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Next Xbox Dev Kit at EA (Apparently?)

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    MS's next system is going to be a real one of interest to see. They're finally going to have to pick between the core and the casual because this current attempt to catch favour with both isn't working.


      Originally posted by Flabio View Post

      Even if you use flash memory, that still has loading time as it copies it up into main memory.

      We haven't had genuine memory mapped cartridges since the Genesis (home console) and GBA (handheld). They're not practical anymore.

      And while MS may *launch* at a loss, they're most definitely not making a loss on 360 anymore. Not by a long shot.

      Well I don't think there's ever been a Console manufactures that some 6 years into the hardware cycle wasn't making a profit on the Hardware . Shame MS didn't come out and fix the TROD problem at the outset instead of trying to cover it up for so long and not either put in some liguid cooling or a quick re design of the motherboard GPU placement .. It may have been cheaper than the Billion it cost to put the TROD right , never mind the bad PR MS and the 360 got for years afterwards .

      But talking of loading times, why was the GameCube able to load so quick for 99% of its games, and no other CD/DVD console has ever come close to the Cube fast loading times ?

      They're finally going to have to pick between the core and the casual because this current attempt to catch favour with both isn't working.
      Well if they go after the casual s that's the end of the X-Box dream and project imo , A project that is only where's its at, thanks to MS/X-Box strongest card , the Gamer , Gamers that buy's games each month (something casual's just don't do) and why both X-Box consoles has been able to boast High console to game ratio's . Mind you if one looks at the PS2, That shows it's possible to make a High end powerful dedicated games console and also get the casuals on-board.

      Here's hoping MS go all out for power , just like they did for the 360 and X-Box


        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
        MS's next system is going to be a real one of interest to see. They're finally going to have to pick between the core and the casual because this current attempt to catch favour with both isn't working.
        Thing is, I don't see why you can't have both in a decent box. Make a powerful console that comes with motion control, but the trick is not putting all your first/second party devs into making ****e

        I've just read the Eurogamer article. Just how full of **** are Crytek?

        IMO, the Epic Samaritan demo is too hopeful for next gen - that's a tech demo, running on three top end graphics card in a top end PC, with no gameplay whatsoever. I can't see a 2013 console hitting that.


          Originally posted by Team Andromeda
          But talking of loading times, why was the GameCube able to load so quick for 99% of its games, and no other CD/DVD console has ever come close to the Cube fast loading times ?
          Pretty sure it's to do with how Nintendo compress and organize the data on the disc more than anything else. Non-Nintendo GC games could have some pretty long load times IIRC. It's the same on the Wii, the loading times in Mario Kart, SMG2 etc are absolutely minimal. I don't think you ever actually see the word 'Loading' on the screen at any point either - guess Nintendo just hate loading.


            Yeah they must of optimised the file structures super well or maybe things can be done to reduce texture sizes and shizzle to speed up loading. The XBOX was capable at reading discs much faster than the gamecube, but it always sticks in my mind that cube games often loaded super quick.
            Last edited by EvilBoris; 20-07-2011, 19:16.


              There's a lot less ON a Gamecube disc for a start. And the smaller radius reduces seek time.


                Originally posted by Matt View Post
                Thing is, I don't see why you can't have both in a decent box. Make a powerful console that comes with motion control, but the trick is not putting all your first/second party devs into making ****e
                Absolutely, by now motion control has to be cheap enough broadly speaking to put as standard into any next gen system. The main trouble is MS's current focus on shovelware to win over the casual audience. If there's a broad opinion that the Wii's audience has started to move on it begs belief as to why MS thinks they're going to make great strides in the area. Especially if it's out significantly before PS4 I'd much prefer MS dropped the motion focus and chased the core again as for anything alternative I'd already have a Wii U by then.

