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PSVita (Successor to PSP, was PSP2 then NGP)

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    The lack of PSVita success makes me sad. I thought it was a device really aimed at the core gamer audiance, but the sad fact of the matter is that core handheld gamers are either youngsters using a Nintendo device (Which I enjoy too) or young adults using a mobile.

    The failure of the PSVita, feels like a confirmation that my type of gaming is on the way out.

    COD would have been a great marketing oppertunity, but the video thus released makes it look bloody awful. Low FPS, barren visuals and only availble over local WiFi!!! :/


      For me, the 3DS's successes and the PSP's continued higher sales against the Vita have shown there's still interest in handhelds but they have to be handled right. A handheld priced at the same or more than a full fledged console is always a hard sell and the Vita has been like a 101 Guide in how to mess up a handheld. Sony seems completely incapable of grasping that the purchasing costs of the handheld (with memory card) are too high, that it's poorly marketed and that its under supported. The lack of content is shocking, I know launch periods are always slow but the horizon is just as agonising and even Sony itself seems slow to provide for it. If the Vita fails, I'll be putting it down to just one thing. Sony.


        Making the Vita a powerhouse was a bad idea. It is trying to be a mini PS3 which was proven to be a less than brilliant idea with the PSP. Also when every port comes out on that amazing oled screen you realise that it is miles behind and the games can look low poly or rough.

        First 18 months of the 3DS have struck the balance well. Few ports in there but lots of original titles that cover both the hardcore and the casual well. Pity titles are thin on the ground there too!


          I think the Vita was always going to be for a smaller specialist market. I'm sure Sony knew already the trend for portable gaming was with phones. They tried with the Xperia thingy, but it was old tech. Nintendo has their own loyal customers which they have built up over the years and seemed to have tapped into that "family" gaming vibe off the back of the Wii.


            3DS has a portfolio and price that can attract to everyone. Vita is expensive and mostly has games aimed at young adults, but it looks like and still is a toy. Its no iPhone or iPad. Even if they do drop the price there is still a more accessible 3DS. And the older audience likely cares more about his iPhone. I have to admit I play more on my iPhone too lately. Its accessible and always in reach.
            Last edited by saturn-gamer; 21-08-2012, 08:44.


              I'd still really like one, sadly nothing has really grabbed me on the software front since it launched. My iPhone is killing it when it comes to the sort of games I ​like to play.


                First 100 or so PS1 games support should be live from next week


                  I'd also really like to own one as I think it's a lovely piece of kit but the issues for me are:

                  (1) The price is currently ridiculously too high and it looks really bad in when compared to the 3DS's cost.
                  (2) Far too much of the library are just ports of home console games. I don't see the point in outlaying for a new machine when so many of the titles are already available on the consoles I have already. I think it really needs more original titles and for that reason I'm sticking with the PSP for now.


                    Went into 3 high street shops at the weekend and had a go on one of these, have to say its a lovely piece of kit, just very well thought out and a joy to hold. However, all three shops had these next to a 3ds, and in all three shops the 3ds had a game in, not one psvita had a game in the slot to play. Not exactly making it easy for people to decide what to by are Sony?


                      I'm beginning to suspect the Vita is some sort of money-laundering scam. I love the machine but Sony seem determined to bury it.


                        Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                        Went into 3 high street shops at the weekend and had a go on one of these, have to say its a lovely piece of kit, just very well thought out and a joy to hold. However, all three shops had these next to a 3ds, and in all three shops the 3ds had a game in, not one psvita had a game in the slot to play. Not exactly making it easy for people to decide what to by are Sony?
                        Every time I've played one in a shop it's full of demo?

                        I really want one but just don't think I will use it much as I have an iPad and ps3 and a small child. Saying that it may get used more as I can play it when my son is watching some turd on cbeebies


                          Originally posted by dj_lloyde View Post
                          don't think I will use it much as I have an iPad and ps3 and a small child.
                          The games on the small child are rubbish.


                            Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                            The games on the small child are rubbish.
                            Cup of tea, spat everywhere!!


                              So currently the most exciting thing to look forward to on Vita are PS1 games?


                                Yeah, tomorrow.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

