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PSVita (Successor to PSP, was PSP2 then NGP)

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    Cavalcade is certainly good for a laugh, that much is a fact!


      Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
      I just told you not to moan about it. Because you are moaning. The usual entitled gamer whinge that pervades every corner of the internet now.

      You go into a shop and see only the launch titles and a handful of newer games. Well newsflash - that's because it was launched 4 months ago. When you went into a shop 4 months after the 360 came out they'd relegated PGR3 and PDZ behind copies of Alan Wake and LA Noire? Oh no, that's right, they still had the launch titles there. Unlike the Vita they also had nothing else. The Vita has had 2 exceptional, unique games since launch in Gravity Rush and Unit 13 as well a middling stuff like Resistance and console ports such as D3 and MGS. The 360 waited about a year until something worth spending any money turned up for it. DS. Same. 3DS, same. Every console ever? SAME. Shouting "where are my gamez Sony" four months after launch is just the entitled gamer whinge taken to a whole new level considering the depth and breadth of titles available for the system currently.

      Demanding a constant stream of high-quality new software in such a new platform is utterly baffling to me. Apart from the fact I'd argue that Sony have presented a stream of high quality software since launch (Unit 13, Gravity Daze, D3 "wah wah console port" and the MGS Collection "wah wah, native rez, wah wah on the consoles wah wah") and there's plenty of other stuff in the pipeline I'm looking at. I can see if you were perhaps unemployed, had no family, only had a Vita and sat in a darkened room all day burning through the catalogue you could complain, but most people have other systems too. Here's a radical thought, how about accepting the Vita as part of a balanced gaming diet, as something that supports your other systems and offers enough unique games and experiences that you could hold on to it, rather than hysterically selling it for the money because it's "dead".

      I love the Vita. I was deeply skeptical about it, and bought it on a whim. It works for me because it offers a home console like experience on a device that's portable and can be instantly suspended/resumed. Thanks to this I've completed more games on the Vita in 2 or 3 months than I probably managed over the last couple of years. I don't care that some of the games/franchises are on other platforms, because I know I'll play them on the Vita because of the nature of the platform and how it suits my life. The spork brigade, "I'd going to buy an iPad... I've bought an iPad.... what do I use this for?.... I'm selling my iPad..... I hate the iPad!....." have moved in on the Vita with alarming haste and it drives me insane. The Vita has been subjected to the most vociferous and unwarranted bleating and whining campaign on internet forums I have ever seen. And it's utterly unjustified. As much as you credit a corporation with doing something to appeal to hardcore gamers rather than their bottom line Sony have essentially done just that. Created a platform designed for people who frequent places like rllmuk and borderdown. And large swathes of this community have picked up large handfuls of dung and chucked them in Mr Sony's face while whining incessantly about how they deserve better.

      So yes. I am telling you to put up with it, or sell it and stop talking about it because you're adding nothing to the debate.

      lol, ok boss - well i cant top that so i'll move along; just a side note - your last comments are coming across as quite agressive. You have as much authority as the rest of us on this forum....


        Now that we've agreed I'm right on this topic, lets move on to solving something else. How about quantum teleportation or world hunger?


          Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
          I just told you not to moan about it. Because you are moaning. The usual entitled gamer whinge that pervades every corner of the internet now.
          For the record I see no gamer entitlement on here. Perhaps if the PSV took on it's own identity rather than try to be a PS3 in your hands people wouldn't be so bothered. Same thing happened with the PSP for a long time too. It seems that Sony didn't learn from that.

          It is no coincidence that Gravity Rush was so well received on here on import and people have been raving about it for so long, it is a Vita only game and not a cut down port.


            What surprises me the most over here in Norway, isn't the fact that there is quite OK games support, it's the fact the retailers aren't supporting the console at all! Either the shops in Bergen don't stock the machine, or they have only got a handful of lauch games and about 30 copies of Uncharted.

            If the shops won't sell the thing, it doesn't matter how good a VDF we have, the machine won't sell.

            Also, whilst I am quite happy with the games I own:

            - Uncharted
            - Ridge Race
            - WipeOut
            - Motorstorm RC
            - Unit 13
            - Resistance
            - Little Deviants
            - Everybody's Golf Vita
            - Metal Slug 2 (PSP)
            - Sega MD collection (PSP)

            I honestly don't find any of them a "System killer app." I'm sorry, I just don't.

            Still, I have invested quite a bit of money in the platform and am enjoying the games. It's pretty good and if they can improve the visuals and achieve native res in the next 6 months, in addition to selling "1st party" content, it will be a stellar system.

            Does anyone have the sales stats?


              Well quite. I considered picking up a 3rd game in asda on Saturday only to find they weren't doing vita at all. To them it is a non existent device. Stacks of dust covered wii shovelware taking up all the space mind.


                It's the catch 22.

