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Edge 208 scores

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    In terms of Brooker, having had cheap copies of Screen Burn and Dawn Of The Dumb by the bog since last December, if you read between the acidity of its lines, you can tell the man actually cares about things, there is a warmth underneath what actually seems shockingly apathetic on first reading. I don't think he's just some cheap, wannabe Chris Morris fag-hag, he allows the reader a great degree of intimacy inside his sadly nostalgic, bitter, inner world, and those books are essential, on-bowl reading matter.

    In terms of 'honest' reviews, and sorry to get retro, but I kind of liked the way magazines like Zzap!64 and Crash used to handle things, with one main review written by a certain author, but other team members also having a say on their view of the game within small boxes in the body of the main text.

    So - to sound really old here - if Zzap were reviewing some side-on arcade adventurey shooter thing that was glitzy but lacked content, and Gordo thought it was good but a bit 'surface' and Maff thought it was Sizzler material because of all the 'mindless mayhem', then I'd probably side with Gordo's opinion more.


      I agree with most of the scores the PES2010 score seems accurate although still not having played it yet because of post problems . I feel most of the people whose comments I have read, either love it or hate it and it is a brilliant game but has some issues. Can`t wait to read the review . Mmmm with the Uncharted score 9, maybe correct but I think though as a lover of GTAIV and the first Uncharted if the 2nd one is just a better vers of the 1st one then I think a 10 is probably warranted imo.

