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Goldeneye - Wii

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    Originally posted by Alex WS
    Seemed like a great FPS with elements of exploration and trial not seen in todays super linear corridor shooters.
    Be prepared for the disappointment.


      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
      I guess what youre saying makes sense, though i dont really understand, Dosent everyone hold the wii remote (and a mouse for that matter) the same way?

      Anyway, regardless I dont think thats my problem, these days even holding a lightgun out for too long (which is about 10 minutes) hurts my arms, it seems even at the (relativley) tender age of 27, in the videogame world I am an old man.
      If you hold your arm straight out you will get tired in minutes. What I think most people do however, is to rest their arm on their lap or the couch/chair, and just making subtle movements to control the game. That's at least what I do, and it works pretty decent.


        Hi im on my 1st play through and my game has glitched out i think i started the game on Agent, im now on the Bunker level , but my health bar has gone to non regenerating and its 10 times harder, glitched into classic 007 mode i have no idea why its done this :S and i cant find a way to change it back ?
        Last edited by yesteryeargames; 07-11-2010, 19:33.


          Doesn't bode well if true - Wii games aren't updatable. Would mean a cull and re-release.

