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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    I'v been playing loads of Ninja Gaiden 2, with a side order or Fu'un Super combo on the ps2 (thanks to Big Seany). Also been going back into bowling on Wii Sports as it's ace fun.


      Sonic 3 on the Virtual Console, forgot how good the threequel was.


        Lost Planer, Gears and Conan.

        Trying to work my way thru games I never picked up but meant to.

        Blockbuster is a great shop


          I'm currently playing loads of stuff. Playing Lego Indy on PS3 - really good fun. It's light but just what I wanted from the game.

          Also started Uncharted, which I'm really liking. I seemed to miss all mention of this and, yeah, it's a bit of a Tomb Raider clone but it's lovely and is really well put together so far. Great music, control feels a little funny at times but works. And the look, well, this is a game that I was thinking of all those years ago when I wished games would look as good as they do on the FMV. This looks amazing.

          Also playing Space Invaders Extreme on the DS. I got it on the strength of Keith's review here on ntsc-uk and I am so glad I did. It's far better than I thought it would be, even after the review. It's like Space Invaders crossed with Lumines. Abolutely fantastic.

          Also got Bangio whatever on DS (ordered it on a whim with Space Invaders) and, well, it's just not clicking for me one tiny little bit.

          Played a bit of Ridge Racer 7 on PS3 but the SD frame rate is dodgy so I'm going to wait until I upgrade my telly soon. One thing that strikes me is just how gorgeous the tracks are and so full of colour. With so many games this gen going for grey and brown and dull, it's lovely to see things like Uncharted and RR7 embrace the colour.

          So, yeah, loads of games.


            Oh jeez lots this week!

            Ninja Gaiden 2, Lego Indiana Jones, Hulk: Ultimate destruction, Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Rockband...........pewwwwwww.


              I've been fearin to start anything new as i know i'll abandon them as soon as mgs4 hits. Did recently finish Haze tho. I'll be stickin to arcade style games for the next few days. Outrun2.


                Rune Factory 2 (DS), Resi:UC (Wii), Airport Hero:Narita (PSP) and I'm looking forward to a GameCube-centric day tomorrow with lots of Donkey Konga, DDR with Mario and Odama among others.


                  Grid, mostly. I like it - I can just about cope with the handling and the drift races aren't as murderously hard to begin with as I feared.

                  Uncharted, too, which is pretty good - though it does still continue the tradition of Naughty Dog's games being juuust shy of great. Making Of: "We wanted to produce something utterly distinctive, utterly fresh that no other games on the market could match up to", you've produced yet another Tomb Raider knock-off, which for all its flair still relies far too much on combat, has tacked-on SixAxis support, floaty controls, plenty of It's Just A Videogame moments and boasts some of the worst explosion effects I've ever seen. But it's still a lot of fun.

                  Plus various bits and pieces - ICO, Motorstorm, flow, Pain... I did splash out a fair bit on PSN. All to be shelved when MGS4 hits the streets!


                    Finished off my replay of the MGS games! Finished off Twin Snakes earlier this week and just now finished playing MGS2. I am now officially ready for MGS4

                    I did buy LEGO Indiana Jones and Ninja Gaiden II but got slightly bored of the former and just couldn't be bothered to play the latter past the first chapter.
                    Last edited by ezee ryder; 10-06-2008, 00:20.


                      Mass Effect PC mainly - I intentionally avoided playing ME after the DLC went live on the 360. This version I much prefer and unless ME2 PC is massivily delayed I think ill wait for the PC build every time. No more texture load issues (a major gripe for me in the 360 game), combat feels better with a mouse and keyboard, higher resolution does the game a lot of favours. Downside is the company contracted to port this (and I assume their internal QA team - find it hard to believe EA QA dropped the ball this much) really screwed up, a lot of bugs (mainly crashes). Rest of this week, MGS4 (nat) and Okami Wii version.


                        Absolutely nothing.

                        I can't bring myself to play anything after PvP World of Warcraft. I've tried everything. About the only other game I fancy a couple of hours on is FFXI, but that will bleed further than just a couple of hours...

                        Maybe this is a good time to dump games totally apart from a handful of retro titles I fancy rinsing every now and then for reminiscence sake.

                        I've never been any good at Viewtiful Joe, maybe I'll try caning that this week.


                          I've been well into PS2 lately. The PS3 is boxed up awaiting the plasma to be wall mounted in the lounge following my recent move. I've been playing Dai Ou Jou and Ibara mainly. 1-credit games only. I cannae work out which I like the best, but I find that both titles are nowhere near as hard as people made out before I owned them.
                          Last edited by J0e Musashi; 10-06-2008, 10:24.
                          Kept you waiting, huh?


                            After finishing my finals ive been playing catch up. I recently purchased a Xbox360 so i have a huge catalogue of great games to get through. At the moment i'm playing Oblivion, Mass Effect, Halo 3 and Gear of War. On the Wii Boom Blox and finishing off no more heroes.


                              Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                              Maybe this is a good time to dump games totally apart from a handful of retro titles I fancy rinsing every now and then for reminiscence sake.
                              Or just take a longer break?


                                Ibara gets harder if you play harder. Keeping the medal chains going drives me insane.
                                Have a read of my ibara review if you want to learn more about the high score methods (if you don't know them already).

