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Warhammer 40K: Space Marine.

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    Played the demo and it was fantastic. As mentioned before the ability to pop head off with your bolter then deliver violent swings with the chainsaw makes this a 'game after a bad day at the office'. I played it on normal and died a few times until I understood the concept of recharging your health.

    Love the way the game forces you to get stuck in melee style if your energy is dropping. The Jetpack controls were spot on for me. I was flying around diving bombing on fools and dashing side to side with ease.

    Can't wait for co-op on this game. Jetpack + hammer = Win


      Heh... slowly waiting for the demo to download here, I think Microsoft's servers are a bit slow at the moment... I'll give my verdict in due course. Been a vague fan of Warhammer in the past, I know a few mates are very into it, so I'm sure they'll be interested to see how this pans out (some of them don't have PS3 or 360).
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        Strange.. i found this to be really bland :S


          Now that the demo finally downloaded... I rather enjoyed that. Took a few minutes to figure out that it hadn't reminded me that I could switch weapons. Once I did that, made life a bit easier! Those huge orks with the helmets on do take a bit of damage before they drop, and can easily kill you. Nothing a spot of explosive or "Ultra Marine power" can't fix heh...
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            This was great. Didn't know I could switch weapons at all so struggled even on easy!


              Demo's currently downloading for me so will have to see how it goes, read a couple of previews which say it's very good for fans and plays well enough but is basic


                Its ?25 quid at shopto , which is excellent value if it stays that price, as said in another thread i felt it more uncharted,halo crossed with dynasty warriors , its a mash of games but it loved the demo


                  Sadly it's probably too close to Gears 3 for my liking, so I'll probably get it a couple of months down the line and cheaper. Unless my brother picks it up given he liked the look of it...
                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                    Played again tonight on normal but using a Dual Shock 3. Much better. About to go try the PS3 demo now, see how it compares.

                    EDIT: Not bad actually. PC version with a pad is the way to go but the PS3 holds up well. I really like this game. None of this cover nonsense. Ultramarines don't need no stinking cover!

                    I love the idea that to get your health back you run away, pick off a lone Orc and got mental on him
                    Last edited by Brad; 26-08-2011, 00:51.


                      Finally tried this out and it's improved my opinion of it since the show but not enough to get excited. The melee action is good fun but the gunplay is functional at best. It's very solidly put together too but, unless you're already a fan of the franchise, has awful character design and the most boringly bland looking levels I've seen in ages. It's alright but nothing to count the days down to.


                        Yeah, I definitely think part of my liking for it is because I'm a fan of 40k and it's about time we had a competent action game based on it.


                          I used to play Warhammer 40k when I was in college and in past I've thought the videogames have never really it any justice. After playing the demo tonight, it seems to catch the Warhammer feel and found myself enjoying it but I'll wait till it drops price before picking up. With Gears 3 coming soon and Deus Ex last week I've got more than enough to be going on with.


                            Eurogamer didn't like it much, 6 from them. Other reviews I've seen are in the 7's and 8's.

                            Complaints about repetitiveness, that the regain health mechanic is flawed, and that MP is a bit weak.

                            Which is about what I expected. It'll be decent, but not spectacular, and probably something fans of the IP will enjoy more than the general gaming public do.

                            Still getting it.


                              Based on the demo the Eurogamer review sounds spot on. Very generic and functional but add a point or two if a fan of the franchise

