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Super Mario Galaxy 2!

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    Super Mario Galaxy 2!

    As you may know it's just been confirmed in Nintendo's conference. For years we've wanted a sequel to Super Mario 64, so they decide to make a sequel to SMG instead.

    I don't know what to think of this, but either way it's going to be fantastic!

    Your thoughts?
    Last edited by MarioMark; 03-06-2009, 08:40.

    Yoshi's in it, that's enough 'new features' for me. More levels = great!


      The best news to come out of E3 so far.

      2 new Mario games is great


        It has that 'expansion pack' feeling to it, but hey, an expansion to one of the greatest games ever isn't something to turn your nose up at.


          Haven't decided if I'm going to spooge over ever single bit of media yet or leave it a mystery.

          Express shipping on this one!


   - SD trailer.


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              The best news to come out of E3 so far.

              2 new Mario games is great
              I haven't been following e3 much what was the other mario game besides galaxy 2?

              Btw love the look of galaxy 2, more crazy fun worlds to explore i like galaxy far better than mario 64 thats for sure.


                Originally posted by importaku View Post
                I haven't been following e3 much what was the other mario game besides galaxy 2?

                Btw love the look of galaxy 2, more crazy fun worlds to explore i like galaxy far better than mario 64 thats for sure.

                New super Mario Bros: Wii.

                The DS game on wii but with up to 4 players. Looked Zzz


                  NSMB!!!! aww hell no, i hated the ds version lol bollox to having it on wii i'll pass.

                  Looks like it's just galaxy 2 for my mario fix this year then.


                    Super news, they had me at the music again I'm afraid.

                    There's so much scope to be as off the wall as they like with this.


                      Originally posted by importaku View Post
                      NSMB!!!! aww hell no, i hated the ds version lol bollox to having it on wii i'll pass.

                      Looks like it's just galaxy 2 for my mario fix this year then.
                      NSMB:Wii vid.


                        Oh hell YESH! For SMG2. Not so much for New Super Mario Bros.


                          Fantastic news. No waiting 5 years for another 3D Mario this time. All a Galaxy sequel needs to be is more of the same, so this is brilliant. They didn't mention a release date so it must be a 2010 release.


                            Apart from 4 players & a propellor suit it looks as dull as the ds version, hmm can't say im feeling it.

                            Anyway this is the galaxy 2 thread, err so ermmm yay galaxy looks awesome


                              Originally posted by Flabio View Post
                              It has that 'expansion pack' feeling to it, but hey, an expansion to one of the greatest games ever isn't something to turn your nose up at.
                              This is my feeling on it too. For me, more Galaxy can only be a good thing. One of my favourite games of the last few years and I'm definitely up for more.

