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    Boris, you're missing the point. You soon won't need a console for Facebook on your TV.


      Originally posted by Matt View Post
      Boris, you're missing the point. You soon won't need a console for Facebook on your TV.
      They'll just beam comments about X-Factor and Justin Bieber directly into our brains like Jim Carey did in Batman Forever


        Originally posted by Matt View Post
        Boris, you're missing the point. You soon won't need a console for Facebook on your TV.
        I think you are missing the point, it's just a tick box to fill for the price comparison website or the bit of paper comparing consoles stuck to the payment point in the games shop. It costs very little to include these things, far less that it costs to fund a flagship 1st party game, which almost exists for the same reason.

        A marketing tool, a logo to show on the advert. People will go for it. You or I might not want to use it, but plenty of people either will, or will think they and will base their purchase based upon it.

        Not everybody changes TV's every year or 2, plenty of people will be planning on keeping their TV for years and years. I'm postive that a massive percentage of the 360s and PS3s in the world are attached to 15" matsui televisions in a teenagers bedrooms via a scart cable.

        There is no way that even in 5-6 years that won't be so significantly different, and even if it was, I'm sure there will be some new faddy social network or website that everyone is using instead, in which case your TV will be out of date.


          I'll probably be sticking with a giant monitor for future TV purchases (I say that now, but....), so I'll still need a console to do twitter and facebook on. No. Wait.... I have a phone with keypad and a PC with keyboard that can do that infinitely better already.


            Imagine if we just embraced all this stuff and got as excited about it as the blokey in that video I linked above - I mean just imagine if you got so excited about an advert that you felt the need to put it in your status update on faceb.... oh, what? That's happening all the time already?

            I don't think we are the future.


              Originally posted by Pikate View Post
              They'll just beam comments about X-Factor and Justin Bieber directly into our brains like Jim Carey did in Batman Forever
              lol. If they can do it, they will

              All this talk of blah blah blah on consoles makes me laugh really. Just because there has been a huge uptake in social gaming (eg Facebook crap to drain your life) and the Wii was popular does not mean there is no market left for "proper" gamers.

              Besides, anyone who currently uses their 360 for anything other than gaming must have a quieter one than mine. There's no way I could watch something with that much noise going on. I imagine if I didn't have the PC in the lounge I may use the PS3 for streaming though.

              Boris, as for the rest of your comments, I have no idea what point you're trying to make. Seems to me we've gone the two oft cited groups of Casual Gamers and Core Gamers to all kinds of mini demographics. You're saying playing CoD or FIFA isn't either a Core Gamer or a Casual Gamer, at least not by the general consensus we'd class either by. So what are they?

              I think now we have:

              Core Gamer (hardcore to the last!)
              Casual Gamer (Wii buyers who own 1.2 games)
              Social Gamers (Farmville RAWKS)
              CoD Gamers (the anti socials)
              FIFA Gamers (the Chavs)



                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                I'll probably be sticking with a giant monitor for future TV purchases (I say that now, but....), so I'll still need a console to do twitter and facebook on. No. Wait.... I have a phone with keypad and a PC with keyboard that can do that infinitely better already.
                Exactly. Using a console when people have much handier phones to, er, hand. Bizarre.

                "XBOX, FaceBook this message... **** I don't have a keyboard... can I dictate? No DIC-TATE. No, I don't want to Take A Dick. Wait wait don't post it. **** I said Post It. ****!"


                  I was joking about the Batman reference earlier but honestly it lights up green, no-one is holding a remote/controller and all the family are around it? #Kinect


                    Originally posted by Matt View Post
                    Seems to me we've gone the two oft cited groups of Casual Gamers and Core Gamers to all kinds of mini demographics. You're saying playing CoD or FIFA isn't either a Core Gamer or a Casual Gamer, at least not by the general consensus we'd class either by. So what are they?

                    I think now we have:

                    Core Gamer (hardcore to the last!)
                    Casual Gamer (Wii buyers who own 1.2 games)
                    Social Gamers (Farmville RAWKS)
                    CoD Gamers (the anti socials)
                    FIFA Gamers (the Chavs)

                    Eh, it was earlier on this page you appeard to lump the entire console playing public into one category.
                    I'd actually say that the cod/fifa purchasers would fall into the same category as the people that buy 1.2 wii games a year.

                    Originally posted by Matt View Post
                    The thing is, ultimately the Gamer will want The Best Machine For Games.
                    And if weren't I've tried to explain why those 'gamers' that you had defined are actually quite a minority compared to the rest of the games playing public.

