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PS3 Trophy discussion thread

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    Playfire Launches PS3 Trophies Gamercard Service

    I feel, as a culture, we've gotten really joyfully achievement-obsessed. We check our point scores as compulsively as we do our bank accounts, we demand to know what achievements will be available in games that aren't even out yet, and we have anticipated the launch of PS3 trophies with fervor. Fervor, I tell you.

    A big part of this is so that we can show our play habits and our performance off to our buddies; seeing a My Gamercard on someone's website is like an instant badge of recognition. So it's unsurprising that a company called Playfire has rushed to be the first to create a Gamercard service for PS3 trophies (hopefully 2.4 squares away soon). It's currently in beta, and here it is!

    The... trophycards? support themes, too letting you skin the cards with Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet or SuperStardust HD.


      Works quite well


        Is there only one game with them so far? I don't even know what this Stardust thing is!


          Super Stardust HD is a shooter like Geometry Wars. Super Stardust HD is the best of its kind, in my opinion


            Are the platinum trophies pink on the XMB as well?

            Those will never take off until you can automatically link them to your PSN ID. Sony did say they're looking at other ways to access this information in the FAQ (Web etc...), hopefully they'll allow them to work in a similar way to the 360 Gamercards.


              A Platinum trophy is rewarded if you get every all the trophies in a game. You don't see it in the trophy list.


                Apparently "smaller" PSN games won't have Platinum trophies - even if all other trophies are gained .. so I've read somewhere.


                  Codemasters have virtually confirmed they won't be adding trophy enabling patches to their already released PS3 games DIRT and GRID. Lazy gits.


                    Wont let me create mine.


                      I thought it was quite a cool site and everything was very well integrated until I saw you had to add the trophies in manually....


                        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                        I thought it was quite a cool site and everything was very well integrated until I saw you had to add the trophies in manually....

                        Exactly.. who the hell could be bothered with doing that.. not to mention that people can make entirely fictitious score cards if they want to!

