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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    Have started Beneath A Steel Sky as the PC laptop gaming phase begins. I always enjoy point-and-click, but even I get a bit annoyed waving the mouse over the screen to see what reveals itself. Some very funny lines in the dialogue, I laughed as much as I've laughed at any game ever.


      On the PS3

      Street Fighter 4

      well i think that is it ooo and Wild arms on the PSP


        Originally posted by topper View Post
        Have started Beneath A Steel Sky as the PC laptop gaming phase begins. I always enjoy point-and-click, but even I get a bit annoyed waving the mouse over the screen to see what reveals itself. Some very funny lines in the dialogue, I laughed as much as I've laughed at any game ever.
        Great game. Just too short, well by todays standards but they all were back then. You using scumm to play it? If so DL Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as thats brilliant.

        Been playing:

        Castlevania SoTN (PSN) for the umpteenth time. Just an incredible game and its astonishing to think its almost 15 years old.

        Battlefield Bad Company (PS3) Still don't like FPS's on consoles and hate the pad for controlling due to hit and miss responsiveness/accuracy but this is great. Hate COD online as the maps are way too small, BF is what it should be like with vehicles and big maps. WHYYYYYYYYY can't we have 64 a side teams like the PC tho?????????

        Shadow Complex (XBLA) Fantastic shooter and one of the best games i have played recently. Has anyone else noticed a trend change as a lot of most recent popular games are almost old school 2D/3D.

        Trine (PC)Finished this last week. Bar some wild fluctuations in the difficulty, this was excellent.

        Loop-pop (Salad) (DS) Finished this last week as well. Brilliant puzzler. The second set of levels are mind bending at times.

        Oblivion (PS3) Getting a bit bored now so not been on it that much. Wish the Fallout 3 DLC would bloody well hurry up.


          Call of Duty: World at War: Just a couple of games to teach some n00bs how it's done

          Battlefield: Bad Company: Picking my way through the rank ups with the Xbox version having previously owned the PS3 version, I'm finding it to be visually a little better on 360 though it might just be my old eyes.

          Sam and Max Season One: Did a little bit more of this, I think I'm at the end of Episode 2 now

          Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Episode One: Been picking it this for an age with Episode Two sitting on the dash unplayed, I think I'm at the last boss now with just a couple of items to pick up before attempting it

          Hitman: Blood Money: On the Murder of Crows level but there's one character I kill who the game won't pick up I've killed him, frustrating as hell

          Batman: Arkham Asylum: Really far into this now, it definitely has a Metroid and Bioshock vibe to it and has been a nice little pleasure (Yup, I'm in the camp that would agree with the 8/10 scores)


            Originally posted by topper View Post
            Have started Beneath A Steel Sky as the PC laptop gaming phase begins. I always enjoy point-and-click, but even I get a bit annoyed waving the mouse over the screen to see what reveals itself. Some very funny lines in the dialogue, I laughed as much as I've laughed at any game ever.
            As one of those classic ancient pointy clicky games you're always hearing about like Grim Fandango, Day of The Tentacle, Lure of the Temptress I've always wanted to play Beneath A Steel Sky. Not having a PC that's always presented a wee bit of a problem for me.

            I did find a dedicated DC web site where somebody had apparently ported it to the DC and it was available for download. Anybody here played it that way?

            Except as an interesting technological exercise I've never really understood why anybody would want to do it that way. If you have to download it using a PC and then burn it to disc to play it on a DC woudn't it just be easier to play the original version on the PC?
            Last edited by fallenangle; 01-09-2009, 10:48.


              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
              Hitman: Blood Money: On the Murder of Crows level but there's one character I kill who the game won't pick up I've killed him, frustrating as hell
              Who is it and what method are you using to kill them? If it's throwing them down the stairs, sometimes you only knock them out by doing that rather than killing them; it depends how hard they fall.


                Played some Wolverine: Xmen Origins on 360. Quite liking the visceral violence of it, but the consistency of the artwork direction is ropey.