                    If Sony or Microsoft could get even 5% of those other categories then they would be rolling in literally millions of pounds in extra revenue.
                    One of the ways they will do that is add additional functionality that appeals to those people.
                    It's not intended for people that don't see the point. That would be stupid.
                    Last edited by EvilBoris; 10-12-2011, 19:01.


                      Man I REALLY enjoy my 3DS and playing games in 3D....WHAT'S THIS? AN UPDATE! That allows me to watch 3D clips?
                      NO WAYYYY, F*** YEAHHHHHHHHH
                      Man this GAMES console just got a lot better YAYYYYYYYYY.
                      "It's a good feature to be able to download 3D footage to your 3DS so you can see exactly how the games will look in the flesh."

                      OH What's this, 3G on a PS Vita and it costs an extra 50quid? I mean who the f*** would be stupid enough to buy that?
                      20mb download limit as well, I mean don't these people know you can surf the net on your phone now, awww you want to update your trophywophies anywhere in the world TROPHY'S ARE FOR LOSERS.
                      FFS some people are so stupid and just WANT to give these companies money, I mean WHY would they do that, give them all that money for pointless stuff?

                      Yes people all this stuff is more commonly known as Features.
                      Features and Benefits and yes you may hate them and yes you may chose to vent your great wrath and furious anger on the internet about them, hell SOME people out there are even going as far as tweak settings (why bother) to block ads that they shouldn't really give two f**** about and EVEN email Microsoft demanding change DEMANDING (seriously WTF?!)

                      Now let us look at the rival to MS's 360, PS3 (thumbs up) now when that got BBC iPlayer compatability lets take a hard look at THE GOD DAMN OUTRAGE from earth date 1975....

                      Ajay1986 said.

                      "The Euro advert is really poor. Why are they mentioning BBC iPlayer as a selling point on a ?250 machine I don't get it"
                      "From what I remember they don't even mention games in it at all, which is very odd if they want to convince people not to get a 360 and buy one of these instead."

                      Damn them, IT'S A FRAKKEN GAMES CONSOLE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

                      But DVDMike proves the ENTIRE (still standing) point pretty much by confirming this...

                      "I had a guy pre-order for the iplayer alone!"

                      Now that may only be 1 person (more than likely it wasn't and don't even get me started on console revisions dslite/360S/PSlim3)that's ?250 in the bank with interest from the possibility of PSN+, game DLC and full game downloads.

                      I really do wish some people would talk as enthusiastically about games they are playing and have played as much as they ****ing enthusiastically moan and bitch til they are BLUE in the face.
                      Would make this forum fantastic again instead of just being a place to visit and lurk because you've been here since 1903.
                      So I am going to do this myself, starting now.


                        I'm not going to say much since I've spent less time on the 360, and only updated today, but I'll point out what I feel about the new dashboard.

                        + No large boxes. This was something that really annoyed me about the last dashboard design. Although, I'm still defiantly pro blades. I know the blades get a lot of hate, but I really liked its' sleekness, even if it was somewhat clunky.

                        + Beacons. As someone who wants to get as much out of a game as possible, I can now have someone actually see that I will need assistance. I don't know if it's possible to actually see other friends' beacon creations, but being able to see last activity for each game makes it easier to find a co-op partner.

                        It's weird that you can set them for single player games too, but hey.

                        + Tabs from left to right, and being able to see them is far better than up/down and having them hidden against each other.

                        - Game library is messy, while you can select specific games on the list, it's not possible to see installed 360 games. For me, this is a problem as I install a lot of discs.
                        + On the same note though, Japanese box art shows up now, instead of the blank 'Xbox Live' box! Good job on that.

                        - I'm not sure if I'm the only one getting this, but now after updating a game, you no longer get notified when you're automatically connected to LIVE. This is weird because it gives the impression that it just ignores the whole process.

                        - Marketplace seems... too out of control, there isn't any real sense of direction in keeping all the content again. It also seems to be a bit hard to find weekly deals as well since they appear in the multiple selection window (so far).

                        + Not seeing my avatar on startup. No, didn't care then, don't care now. Get that crap out.

                        All the extra stuff like Youtube doesn't bother me, I use my 360 for games. That's it. Overall, I like it more than the last design, but still far from being ideal.


                          Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                          I really do wish some people would talk as enthusiastically about games they are playing and have played as much as they ****ing enthusiastically moan and bitch til they are BLUE in the face.
                          Would make this forum fantastic again instead of just being a place to visit and lurk because you've been here since 1903.
                          So I am going to do this myself, starting now.
                          I think if someone came along and turned your ferrari into a poorer handling mondeo (re: rubbish menu navigation) but added the facility to be a hovercraft if you sign up on a monthly basis (re: lovefilm / sky) and tells you about them every morning when you jump in, you'd be pretty peeved. Now, if you were given the option of at least hiding these options and tweaking the handling (navigation) back to ferrari performance or perhaps even better than before via a customisable dash, then we'd be super happy chappies. Any vaguely smart phone lets you do this. Even my Nokia 5800 from 2008 let's you do this.

