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What has everyone been playing this week?

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      Recently bought The Club on 360. Second-hand it's already under 15 quid in most shops.

      It's terrific fun, really engaging and intense! Though I reckon it's one of those where I'll suddenly grow tired of it and never play it again.

      Bargain though!


        In anticipation of MGS4, I started (and finished) playing MGS Twin Snakes and now will move on to MGS2 this coming week. Also been playing GRiD which is a good racing game but am finding it quite easy even on the hardest setting.


          Played a bit Rock Band, guitars only, on the 360 and a bit Nanostray 2 on the DS.

          Rock Band is pretty good and I'll be playing it on the drums later on this evening as a mate just picked a set up.

          Nanostray 2 is really good fun. Still has the clinical Euro feel of the first game but has some interesting level layouts. Bosses are quite good if a little uninspired. Seriously decent visuals for the DS as well.
          My only gripe is the speed of your ship on the horizontal scrolling levels. It moves really quickly, too much for the size of the ship versus the size of the screen.

          I did go to try the PSP SNK collection but it needs a firmware update which I couldn't do on the train!


            This week I'll be mostly playing Condemned 2.


              Monster Hunter Freedom 2 on the PSP for me, and very little else. I've been playing it at lunchtimes with a group of people at work, and I'm completely hooked on it now. Getting on for 150 hours on the save game now!

              It's not hugely friendly at first, so I didn't really get on with it initially, but once you get the hang of what you're doing and start to learn the weapons and monsters, it's a fantastic game. I get why it sells so well in Japan now. In multiplayer in particular it's just brilliant.


                I've gone back to the original GRAW - a pre-owned copy for £5 long after I traded in my original copy as it kept crashing at the start of a certain level. It actually turned out to be my savegame being corrupt, so I've started again. I'm *almost* back to where I was, so fingers crossed.

                It's not the most ideal game to play with a hangover, mind. So, I've been riding shotgun with a mate through Resident Evil 4 Wii. He's never played it, in any format, so he's absolutely loving it. I'm just drifting in and out, occasionally shouting some advice at him.

                It is still a really, really good looking game for something technically deemed "last-gen".


                  I am playing Resident Evil 4 at the moment, it's my first time playing it and I am loving every second of it. Playing a bit of Phantom Hourglass here and there too, I'm dead happy with these two games.


                    as of today it is mario and sonic at the olympics and phantom hourglass for me
                    only Wii and DS goodness this week


                      After finishing Metal Gear Solid 1 I'm now playing Metal Gear Solid 2 (which imo has aged great).

                      I need to get it finished week so that I can have 3 done by the following week.


                        A lot of people have been playing the metal gear solid games recently, my friend completed MGS2 a small while back.


                          yeah, I did MGS2 about 2 months ago, it seemed a hella lot easier that time around.


                            I am going through Ninja Gaiden Sigma in prep for NG2. Good game - a lot of loading though! Was it always like this on Xbox?

                            Also Rock Band and Wiifit. Awesome gaming peripheral heaven.


                              COD4 online, PS3, same game for months now, everything is either not bought or gathering dust!


                                Motorstorm as I've not had my ps3 long.

                                It's a bit rubbish really - nice presentation though. (the pad makes my hand cramp after a while of using R shoulder to accelerate - anybody else get this ?)

