same. I read everything that I could find about SM64, multiple times. The Official Nintendo Magazine witht the import review of that and Pilotwings became so dog eared and torn as to be unreadable

                            I remember that the launch day of the N64 came about and my local Toys R Us had two left in stock. I managed to convinece my Dad to come after the local football game had finished and pick one up for me as an early birthday pressie (I had one pre-ordered at HMV but they had no idea when the stock was coming).

                            I stayed in that Toys R Us for 4 hours just in case the sales assistant tied to sell my console.


                              Another vote for the N64 and Mario 64 here. Had to wait a full year from the Japanese launch and all that talk about it being the best game ever before I could finally get it myself after my GCSEs were out the way.

                              Perfect Dark was pretty insane, too. I was counting the hours on that one. These days I tend to avoid information about upcoming games as much as possible. Aside from the first trailer and basic details I stay away from everything else, so that fever pitch level of excitement doesn't get the chance to kick in any more. The exception is Smash Bros Brawl. I've been following the Dojo updates every day since they began and I'm crazy hyped like I haven't been in years for this game. Needless to say, the Japanese shortages couldn't possibly come at a worse time.


                                As far as I can remember, I haven't been really excited about that many games.

                                I was really excited about getting Ridge Racer 6, and what a game it was! It's definitely one of my favourite games on the 360, and even of all time. I just regret having to sell it though.

                                I think the next big game I'm going to be really excited about is Rock Band. I've been hyping myself up for it for ages. I think the night before I get it, I won't be able to sleep at all!

