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PSVita (Successor to PSP, was PSP2 then NGP)

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    Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
    Took the plump and bought Persona 3. Just gotta download it now.
    How does it look on the vita screen?


      Wow didnt realise until it was too late that you cannot re-download videos from PSN once you have purchased them. I needed space on my vita memory card, and didnt notice any warning as i was in a rush, so i deleted my movie(purchased for already daft money).....only to find i cannot download it again.

      Well i guess thats the last legit movie download i ever pay for outside netflix.


        Aye, it's pretty crap.


          Originally posted by BIG EDD View Post
          How does it look on the vita screen?
          Just booted it up and quite impressed Text is a bit blurred due to the bigger screen but other than that it scales well and looks spot on


            Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
            Wow didnt realise until it was too late that you cannot re-download videos from PSN once you have purchased them. I needed space on my vita memory card, and didnt notice any warning as i was in a rush, so i deleted my movie(purchased for already daft money).....only to find i cannot download it again.

            Well i guess thats the last legit movie download i ever pay for outside netflix.
            Thats crazy, what if you back it up to PC?


              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
              Just booted it up and quite impressed Text is a bit blurred due to the bigger screen but other than that it scales well and looks spot on
              If you hold your finger on the touchscreen, it brings up some options for the PSP emulation. I believe you can disable the edge smoothing in there.


                Originally posted by davek22 View Post
                Thats crazy, what if you back it up to PC?
                I think the crucial thing was that they didn't - they just deleted it. But yes, I assume that transferring it to a PS3 / backing up to PC would be Sony's suggested option here. Pretty much the same as how iTunes used to (still does?) work. You download, then it's up to you to hang on to a copy.


                  Just had a play on the new Lego game. Wtf is going on? It looks no better than the ds version.
                  I thought the Mgs screen crop was bad.
                  Do no game studios want to put any real effort into vita games?
                  It shows a total lack of faith, the vita is screwed IMO. Thing is do I hold onto it in the hope that a system seller arrives or just get shot of it now before the price cutting starts?


                    It IS the DS version. While that stinks, I'm not sure that has anything to do with faith in the Vita - the 3DS version is the same. It seems to be just the way TT split the handheld versions and big console versions between two studios.


                      It's not about having faith in the vita. It's about individual studios and publishers and how much effort they put into any game. Raman on vita looks absolutely stunning and plays brilliantly. I believe the games will come. Investment in game development with grow as sales of the system grow. That's how business works.


                        If it wasn't for this thread popping up now and again, I keep forgetting the vita has even been released, despite having owned two. That can't be a good sign. Something big needs to come to change the systems fortunes, it's a great piece of kit, but currently has nothing of interest in my opinion.


                          Yeah, I am almost done with Gravity Daze and now not sure what to do with it. I want Persona 4, but it won't be here until fall 2012. Hold no interest in any other announcement for this year. Might sell it off now that its expensive, and buy one back when the price has been drastically lowered (which will happen at its current state)... IF any relevant software is coming at all.

                          Another Sony release... lots of talk, lots of promises, lots of potential.. but most of that isn't going to become reality. Its just a PSP, but at the moment even less than that; no Square, no Capcom.. no PsOne classics.

                          Should've been warned when I bought the Move at launch. A lot of 'could be'.
                          Last edited by saturn-gamer; 01-07-2012, 11:05.


                            Maybe Angry Birds Vita will be released soon. That will have gamers flocking to buy the unit in droves.


                              Same thing could be said for the PSP. That too was a console which was invisible to the average consumer, was dropped by super markets after release and gradually went on to become successful out of the spot light with a number of significant exclusives. Your better off getting your Vita impressions from neogaf, at least they appreciate the system for the good it has achieved there, where as too many people here are looking for opinionated self-validation by seeing the thing fail.


                                I admit that if you take a snapshot right now it doesn't look good. My asda sell 360, PS3, Wii and 3DS games but Vita is simply not stocked. However, I don't believe that's the right way to analyse the likely success of a system.

                                Personally Rayman is an absolute killer app for Vita. If it existed solely on this platform it could be a system seller. Maybe.

                                Monster Hunter Freedom Unite looks nice on here too.

                                What will annoy me is if the system does fail and developers moan about it because (in contrast to what I wrote earlier) if you make half arsed ports for the system and people find out about it then you're gonna lose sales and you only have yourself to blame e.g. MGS HD "collection". I really wanted that but <native res and cropped? No thanks.

                                Quite amazing that the best game on the system is from Ubisoft who are normally the worst offenders for launch title shovelware!
                                Last edited by Brad; 01-07-2012, 15:24.

