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An arcade stick thread

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    Has anyone here bought Seimitsu parts on order from Gremlin Solutions? They're still not responding to my enquiries for a LS-56-01 stick via e-mail after a couple of attempts and it'd be nicer to pay for UK postage than importing it myself.


      Well, it looks like I've killed the 360 pad inside my Ryu stick

      I needed to add a headset socket to it and also redo the leds from before as when I switched from ps1 pcb to 360 I forgot to check the voltages so they burnt out! I bought some more today and while wiring them up and doing stuff I kept short-circuiting things and now the board has had one too many and given up the ghost.

      I really should've resisted the led urge and just gone ahead with the headset modding but ah well. I'll leave the dead 360 circuit in there for now as it means I can still try out stuff with the leds (series, parallel, etc) as there's still power going in.

      I'm going to have to rummage around at work tomorrow to find another common ground 360 pad (took ages just finding that one!).

      Originally posted by bwi View Post
      Can this "cathulu" thing make it so i can use the one stick on both systems or would it just be better to get one on the PS3?

      It can, yeah.


        Thanks very much for your detailed thoughts Billy, if the TE is noticably more improved and reliable than the SE, then I may shift focus to that.

        It's around £110 in most places...

        At least I have till Monday to think about it!

        Also just to respond to your query, I have owned 2 Arcade sticks before, the PS2 Hori Soul Calibur stick and the Xbox Hori Real Arcade Pro. I used to love fighting games, such as Street Fighter 2, Tekken 2, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter 3tb and Tekken 5, but I've only had those favourites and I've never been a consistent fan of the genre as it's just too daunting.

        After seeing how much people are enjoying Street Fighter 4, being happily stunned at the small move list and having a go at work, I want to start enjoying a good fighter again.


          I reckon that cable tidy on the TE rocks. If only VSHG's had that.
          Last edited by J0e Musashi; 01-08-2009, 22:19.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            lol elitism.


              You forgot the "," after Lol.
              Kept you waiting, huh?



                  im sorry joe havent you got some DS games to change the labels on ?



                    I have as it goes. Wish Room still needs doing. Thanx for reminding me.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      You have to admit Daryl that was a proper wanky comment, delete it quick.


                        Not really, I do find it genuinely funny, but seeing as it's you.
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          I can see where you're coming from, but then I entered the SF4 tourney and got my ****ing ass whipped. I guarentee some of the people here would destroy you on SF, no question about it. They just don't boast about it as much


                            What did I miss???

                            In other news, I got a new 360 pad today to wire up in my Ryu stick and I've stuck the headset port in. I also started desoldering the wires from the buttons and replacing with the proper quick disconnects but I got bored halfway through and stopped. I really should do that, though, not least because the wiring on the buttons has started to go all green and oxidised already

                            I was gonna stick a usb socket on there to have a removable wire to compete with the tidy TE stick owners but I figured what's the point.

                            Hopefully it'll all be wrapped up tomorrow and Ryu can bask in the warm glow of an LED moon once again.

                            Bloody nightmare, this joystick


                              Only person here who can beat me convincingly is phillai. I wasn't boasting anyway. It's good that more people know about said parts I guess.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Oh cripes, it wasn't about Sanwas was it?