                This week I've played some more Marvel Ultimate Alliance with my 5 year old again. Hit a bit of a difficulty spike in Asgard (the viking themed level, i.e Thor's story arc). Pretty good, but frustrating.

                Also on a last-gen vibe, I've been trying to finish Hitman 2: Silent Assassin on Xbox (which is annoyingly one of the few Xbox PAL games that doesn't support 480p). I'm trying to blast through it forgetting about getting the Silent Assassin rating on each level which is where I left it all those years ago. But strangely, it's compelling me to take less risks, as your health cannot be restored during a level (no bandages, food or exploding barrels in this game), so when there's a slither of your health bar left and limited saves per-level, you must resist the urge to go Rambo. Though, I was back in

                St Petersburg

                and I'm trying to get out of the

                Pushkin building

                and it was like a scene from Taken, I was taking out mofo's like a nutcase, picking up the Deagles from each kill and sweeping the rooms! Loved it. Can't wait to see the rating the game gives me on that level.
                Last edited by gunrock; 01-09-2009, 10:28.


                  The only way to play the Hitman games is by stealth and subtle tactics. The kick you get from taking out the target and getting away unchallenged or unseen can be incredibly satisfying.

                  Played that way they're ingenius at times and far more imaginative than
                  say Splinter Cell. Play them as a TP shooter and I think they're just very average but they're certainly uncompromising however you do them.


                    I had a long session on Metroid Fusion and Snatcher through the bank holiday weekend. Its a shame i couldn't afford to buy snatcher when it was originally released, as im sure i would have enjoyed it even more back then........... Although its dated somewhat, i can appreciate what it does, and im really enjoying this slice of retro goodness ive been having of late.

                    Metroid Fusion has the habbit of making me think, just a little bit further, then making me think '****, im stuck!' Before, i realise what to do lol..........

                    quality games i must say! And im still playing them a week or so on!

                    Last edited by 112; 01-09-2009, 11:19.


                      Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
                      Who is it and what method are you using to kill them? If it's throwing them down the stairs, sometimes you only knock them out by doing that rather than killing them; it depends how hard they fall.
                      It's the bloke (Richard I think he's called) in the Red bird suit. Yesterday I shot him, fibre wired him and pushed him off the balcony and it didn't detect it. I'm hoping it was just a fault from when I booted the game up and next time it'll be fine. Frustrating when you get to the exit thinking you got a perfect run though


                        Lots of Batman on the ps3, I also picked up the pc version of orange box and have been replaying Episode 2 which is stunning.


                          Originally posted by Fargo View Post
                          Lots of Batman on the ps3, I also picked up the pc version of orange box and have been replaying Episode 2 which is stunning.
                          If you're going to play though again I would recommend the Fakefactory updated texture pack (now at v10) for a visual improvement on an already stunning game.

                          I've just started Dead Space which I am loving. Late to the party as usual.
                          I'm not usually a fan of 3rd person games but they are growing on me.


                            Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                            The only way to play the Hitman games is by stealth and subtle tactics. The kick you get from taking out the target and getting away unchallenged or unseen can be incredibly satisfying.

                            Played that way they're ingenius at times and far more imaginative than
                            say Splinter Cell. Play them as a TP shooter and I think they're just very average but they're certainly uncompromising however you do them.
                            I agree. It's how I played the game back at release (2002/2003?), getting up as far as the Tunnel Rat level with all Silent Assassin rankings (except on that one in the snow with all the crossbow Ninja's in towers). Now though, I have limited gaming time and only a few levels to go, so I decided to go stealth as far as I can but kill when it goes wrong (instead of retrying). It's great to play it this way. Mistakes can lead to a lot of fun.


                              Originally posted by smouty View Post
                              I've just started Dead Space which I am loving. Late to the party as usual.
                              I'm not usually a fan of 3rd person games but they are growing on me.
                              I'm thinking of picking it up again now its so cheap on the 360. Would be good to get the achievements and enjoy the game again.


                                This week I have been mostly playing NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED, which is freaking awesome. The best cop chases in any game ever, plus I love the cheesy FMV and the sound effects are great!

