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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    I've been playing Braid this week and as much as I want to see what happens at the top of that ladder I don't think I have the patience for puzzle involving a lift made me want to shoot things, so I fired up Half Life and shot things.


      Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
      one puzzle involving a lift made me want to shoot things

      This week I have been playing Lego Star Wars, the Complete Saga on 360. I forgot how addictive LSW was. I've finished it, but now have to finish it about 3 more times to 100% the game... I will do it though. Heh.

      I've also been playing Polarium on the GBA, I've become horribly addicted to this and two puzzles before bed is regularly fifteen puzzles before bed. 160 solved so far.
      Last edited by toythatkills; 21-08-2008, 16:12.


        I've just started and completed Uncharted over the last three days.

        Nice game. Too much arena gunplay but I enjoyed it. They did a good job with the external environments, made me go out with dog a few more times than normal.


          Dodonpachi DOJ, omg its hard as balls but greatness.


            Originally posted by kernow View Post
            Dodonpachi DOJ, omg its hard as balls but greatness.
            I've been sitting down and playing through Slug 1 a few time a week as well, Class.
            If I didn't need to buy a ****ton of buttons/sticks I'd be actively looking for a dodonpachi pcb. The music is so sexy. Gonna rock So hard playing it on a cab instead of on a keyboard.


              Slug 1 definitely is the best slug by far, love it. I can get to mission 6 without dying, then I lose all 3 lives. Never got that mission down yet.


                I pulled my first all-nighter in years last night with Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. And spent all afternoon today playing it. It's strangely compulsive even though I find it quite mentally exhausting. Every single move has to be considered and re-considered and you have to constantly weigh up the numbers, assess what the enemy might do before choosing your moves etc. Rather like chess I suppose. It takes a very particular type of intense, prolonged concentration. Fantastic game though.

                There are over 100 maps in the free play mode, a campaign which I think is about 30 missions, and also a mission editor and downloader, so you could pretty much play this forever and not run out of things to do. It's much better balanced than the last one as well thanks to them dispensing with the ridiculously overpowered CO attacks.


                  Just finished Mario Galaxy (story line - 60 stars) - great stuff. Looks great, sounds fantastic and so much imagination - beautiful.


                    Phantasy Star Portable

                    Been chasing after A-rank weapons and have my character up to lv52 now.


                      I have been mainly on my DS playing a bit of Doodle Hex

                      It's really good I would recommend it


                        I always thought Metal Slug 3 started the decline for that series by throwing bosses at you that you couldn't one credit. 1 was always my fav.

                        Got Alone in the Dark this week, just did Episode 3 and it blew me away. Cracking game. Sure it's rough around the edges but give me this over Resident Evil any day of the week.


                          That's at least 10 goes on king difficulty on Civ Rev now - about 20 hours worth, and diddly squat victories to show for it.

                          It's just so contrived it's untrue. The focus on combat is dreadful - everyone attacks the player, no-one attacks each other. Every game follows the same tired path. Some arse discovers you and asks for peace. Within ten turns they either demand a tech, demand a famous person, or just indiscriminately declare war. It's always a countdown to getting a battering, with very tedious regularity. First half the game is spent putting armies in your cities, then trying to play catch up under the siege. They churn out dozens of army groups AND make massive tech progress at the same time.

                          There's always one civ who's peaceful and doesn't get attacked and just rags the space race. I've tried all the shifting production, science emphasis, etc, but I'm always that step behind, trying to appease the 3 civs demanding great people and technologies off me or they'll kick my arse and waste my resources. If I whip out 800GPs bribing a civ to attack another, it only lasts for about 5 turns, does piss all damage and wastes my precious coffers, making an economic victory a distant dream.

                          I desperately want to like this game and on the lower difficulties it's enormous fun, but every game forces you through the same predictable **** and frankly it's a waste of time. I just wanna explore and build stuff, but end up with a backs-against-the-wall hyper-mission.


                            Been playing quite alot this week. First off, Ive decided that I want to finish of Marathon. Its not a bad game and I don't really like not finishing a game I bought, especially when theres a few achievements to pick up. And while I'm talking about achievement hunting: Been playing some NG2, trying to get the 1000 enemies killed with the ultimate technique and I'm also limiting myself to the Dragon sword.

                            Halo 3 mutiplayer has been pretty much conisistant, and I managed to get the ghost hijack achievement in lone wolves without even trying! Been doing some Gears of War, just getting back to grips with it in preperation for GOW2.

                            I've also restarted Mass Effect. GOTG so far. Anyway, I'm building a Gold standard class character with the intention of using him for ME2 assuming that Bioware will keep to their world and continue your characters.


                              Been playing a lot of Wrath of the Lich King beta and just restarted MGS4 in hard. Looking to replay Crysis before the "sequel" comes out and complete a few other games I have around. Moved into a new place so most of my games are still boxed up - need to sort out my net connection really, cant get my consoles on to save my life :\ - wanted to download SMRPG and Eden....


                                Loads of Bionic Commando Rearmed, Orange Box, Battlefield: BC and Soul Calibur 4 this week, with a smidgen of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth thrown in too.

                                Went into town today with the inention of picking GRAW 2 up again, purely for the MP, it still busy at all?

