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PSVita (Successor to PSP, was PSP2 then NGP)

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    Been playing motocross mayhem on my iPhone. It's really well made. Like trials hd. If my iPhone had buttons and sticks and triggers this game would be fantastic. But it hasn't. So it's utter crap. I don't believe this problem can be solved until phone have proper controls on them and I don't want my phone to have all that stuff on it. Long live dedicated portable gaming machines!


      Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
      You can delete using Content Manager.
      Curious about this because I can't delete my Army Corps install this way as content manager doesn't see it.


        Originally posted by FSW View Post
        Been playing motocross mayhem on my iPhone. It's really well made. Like trials hd. If my iPhone had buttons and sticks and triggers this game would be fantastic. But it hasn't. So it's utter crap. I don't believe this problem can be solved until phone have proper controls on them and I don't want my phone to have all that stuff on it. Long live dedicated portable gaming machines!
        So why buy it then? /

        My view is if a phone can have integrated controls which dont add a massive amount of bulk and dont impact the core functionality of the phone (ie. being a phone) then surely it would be a great piece of hardware for both phone and gaming? I dont think its' in the realm of fantasy to think this is beyond current technology it just isnt what everyone would want in a smart phone device.

        Perhaps it would be better served as an add-on... but then that would add more bulk than being integrated by it's very nature. As a result I do think the Xperia Play is close to a workable model with it's slide out controls. When not required they're simply tucked away. Best of both worlds basically but I am also sure other manufacturers and the way the market it moving that it could be done better.

        Right now every attempt has either hindered the phone functionality or the games platform.


          Trial version

          Xperia play if it had the psp go nubs and if when you slid it out the other way had a qwerty keyboard would be tempting.


            There's two reasons why phones don't need proper controllers attached to them.

            One is that virtual controls are being better implemented all the time. Just look at the port of sonic cd, plays brilliantly on the iPhone.

            The other reason is that it would stop developer from trying to make clever touch screen based games, look at the vita, the touch screen is largely pointless, the only game that uses it in a worthwhile way is escape plan.


              I have no problem with touch screen controls only certainly even FPS work fairly well on I PAD at least, i dont think ive ever used the touch screen much at all on my vita.


                In fairness, while Sonic CD plays well enough, it's still merely making the best of a bad situation - no-one would actually choose to play the game on a touchscreen.


                  The problem with using the touch screen for virtual controls is that using them obscures the screen. Yes they're getting better but they're still miles off using real tactile controls. If the developers need to supply virtual sticks and buttons for a type of game then surely that means they believe that is the best input method and would choose tactile ones if they existed?

                  Saying if they were there developers wouldn't use the touch screen is a bit bollocks as well. It just gives them more choice to provide different experiences. Sure some maybe lazy but that's a sweeping statement to say they'd always favour conventional controls over being inventive.

                  What I want to know is how much better they can make touch controls for conventional games. Every game I've played using that input has been sub-par to using a controller when most other facets like sound, graphics and general gameplay have been there. It's just the UI that's limiting the experience.


                    To all those saying touch screen controls are fine, try playing that motox mayhem game. I don't care what you do with a touch screen that game cannot be made playable. You just cannot get the precision needed. You NEED the feedback that sticks and triggers give. The only games that work are things likes Sudoku and point and click stuff e.g. I see no reason why Monkey island wouldn't be just fine.


                      Point and clicks work mostly fine but what they don't have is a hover like you have with a mouse pointer - you're either touching or you're not. So there's one level of interaction missing there.


                        in the process of selling off my copy of mortal kombat in favor of the digital release, things is i cant find the save file anywhere and ive done quite a bit on it. will i have to start from scratch?


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                          Because that went so well for Sony with their Ericcson Playstation phones.

                          I can't see them ever going for a proper handheld market.
                          It's gradually going to die out, Nintendo may even start to feel that in the next 5 or so years.
                          Looks like that five years might be closer than you think:

                          It doesn't take a genius to work out that the next step is going to be a handheld.


                            I will call it now MS will never make a handheld, tabs and phones aye of course but a dedicated handheld like Vita/3DS? hell no.
                            Zune of course was a roaring success as was WP7, from the feedback online Window 8 and Metro looks like set to blaze the PC world on fire. So naturally the next step for MS would be to pump cash into a declining handheld market alongside the struggling Vita and 3DS consoles, currently killing each other for space against a forever expanding mobile/tablet market getting stronger every generation.
                            Apple would be more likely to make a handheld before MS and even that's a longshor.

                            Anyways VITA yayyyyyy.


                              Originally posted by FSW View Post
                              To all those saying touch screen controls are fine, try playing that motox mayhem game. I don't care what you do with a touch screen that game cannot be made playable. You just cannot get the precision needed. You NEED the feedback that sticks and triggers give. The only games that work are things likes Sudoku and point and click stuff e.g. I see no reason why Monkey island wouldn't be just fine.
                              I totally agree with this. Some games do work fairly well but fairly is not good enough. No matter the quality, you always have to think about the position of your thumb on the screen. With a stick or pad, you always know where you are.


                                Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                                I will call it now MS will never make a handheld, tabs and phones aye of course but a dedicated handheld like Vita/3DS? hell no.
                                Zune of course was a roaring success as was WP7, from the feedback online Window 8 and Metro looks like set to blaze the PC world on fire. So naturally the next step for MS would be to pump cash into a declining handheld market alongside the struggling Vita console against a forever expanding mobile/tablet market getting stronger every generation and the 3DS's runaway share of the handheld market.
                                Apple would be more likely to make a handheld before MS and even that's a longshor.

                                Anyways VITA yayyyyyy.
                                Completely agree... now I've edited it slightly for accuracy

