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The Most Excited You've Ever Been About A Game?

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    Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
    I get excited everytime I buy a game, still a big kid.
    Nice to read that be. Even nowadays?

    Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
    Launch PS1 with Ridge Racer from Japan

    Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post

    I tried really hard to delude myself with DD on the Spectrum, too. Luckily, though, a mate had lent me it on pirate, so the tragedy wasn't compounded by the loss of pocket money. Compared to Commando on Electron, though, it feels near-arcade perfect.
    Hehe indeed. Double Dragon for C64 was the first video game I ever bought. I had spent the summer of '88 playing it heavily at Camber Sands Pontins' arcade. Sadly, I didn't realise at the time that the C64 version wouldn't be exactly the same...

    SF2 is perhaps the biggest video game ever in history (providing you were of age at the time) from what I'm reading...
    Last edited by J0e Musashi; 28-01-2008, 19:22.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Yes Joe even now I get exited, I think part of it is I dont buy very much at all in any walk of life I have a very tight budget with disability so I use virtually all my spare fund on games and I look forward to them as they keep me going all the time in bed as its something to do (and as Ive said before and docs agree it helps with chronic pain to take your mind of it partly). Ive been sat today looking around getting all exited about DMC4 and No more hereos and when Burnout arrived thru door last week it was again like christmas day like they always are when they arrive.

      MY launch JPN PS1 only cost me £480 with Ridge Racer wheras everywhere else they where £800+ (and it had a hardwired rgb scart) as I took a stupid gamble and bought one off a bloke in Hong Kong advertising them pre launch in Edge. I was a young and daft didnt think Id get ripped off and thought I was covered with paying with a bank transfer, I wasnt but he was honest so it paid off lol I got offered £1000 next day it arrived but turned it down was too happy with Ridge Racer.

      I dont count SF2 as I was never exited about it. Its still my all time most expensive home game (dont count AES neo geo) at £180 when it came out but I went in to shop in Hull to take a Wrestling game back and something else as they didnt work on cart adaptor and took a m8 with us from work. They had just got it in (was only 2days after JPN launch) and he told me to try it as I would want it. They only had one in hence the daft price I played it and handed I think it was another £90 over for it (mental now but at the time Id earnt £415 that week in my hand). Its still Id say my longest played game as we played it everyday for 6months (used to have house parties with it on etc...) but I never got exited about it beforehand as I never knew what it was as at that time I was too busy working to do owt like look into games (around 80+ hours a week) thats why I had a barren period of gaming machines like Snes launch etc.. till PS1 came out as thats when my health kicked back at me and said no lay in bed instead of working So I bought a Sony portable trinitron telly (still got it!) Sky and a PS1. Was such a workaholic before then I didnt even have a telly in my room.

      As for speccy days me and my m8 where terrible we used to go to Asda on the free bus and buy those £1.99 games every 2 weeks with our pocket money (ie £1 a week lol) and if we got the chance we would swap the £1.99 price tags for the £5.99 ones. We got a few bargins to say the least lol Still Run Baby Run was always worth its £1.99!
      Last edited by Guest; 28-01-2008, 19:40.


        Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
        Yes Joe even now I get exited, I think part of it is I dont buy very much at all in any walk of life I have a very tight budget with disability so I use virtually all my spare fund on games and I look forward to them as they keep me going all the time in bed as its something to do (and as Ive said before and docs agree it helps with chronic pain to take your mind of it partly). Ive been sat today looking around getting all exited about DMC4 and No more hereos and when Burnout arrived thru door last week it was again like christmas day like they always are when they arrive.

        MY launch JPN PS1 only cost me ?480 with Ridge Racer wheras everywhere else they where ?800+ (and it had a hardwired rgb scart) as I took a stupid gamble and bought one off a bloke in Hong Kong advertising them pre launch in Edge. I was a young and daft didnt think Id get ripped off and thought I was covered with paying with a bank transfer, I wasnt but he was honest so it paid off lol

        I dont count SF2 as I was never exited about it. Its still my all time most expensive home game (dont count AES neo geo) at ?180 when it came out but I went in to shop in Hull to take a Wrestling game back and something else as they didnt work on cart adaptor and took a m8 with us from work. They had just got it in (was only 2days after JPN launch) and he told me to try it as I would want it. They only had one in hence the daft price I played it and handed I think it was another ?90 over for it (mental now but at the time Id earnt ?415 that week in my hand). Its still Id say my longest played game as we played it everyday for 6months (used to have house parties with it on etc...) but I never got exited about it beforehand as I never knew what it was as at that time I was too busy working to do owt like look into games (around 80+ hours a week) thats why I had a barren period of gaming machines like Snes launch etc.. till PS1 came out as thats when my health kicked back at me and said no lay in bed instead of working
        ?480 PS1?! Cool bra. SF2 house parties. That's why it counts.....
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          Has to be Street Fighter 2 on the SFC. I played the game to death in the arcades and when i found out it was coming to the SFC, i was amazed because i never thought it would come to a console.

