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This Gen's "Holy Wowzer" Magical First Play Moment

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    Haven't had one so far this generation.


      I think that although Galaxy is still my Game of the Generation, I don't remember thinking "holy wowzer" at any point. It never really surprised me, was just consistantly brilliant.

      PGR3 - The first day of Next Gen, 360 launch, and Bizzare Studios took my breath away. The first person view has since been bettered by NFS Shift, but at the time Project Gotham 3 was a fantastic introduction to next-gen racing and set a new standard for immersion.

      Mass Effect - the initial introduction was one of the slickest I've seen, but the real Wow moment was at the end of the story. While games this generation seem to be falling over in the final chapters, Mass Effect had one of the most tense, engrossing and epic conclusions in any videogame. The scale was simply immense.

      Mirror's Edge - perhaps the demo more than the final game, regardless, ME floored me. In a time where Of War titles set the trends for colour pallets, Mirror's Edge's clean and bright style was a real breath of fresh air. But the way it played was even fresher, so smooth, graceful...all the videos that Dice had shown in the previous year were all real. Although the final game disappointed in a number of ways (story, forced action sequences), when it clicked - when there was no real danger - ME completely blew my mind. The demo then, but biggest moment of all was the first proper level - an epic run to the top of the building followed by a huge descent to ground level and escape into the subways. Utterly brilliant.


        Demon's Souls for me - the feeling of being there and not wanting to die is so intense.


          A new one for me to add. Just started Punch-Out on practically takes me back to when I was a teen (when I first bought the original) I love it!


            Bought a PS3 and Ridge over at the in-laws, luckily they had an HD set (not 1080P) but was only playing via the crappy bog standard cable.

            After we got home, took delivery of a full 1080P telly and of course an HDMI cable, words fail me when I got that baby up and running.


              Definitely Galaxy. As soon as the game opened and Bowser lifted Peach's castle away I remembered how Super Mario 64 made me feel. Too bad there was no cake in Galaxy that Peach made for Mario :P


                Actually I lie.

                The Final Fantasy XIII demo that came with the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Blu-Ray perfect edition or something.

                Booted it on a PS3 hooked up to a 40" LCD and the intro video looked fantastic.

                I wonder if XIII is gonna get me back into RPGs.


                  Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                  I think that although Galaxy is still my Game of the Generation, I don't remember thinking "holy wowzer" at any point. It never really surprised me, was just consistantly brilliant.

                  PGR3 - The first day of Next Gen, 360 launch, and Bizzare Studios took my breath away. The first person view has since been bettered by NFS Shift, but at the time Project Gotham 3 was a fantastic introduction to next-gen racing and set a new standard for immersion.

                  Mass Effect - the initial introduction was one of the slickest I've seen, but the real Wow moment was at the end of the story. While games this generation seem to be falling over in the final chapters, Mass Effect had one of the most tense, engrossing and epic conclusions in any videogame. The scale was simply immense.

                  Mirror's Edge - perhaps the demo more than the final game, regardless, ME floored me. In a time where Of War titles set the trends for colour pallets, Mirror's Edge's clean and bright style was a real breath of fresh air. But the way it played was even fresher, so smooth, graceful...all the videos that Dice had shown in the previous year were all real. Although the final game disappointed in a number of ways (story, forced action sequences), when it clicked - when there was no real danger - ME completely blew my mind. The demo then, but biggest moment of all was the first proper level - an epic run to the top of the building followed by a huge descent to ground level and escape into the subways. Utterly brilliant.

                  Yep to all of those!


                    Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                    Yep to all of those!
                    I should of added the 1st one to my original post way back in this thread.

                    PG3 Was a real Wow moment. First game I fired up on the 360.


                      RR7 still looks slick. Oblivion's scale was wow too.

