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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    INto a bit of a labour of love with lego star wars on the 360.. Just got to 100% it now, as all other bits are done.

    And played a bit of Bioshock, Katamari and the club (the latter already got me hooked after 5 mins)


      This week:

      I've been stumbling my way through Half-Life 2 on the PC. I recently upgraded my old AMD XP 2200 with Radeon X850XT to a Quad-Core 6600 beast with Nvidia 8800GT. All the settings on high, anti-aliasing on, full reflections, Bachman-Turner Overdrive; "Youain'tseennothing, yet!"

      Continuing my old game (quick note people: 32 bit saves have to be played with -32bit option if you're running on a 64 bit vista) I've just crossed that bridge (with the trains on) and really enjoyed the firefight with the Combine scum.

      On the move, I've been inching my way into Castlevania: SOTN on my PSP (the PS1 version) and my god, how annoying is it to die before the first save and sit through the dialog and prologue again (and again, much to my shame). Yes, I've died twice now, before the first save point! N00B....


        I finished Chapter 4 in Ninja Gaiden II last night and started The Incredible Hulk. While it doesn't feel as good as Ultimate Destruction, it feels like it will be fun in small doses at least.


          I brought Civ' Rev' a few days ago, so been trying to get good at RTS games since it's my least favourite genre, but i've been enjoying it with the lowest difficulty setting.

          Also GT5 prologue has sustained my interested recently and it's frequently updated online list has me particapating. Especially the online time trials are fun.


            I've just completed the Survive the Professor mission on Assassin difficulty on the Bourne Conspiracy on my 11th go. Every single time I came a cat's whisker from managing it.

            One of the most purely frustrating experiences I've ever had. Clearly designed by some retard who I hope is in a lot of pain, because that's what he's caused me.

            2 minutes to beat down that speccy bastard assassin from the first film in a burning barn. Weak as piss attacks and the worst camera in the world. Sometimes the fighters would stand next to a burning post, causing the camera to fly up above them and make them disappear, meaning you have to deal out precision combos by looking at their shadows from above. Classy. If that wasn't enough, if you were attacking from left to right, and the defender leaned up against the angle of two walls, the camera would spin to the other side of them, inverting the controls. A well-executed forward thrust becomes a backwards retreat with a punch that can't reach, leaving you open to a beating.

            Now that just wasn't fun. Proper gash.

            I don't think I've said the C word so much since God of War. I'm off now to see the look on Mrs Prinny's face. I bet she's impressed.


              Mainly MGS4, but a little bit of in the cab too.


                Its all Final Fantasy for me!
                Tactics A2 and Crisis Core!


                  Ridge Racer 7 for some reason just felt like a blast


                    I'm taking a break from trying to complete the National Dex in Pokemon Diamond (currently 300 caught from 491 available) and have started to playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2. Now the original Tactics Advance I actually managed to complete fully so I was hoping to get straight into the groove with this title but I'm finding it dull and cumbersome compared to Disgaea PSP where you can really fly through the battles but hopefully the old addictiveness will kick in, so far I've only played it for 6 hours.


                      This week I'v been playing The Darkness on the 360, Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii and Samurai Shodown III on the neo geo.


                        Nothing this week, last week I was on Crackdown mostly only a few little bits to finish off now.
                        Prior to that Bioshock but I aint feeling that at all




                            Curiously, I've been really into Warhawk all of a sudden. I'd been playing it on and off with maybe a couple of games a month since launch, but this past week I've been all over it with about six hours played.

                            It's made me appreciate how good it really is, and although the infantry combat can be a bit hit and miss sometimes - although it's much better once you properly work out what's what and know the pros and cons of different weapons - I'd put it up there with Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat and Battlefield 2 as these large-scale war games go.

                            I'd been stuck on the second rank for the longest time because I couldn't get the points to earn the badge needed for the third (all ranks have a points requirement and a required badge/medal/ribbon), as team points aren't as plentiful in Zones, which is the only mode I really play. Once I managed to get it, though, I went up two ranks in quick succession and the only thing between me and 2nd Lieutenant rank is a paltry 35,000 points.

                            In a good match I'll get 50-60 points... so yeah.


                              Football Manager 2008 (360) Villa decided not to renew my contract, so I'm out of a job. Boooo!

                              MGS4 (PS3) Only on Act 2 (I think) but really enjoying it, even if it is a bit confusing.

                              Euro 2008 (PS3)


                                Ninja Gaiden II and The Incredible Hulk.

