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Metroid: Other M - Team Ninja does Metroid

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    Originally posted by Tig View Post
    I wasn't sold on this game, but this video looks rather tasty. It's Super Metroid with a Z-axis.
    That does indeed look awesome. Wasn't too sure about this before but now am completely sold.


      Originally posted by Tig View Post
      However, seeing as that describes every non-"Prime" Metroid ever made, I'm giving this one the benefit of the doubt...
      Every non-Prime Metroid game only takes place on a 2D plane.

      I'm just remembering how rubbish 3D platformers on the PS1 were before the dual shock.


        True- but this is Nintendo we're talking about. They're not renowned for putting out terrible control systems.

        If Other M turns out to be a Bubsy 3D -style control abomination I will eat several hats!


          Really can't wait for this. Not long now.

          Some pouting girl has some playthrough videos on YouTube here if you're interested.


            Only review of it so far seems to be a German magazine who gave it 73%


            Nintendo power gave it 85%

            Originally posted by Nintendo_power
            Although Metroid: Other M has a few rough spots, it gets the really important stuff right...Fans will likely find bits to bicker about, but overall Other M delivers the goods.


              Interesting. Will be judging it for myself though.

              I think Famitsu gave it 9/9/8/9
              Last edited by hudson; 27-08-2010, 07:43.


                GB QL. Review is up too.


                  Just watching it now. It really doesn't look fun at all.


                    Duddyroar has had this a while. Shame no first play thread yet


                      There's a weird spread in the reviews. Most hover around 80 with a few going much lower.

                      They're all saying stuff like "once you get over xyz it's much better" which rings alarm bells to me. Fiddly controls, too many gameplay styles meshed together and an overdone story seem to be the main issues.

                      I'm still struggling to get worked up about this, even as a big metroid fan.


                        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                        There's a weird spread in the reviews. Most hover around 80 with a few going much lower.

                        They're all saying stuff like "once you get over xyz it's much better" which rings alarm bells to me. Fiddly controls, too many gameplay styles meshed together and an overdone story seem to be the main issues.

                        I'm still struggling to get worked up about this, even as a big metroid fan.
                        I'm still hugely wanting to play it, but I can't help but think that the game would be so much better off if they gave you the option of a hardcore mode.

                        Selecting beams, manually aiming with the analog etc. Even the stuff in first person would work fine with an analog do other first person games...

                        Nintendo Grrr.


                          The 'only using wiimote' thing seems daft to me, they could of had it as default but provided other control methods too with nunchuk or classic controller. It just seems really stubborn to limit a game to the wiimote. I tried playing Metroid Zero mission on an emulator on the homebrew channel, unplayable on wiimote because there just aren't enough buttons in the right place.


                            Having just watched the GBQL I think this would annoy me massively thanks to the controls. As they said, if the game supported analogue it would probably play a lot better.

                            That's probably a moot point since we'll probably find out, but it's enough of a thing for me to stop me buying this until it's cheaper.


                              I hope there's lots of sneaky secrets to find along the way.