          I paid £80 for it back then.


            I remember getting my birthday money early to order a JPN SF2 for the SNES. I somehow convinced my mother (and myself I think) that if I had SF2 I'd never want another game


              Originally posted by babs View Post
              I remember getting my birthday money early to order a JPN SF2 for the SNES. I somehow convinced my mother (and myself I think) that if I had SF2 I'd never want another game
              I think I'm getting to that point about Smash Bros. Brawl..


                As a lot of the guys above, has to be SF2 for the Snes. Remember my uncle said he'd buy it for me for my birthday if I could find it in this country. My local video shop (which is incidentally now a video shop and tanning salon?) had the U.S version (complete with ****e cover art) and a huge grey import adaptor for sixty notes...ah the good old days.
                I think other than that just generally new stuff that came out when I was a nipper or in my teens. I remember renting a PSX from blockbusters and being blown away by Parodius of all things!? But picking up a U.S machine with MK3 got me pant-crappingly excited. Also Virtua Cop on the Saturn...jees I was an excitable young chap
                Last edited by Escape-To-88; 29-01-2008, 10:26.
                3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                  I somehow convinced my mother (and myself I think) that if I had SF2 I'd never want another game
                  Didn't we all
                  3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                    Awesome stories peeps. I got so excited about Shenmue used to buy every mag it ws in. I remember buyin it around the x mas when it ws released in Japan. Ws 80 pounds but worth every penny. I did notunderstand Japanese at the time but it ws so amazin seein the fish in the water. The graphics felt unreal at the time they were that good.

                    Now I just look fwd to every Winning Elven n hope its better than the last. Tbh quite excited bout buyin RR 7 for my PS3 n DMC4 at the end of this month.
                    Last edited by JU!; 03-02-2008, 10:08.


                      When MGS first came out. I played the demo over and over again that came with PSM, and read every preview going. Every snippet of info was logged in the 'hype' area of my brain. It just seemed so revolutionary, so positively gimmicky. Enjoyed every minute of it when I finally got it; superb visuals, a friendly difficulty curve, and crammed full of imagination and invention. I'd literally never played anything quite like it.

                      Soul Reaver had me on edge for weeks. I adored the demo, and when it was delayed I almost cried. When it finally got released, I was trembling with excitement. Plus it had a holographic cover! They'd spent the time improving the controls, definition and graphics, much to my relief. This was another game that gripped me totally and utterly like no game had before. It was beautiful to look at, all Gothic vistas and towering architecture. The gameplay was basic but solid, with a structure that rewarded exploration and backtracking that had a point; like Metroid Prime the new skills you gained unlocked previously unreachable levels. Then the bosses needed to be defeated in unconventional ways - superb. I always remember that water vampire you had to destroy by

                      smashing the windows out.

                      I suppose the quality of the first game led me to mega-hype the second game, but unfortunately it was rushed and half-finished, with a far weaker structure.

                      The most hyped game for me recently was The Chikyuu Boueigun 2. After weeks of tracking it on the D3 website, vanpeebles ordered it for his Japanese PS2. The bastard promised to only play 10 levels or so, but then sent me MSN updates on practically every level, saying that such-and-such was one of the best things he'd ever seen. This created a level of anticipation in me that hasn't been matched since, even by EDf2017, since the nice boy actually did wait for me to arrive before playing it on his asian 360 this time.


                        For me it has to be PES 2008. Pity it never lived up to expectations .


                          My most recent one has to be Gears of war last year, ended up buying 3 copies, there were guys selling region free copies at a market near my workplace and i rushed out to buy it before he sold out, just so i could play it, i then brought a PAL ltd ed copy and standard copy, still have all 3 to this day!! The next ones will be gta4 and rock band, a week off work has already been booked off for each launch date, and the missus has been told to visit other relatives for as long as possible (although i might let her stay for rock band!)



                            Definitely smash bros brawl at the moment, tempted to book a day off for it :/

                            In the past; goldeneye, perfect dark, mario 64, snes launch, duck tails (on the nes, I was strangely mad about that game! It did have an awesome soundtrack), dead rising and in fact most of the n64 games I got. Everyone I was completely mad for!


                              most recent was galaxy, it lived up to in 100000 billion times more than i expected

                              next in line for me smash and mario kart wii

                              some of the other i was most exited about perfect dark,shenmue,zelda all of them , every mario kart,
                              Last edited by yesteryeargames; 04-02-2008, 12:24.


                                Jazz Jackrabbit 2, when I was about 11. I never get pre-launch hype for games anymore, most of it's just so over the top that I started ignoring it. I'd rather just wait for the game to come out and discover it - I've got better things to do than spend my days anticipating.

