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The Most Excited You've Ever Been About A Game?

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    Back when I was 11-ish I only got a new game every 6 months or so. I would then proceed to play the everliving hell out of it for a full year.
    I think the most excited I ever got was poring over magazing pictures of DKC for what must have been nearly a whole year before actually getting the game for xmas. It was like Jesus had walked in through the front door or something, lol.

    A similarly insane wait lead up to my aquisition of that Kirby compilation game on the SNES.

    The great thing about this was that I was naive enough to never feel let down by these games when they actually materialized. I enjoyed them as much as I had expected to and more

    Further down the line, the N64 big hitters would cause nearly N64-kid levels of excitement. Virtual reality was here, and it was in my home!
    Last edited by Tig; 04-02-2008, 14:34.


      Street Fighter 2. Never been as excited since, and don't know if I will ever again, although I am quite looking forward to Ninja Gaiden 2.

      *Edit* Having said that, I was pretty excited about Guitar Hero on the PS2. Not Street Fighter levels of excitment, but proberly more than any other recent game.
      Last edited by Skull Commander; 06-02-2008, 08:42.


        The last game I can remember being super-excited for was Perfect Dark. I downloaded every video and read every story about it for around a year and a half before it was finally released. Every time I read about yet another delay felt like agony. I remember the day before it was due to be released I went around a mate's house to study for exams (by playing Diddy Kong Racing) and we both commented how it felt more exciting than Christmas.

        I actually ended up getting a call that night from EB to say I could come and pick it up early so I raced down and grabbed it. Playing it at first seemed a bit surreal due to all the buildup in my head about what it would be like. Amazingly it pretty much lived up to my expectations and I even fired it up a few weeks ago with the same mate for some multiplayer.


          Dragon Quest VIII. I adored DQVII and was so excited for this game. I even went as far as buying the Japanese release. I gave up after about five hours due to not understanding Japanese. Then I waited for a whole year for the American release. When it finally arrived I sat down and played and played and played some more. Completed it in about a week and a half which for a 70 hour long game is no mean feat. Great game, although not as good as VII. I haven't been half as excited for a game since. Actually I don't think I've been excited by the prospect of a game since. Mind you if the DS port of the PS1 remake of Dragon Quest IV ever gets an English release I'll be pretty excited and will probably need to take a week off work to play it.


            Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
            Street Fighter 2. Never been as excited since, and don't know if I will ever again, although I am quite looking forward to Ninja Gaiden 2.

            *Edit* Having said that, I was pretty excited about Guitar Hero on the PS2. Not Street Fighter levels of excitment, but proberly more than any other recent game.
            Actually, I'd second that..


              For me right this minute it has to be the impatient wait for Rock Band to come out in PALsville.

              Before that I would say easily the release of SFII on the Snes, man that was a good day!


                Micro Machines on the Master System, I really could not wait and have to have it for my birthday.

                And also going back to the days of the Atari 65XE waiting for games that I had ordered in the post to eventually arrive.


                  Most was Elite for the Acorn Electron. Finished school, back home for 16:30 on the bus, straight on my bike did the the 8 miles to Coventry in 20 minutes, bought the game at WH Smiths, back home before 17:30.

                  Played the game to death, still one of the great games, one of the first things I did with my daughter's GBA SP was put Elite on it.

                  When I first bought my launch PS2 I regularly played SSX all night, having an hours kip then going to work with very red eyes and feeling landsick.

                  Recently I suppose it was Halo 3, funny that COD4 was a sleeper for me, just picked it up casually the day before launch and have been totally blown away by it. I've played this so much online it's unhealthy, too many nights up to the early hours and getting up at 6am for work. Last night was no different. Madness.


                    Bloodwych on the ZX Spectrum - I ordered the cassette from Special Reserve (sent a cheque off in the post, haha) - I was waiting like crazy for that one, and I have no real idea why. I would look at the magazine advert every day. It just looked so mysterious, I guess it tickled my imagination. For those who don't know it, it was an RPG/adventure a bit like Dungeon Master.


                      Virtua Fighter (and the launch of the Saturn in Japan). It was such an exciting time. In the weeks leading up to its release I remember reading every last preview, studying every screenshot, and even seeing footage of it running on Gamesmaster (a news item showing, supposedly, the first Japanese Saturn in the country). By that point I was counting the days and talking to my local importer on a regular basis, and the day I picked it up (with a Saturn and an extra controller) didn't disappoint.

                      Mario 64 and Ocarina and Shenmue and Halo were all bigger events (and better games, pound for pound), but they didn't muster anywhere near the same level of excitement as the dawn of 3D Sega arcade goodness in the home*

                      *okay, not forgetting the amazing VR Deluxe on the 32X
                      Last edited by Atticus; 13-02-2008, 08:47.


                        I specifically went on honeymoon to the US just so I could pick up a launch N64 (didn't let this be known in exactly these terms at the time).

                        I ordered a machine and Mario 64 from the EB US website and had it sent to me c/o the hotel I was staying in then.

                        Spending a fortnight on honeymoon looking at the packaging every day really built up the tension and in honesty I couldn't wait to get home.

                        First thing I did on getting thru the front door was set it up and proceeded to have a mammoth session in total awe on Mario 64.

                        Don't think any game will ever match up to that again for me (though Galaxy is probably a better game in my opinion now)

                        In general I found the N64 pretty darn exciting, recall forking out £100+ on the Jap Mario Kart 64 with a special controller


                          Original Wipeout on PS1 - found it in a French record shop while on holday with the gf, then spent the rest of the holiday excitedly waiting until I got home to play it

                          The soundtrack, the DR cover art design/branding, ship/track design - all verrry exciting stuff


                            Originally posted by merf View Post
                            I specifically went on honeymoon to the US just so I could pick up a launch N64 (didn't let this be known in exactly these terms at the time).
                            Holy cow. Are you still married to the same person?

