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Battle of Destiny 08: UK Fighting game tournament + SF4 and SFIIHD RMX hands on

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    This bites. Really want to get down there today but I am ill as a dog right now and can barely walk downstairs let alone get across London


      I`ve googled Battle Of Destiny '08 for images, but i can`t find any pictures any where. Have cameras been banned or something ?


        Street Fighter IV being played at Battle of Destiny, Rocket Complex, London, on 26th July 2008

        This is all I've been able to find so far. Not quite sure why "The Final Countdown" is on in the background but there we go.

        So, so gutted I am missing this :'(


          Give it a while. There were a few press people doing the rounds with their DSLRs, and people were taking photos of random bits and bobs. Cameras weren't banned at all as far as I'm aware, and I even saw a few people with digicams. I wish I was one of them


            I got some pics of the SFIV machines and I got a pic of Justin Wong on the floor!!! THATS HOW HE KICKED MY ASS! LOL

            I'll upload them in a while, later tonight!

            Last edited by Rockman_Joey; 27-07-2008, 18:22. Reason: SFIV Youtube Upload!


              I was down at BoD yesterday from around 14.30 till about 8. The time flew! I've been to about 3 or 4 NeoEmpire events now, and each and everyone just keeps getting better and better. The venue of this event was ****ing epic! HUGE.

              The massive upstairs hall had 2 long tables full of games ranging from SFZ2, SFZ3, CvS2, KOF2002, 3rd Strike and Virtua Fighter 5 all on for casuals. Upstairs they also had STREET FIGHTER ****ING 4 DOJO!

              6 machines all connected up, and they were all connected up to eachother. So you didn't just play the person next to you, it could have been any of the other 5. They were apparently meant to have another 2 machines but standing in line watching people play SFIV, the time spent in line went really quickly. Longest I stood in line was probably 15 minutes and it was well worth the wait.

              I'll save impressions of the game for the Impressions thread, as I've got a lot to say!

              They had Capcom staff there giving away prizes to anyone who got more then a 10 win streak. I saw people walking around with copies of Okami and Monster Hunter 2 as well as others, as if it wasn't enough of an incentive to be jusst playing SFIV, they gave you prizes if you won! The longest streak I got was with Guile with 4 wins...oh god he is super ghetto! ^_^

              They also had Soul Calibur IV at the event but I didn't get a chance to play it because these 2 dudes were having an epic...battle for 4 hours with Talim and Taki. Got bored watching so went off. Game looked a slower then SC (which I was playing only a few hours earlier)...dunno. Taki also has FANTASTIC babylons in this. Confirmed.

              It's out in a couple of days anyway, so I wasn't really that fussed.

              The downstairs area was just as mental. 8 screens with Street Fighter II HD RMX, a casual area, a bar and right at the back there was the place where all the group matches were being held.

              Impressions of the newer build of HD RMX later!

              Place was huge, plenty of space to chill about and sit down, and if you stood about long enough you could get to jump on a machine and play somoene no problem.

              I entered the SF3 Tourney, but I was not submitted into the draw. Somthing about me being too good and I was now outlawed at playing SF3 at a Tournament level as it would just dishearten people...

              So they bribed me with GOODS and my money back!

              I told them they were lucky and they should go home and be a family man...YEAH. xD Nah, the dudes were ultra cool and said they will make it up for me not being entered in the tourney. The least I expected was my money back but they gave me actual GAMES. I was actually quite pleased with that result as it was a hell of a lot better then what I would have gotten in the Tourny, which would have been...OFF'D!

              Got to play loads of new and old people at SF3 while I was there, standard of play was just rediculously high and it was really hard to get a win against some people there!
              Last edited by jassi singh; 28-07-2008, 22:05.


                Saw a video today of ryan parrying justins chun super (from BOD the other day according to vid info)...damn that justin wong must be having nightmares about this by now

                Last edited by Largo; 28-07-2008, 22:06.


                  I missed that match as I had to leave, but I heard the place errupted multiple times during that match. Wong is just great at too many games, I doubt he is too disheartened to lose against someone, espcially one of the UK's best.

                  He does seem to be one of the people to beat for people wanting to prove themselves at Fighting games.

                  I was there for a Money Match (Without the money) with Wong vs UK's Sinity.

                  It was already 3-0 to Wong untill he decided to pull out the team of Megaman, Roll and Kobun.

                  The whole downstairs area EMPTIED as soon it was announced the money match was about to begin.

                  Great event. Didn't meet a single person from NTSC-UK there though.


                    I wish i knew what the hell was going on in that marvel vs video hehe

                    Infact 3rd strike is one of those games that i wish i was better at, i never been very good at fighting games but i enjoy giving it a try, regardless looks like a great event this BOD


                      Here's Justin kicking my arse:

                      (still being processed)

                      They're also hosted here (they're the 'Me vs Justin' ones)


                        Me getting my ass handed on a plate by Justin Wong

                        Thanks to Bilal for recording and hosting them on his site for me to download later.

                        I've uploaded my two fights onto Youtube and I'll be making a director's cuts with edits and that will be available next week.

                        I am Gouki obviously and Justin's Chun Li



                        Overall, I am just glad he got a C++ against me in the first fight. He didn't get A's but I think he got a B++ for the 2nd fight but I for sure broadened my horizon by getting my ass kicked!


                          Originally posted by jassi singh View Post
                          Great event. Didn't meet a single person from NTSC-UK there though.
                          Blame F$@%ing tonsillitis!!

                          Great write-ups though, really does look like it was a great event, and am properly gutted I missed out on it. Would've really enjoyed the 3S casuals too, sigh. Anyway, off to check out some SFIV impressions!


                            I saw Street Turk there. I'm sure there were more but I wouldn't have known at the time. I was the Indian guy wearing the bright blue UK:R Sega Vest T-shirt if that helps :P


                              Yeah-I was there for the Hyper SF Tourney.

                              I pulled out though cos they misses about 40 people off the registration and it was too hot to wait around.

                              The general standard was pretty good though...

