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Best new character of this decade...

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    Best new character of this decade...

    As we're approaching the end of this decade, I've been reflecting on (and posting on other forums) the various 'Games and Films of the Decade.' but today I pondered, who is the best new character to come out of a game this decade?' So guys and gals, what are your thoughts?

    Did the Master Chief rock your world so much that you put the mini helmet on your cat? Did Frank West's cross-dressing antics open up new horizons for you? Perhaps you identified with Brucie Kibbutz' in-denial gayness, or found Tommy Vercetti's psychopathic nature endearing. And can you really include Naked Snake? He's essentially Solid, just the original.

    So many great characters have come out of this decade, great supporting ones too, like Kent Paul, Roman Bellic, Elena Fisher, Otis ...

    Personally, for me it's a really really easy choice. This guy is awesome, he's the real batman, only without the silly cape and homo-erotic sidekick. He stalks in the shadows, but can duke it out in a gunfight with the best of them, he is, of course ...

    Sam Fisher.

    "Say monkey."

    I think my vote would be for Nathan Drake. Not really seen any games have such "character" as Uncharted including what I've seen of the second game. That game has such brilliant voice acting in it.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      I think my vote would be for Nathan Drake. Not really seen any games have such "character" as Uncharted including what I've seen of the second game. That game has such brilliant voice acting in it.
      Oh yes, Mr Drake is a fantastic character. Consider my vote cast upon him.


        There's only one winner here meatbags!

        Followed by:

        Carlson and Peeters!!!!


          Miles Edgeworth:

          Don't know why. He's just the first character that came to mind for some reason. There's something about the way he's written that makes me really like him, even though he's initially set up as the villain.


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            I think my vote would be for Nathan Drake. Not really seen any games have such "character" as Uncharted including what I've seen of the second game. That game has such brilliant voice acting in it.
            Exactly what I was going to say to be honest, I really can't remember any other characters that had any personality at all to be honest.

            It really surprised me when I played the game as much of the game did but more than anything, the personality that his character was given just worked so well.

            There was some genuinely funny moments that were no more than just his character naturally reacting to stuff.

            As you can probably tell from my avatar, I'm a fan of the game anyway.


              Originally posted by Brats View Post
              There's only one winner here meatbags!
              An excellent choice.


                I'm a big fan of Nathan Drake, and his name did pop into my head, but Nolan North's work on Shadow Complex has tainted the character, as he sounds exactly the same in that game! And earlier this year I replayed Assassin's Creed, and noticed he also voices Desmond, and again sounds almost exactly the same.

                I didn't include Agent 47 (clearly the inspiration for the name of HK-47) because I thought Hitman came out in 1999. Wrong. It was 2000. Therefore he comes a very very VERY close second to Mr Fisher.




                    Originally posted by Nighteyes View Post
                    but Nolan North's work on Shadow Complex has tainted the character, as he sounds exactly the same in that game! And earlier this year I replayed Assassin's Creed, and noticed he also voices Desmond, and again sounds almost exactly the same.

                    and in Halo Wars, and Prince of Persia...and Halo ODST.

                    Dont get me wrong I like his voice, and he's a good actor but NOLAN NORTH OVERLOAD.


                      Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
                      and in Halo Wars, and Prince of Persia...and Halo ODST.

                      Dont get me wrong I like his voice, and he's a good actor but NOLAN NORTH OVERLOAD.
                      Isn't it Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Serenity) in the Halo games? They do sound mad similar though!


                        Its me isnt it or should i say my namesake, everytime i go in a multiplayer room people always say MISTERBUBBLES oh youv'e joined us from Bioshock, or just say in the little sister voice. I guess the Big Daddy is just an iconic figure, not sure he's got much personality or character ( that him not ME ) Nathan is a great character and its the comedy and one liners that make him fun, a slight 2nd.


                          you know bubbles i never made that connection, infact i always pictured you as a pedigree fluffy cat infact, not sure why



                            Last edited by Guts; 21-09-2009, 22:42.


                              Im more like Bagpuss than any pedigree.