                If it isn't selling, stores won't stock it. If they don't stock it and prominently display it, it'll contribute to it not selling.
                Still, Sony don't seem to care about it selling well, so why should stores

                It's really hard to get proper sales figures for the Vita beyond its weekly tally in Japan. Sony has been very reserved about figures since February. If this link is right:

                The Vita must be hovering around the 2m mark by now or slightly over. After the same period (less than the Vita has technically been available) when it was being marked for death the 3DS had sold just over 4m


                  Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                  It's the catch 22.

                  If it isn't selling, stores won't stock it. If they don't stock it and prominently display it, it'll contribute to it not selling.
                  Still, Sony don't seem to care about it selling well, so why should stores

                  It's really hard to get proper sales figures for the Vita beyond its weekly tally in Japan. Sony has been very reserved about figures since February. If this link is right:

                  The Vita must be hovering around the 2m mark by now or slightly over. After the same period (less than the Vita has technically been available) when it was being marked for death the 3DS had sold just over 4m

                  OK, half of 3DS, and I would say that the 3DS is a healthy platform, so not too bad then.

                  Is that similar to PSP sales?


                    It's a hard one to judge, the 4m 3DS sales figure was considered to be terrible. After Nintendo dropped the price, released key games and gave out the incentives sales in 1 quarter alone were around 9m.

                    I'm not sure what the PSP's figures were in the same timeframe but wiki says it sold 200,000 in Japan in the first day and just shy of 1m in Europe within its first week suggesting it sold more.


                      Well, this is weird. Remember the PSP go? Remember that Sony gave away free games? Remember that those games could only be played on a PSP Go? Well, was the Free Gran Turismo in that same category? IIRC it was and yet I just downloaded it an played it on my Vita. So, am I remembering wrong or have I haxxor3d Sony? lol.


                        Hmmm... not sure. I'll have to check that. I do know that some of mine (like PSP Resistance) that were part of that scheme definitely won't download to anything but my Go.


                          Its a loop the Vita's in. It isn't selling well, so developers don't jump on it yet... which means consumers hold back. Worse, Sony isn't really making an effort either judging by their E3 show.

                          Consumers just live off announcements, because it ensures the life of a system they invested in. Early adaptors of 3DS, Ps3 etc knew what was coming over in the next few years, on top of that Nintendo announces an MH4 as well. Which isn't much for western gamers, but it means Japan is in the bag, and Japan is still where most handheld software has to come from. Gravity Daze could've only been made in Japan, and its the best Vita game imho.

                          I think thats where the matter of the Vita differs. Will Vita get a new MH, Dissidia, KH? Anything at all from Capcom after SF X Tekken will flop (and it will)? No one knows. If Dissidia 3 would be announced for next year I would be satisfied as 012 is one of my favourite games.


                            Capcom will hold out on MH until the JPN Vita sales numbers go up, as they have with 3DS.

                            Sega could put Shenmue 3 out on Vita. It's the perfect platform for it.


                              Maybe they should just stop being stupidly greedy and make memory cards affordable, and i'm not talking about 4gb/8gb cards which are about as useful as a boil on the arse given the wealth and breadth of the PSN store....i'm talking about making the 16gb the minimum size available, with 32gb/64gb cards released at reasonable prices which, bearing in mind the crap flash memory performance, shouldnt be too difficult at all. Its currently ?14.99p for a 32gb SD card on amazon right now...the 32gb vita card is ?59.99p, and that is undercutting most places already by ?15.

                              That price disparity is ridiculous given the 3ds uses(and even bundles)SD cards. This propietry memory card thing can only be screewing sony right now.

                              Also they need to drop the price to ?179.99 by the time 3DS XL hits, preferably right now to give it a small headstart. And possibly include some download codes for escape plan, or stardust.

                              Its amazing because they had the brain to release the psp as a value pack back in the day, which included pretty much everything you needed, And i think it helped psp quite a bit. If they just included a 4gb memory card with the vita so people didnt have to go and buy seperate stuff.....there are routes they could take which surely wouldnt add that much to the overhead.

                              If they did this it might start improving the situation, but i just hope it isnt too late because, as others have said, finding vita stuff in many shops is frighteningly difficult outside the usual specialist places.

                              Certainly no complaints about software, it smashes what the 3ds had. Zelda was the only worthy purchase in the same release period for me, which was a port of a 13 year old game.

                              Sony need to take the hit right now though if it is to have a future, otherwise its pretty obvious it will fade fast....just as the 3ds would have without mario to bail it out.

                              When 3DS XL hits i dread the situation, because i dont want that machine to be my only handheld option outside of android/apple.
                              Last edited by PaTaito; 02-07-2012, 22:48.


                                Sony need to kick Activision. Once COD is available, Vita will fly off the shelves like nobody's business. I've said it all year.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