                          Meanwhile, I'll still continue to rinse Battlefield3 (2 days online already )
                          Last edited by charlesr; 11-12-2011, 07:03.


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                            I'm sure ANYBODY who has ever worked in a games shop , even if it was for a day will tell you exactly the kind of person that typically buys a GTA game or a Fifa game.
                            What is this talk of import. Hardly anybody buys Imports these days, even with-in the gamers nut heads and a lot of that is thanks to MS quite brilliant and overlooked efforts to make sure games releases are out in the same week in the USA and in UK long gone are the days of waiting 6 months for the game to make it to Pal and add to that that the Japanese market is in a mess and their publishers now see the USA as their bread and butter; So the need to import just isn't their anymore. At the end of the day the likes of GTA and FIFA are full proper games that appeal to the gamer, more than the casual gamer and their party game fix every 6 months . So this myth that the more dedicated gamer is dead and the casuals have taken over is just that and is shown in the charts, where the 360 and PS3 still make up the bulk of sales thanks to the gamers, who unlike the casuals and their Wii, go out and buy games each month (not just switch it on every 6 months or so) and buy Fifa more on the 360 than on the Wii, thanks to the better gfx and internet functions.

                            The gamer was always MS strongest card and that with even with X-Box sales close to than of the Cube it games was able to do well in the charts each week - thanks to gamers than go out and buy games and liking the bells and whistles MS put into their consoles. MS is making a big mistake if it to turn their back on them . I don't mind media functions it makes sense with consoles becoming so powerful and after all , I used my Mega CD, Saturn as CD players when not playing games , my 360 is the DVD player of choice and I love the PS3 as a Media centre - That's fine as long as those features are an after thought and all the spec inside the console made for making the best and most kick ass games.
                            MS said the 360 GPU was at least 2 gen ahead of any GFX card on the market said similar things with the X-Box (ok I now it's PR hype) . I'm hoping MS goes all out for that kind of performance again , rather than trying to make a cheap next Box for Kinect

                            Boris, you're missing the point. You soon won't need a console for Facebook on your TV.
                            Yep . My Viera Smart TV has better facebook integration than the 360, so does my HTC.

                            Not everybody changes TV's every year or 2, plenty of people will be planning on keeping their TV for years and years.
                            Not everyone replaces their console or PC every 2 years.

                            I'm postive that a massive percentage of the 360s and PS3s in the world are attached to 15" matsui televisions in a teenagers bedrooms via a scart cable
                            I really doubt that, I know of no-one that now doesn't have a LCD in at least one room and I'm not talking about people who play consoles games . LCD are now so cheap I just know of no-one that hasn't got rid of their old CRT, to go along with the VCR and old SKY box .


                              I got thinking about that vid earlier about the future of ads on the xbox - if you are already talking to your xbox "Xbox more", then why bother using kinect for selecting following options - it would be quicker to just present the options with relevant associated text and to just read that option out loud e.g. "email me"


                                Originally posted by Pikate View Post
                                I think FIFA is a "casual" game? I know guys and that's the only game they have a console for and I am the epitome of a casual gamer but even I play that. Unless it was "GTA: Hello Kitty City" or "Call of Duty: Selfridge's Boxing Day Sale" I'd never buy those franchises. I think what has happened is gaming isn't so geeky anymore, it's much more popular so whereas First Person Shooter players were geeks 10 years ago, now they're just average joes and we all cross the road together to avoid World of Warcraft and Second Life players
                                Why because it's popular . To be any good at FIFA and these days stand a chance to win on-line, you have to play it a lot and the controls require lot of different buttons combinations , which is beyond the casual gamer Same with COD, where to have a chance On-Line, you'll have to learn the maps and be a pretty decent gamer and put the hours in and play games weekly So these are gamers , they may not play much else, but their games consoles are not gathering dust, till the next house party.

                                I think what has happened is gaming isn't so geeky anymore
                                It's still seen as a bit geeky to some , but all that's happing is gaming is building on the great Jobs SEGA did with the Mega Drive and SONY did with the PS to make gaming cool and having famous people seen playing your consoles and sponsoring the likes of footy ECT add in On-Line and the fact that consoles since the X-Box have now been much better able and suited to handling FPS.

                                Is gaming is any more popular than in the PS days, almost everyone one I knew had a PS

