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Nintendo Wii U

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    The thing to remember is that for the likes of us on here the WiiU was never going to be anything other than a secondary machine for Nintendo's exclusives. Even with a bit more grunt it would be outclassed within 12 months and none of us woild pick multiformat releases on it over next gen offerings. The clue really is in the name, by sticking with the Wii brand Nintendos intentions are very clear and the target audience couldnt care less if its a comparatively powered machine. Its better than a Wii which is all they'll think of power wise. Sure core gamers will complain but Nintendos too busy chasing the 97mill who bought the previous machine to care. An audience they know care more about brand than grunt. I'm under no allusions my WiiU will play second fiddle but Im grateful its already more immediately appealing to use than its predecessor which is a big boost in itself


      Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
      See now to my eyes, looking at those screens the WiiU version looks better than the 360 version, there is a lot more shadow detail for starters.

      I'm not going to play the 'the version looks better than that version' game. ME3 on the 360 has screen tearing as well, and the animations are not that great either. And as we all know and expect. launch tittles that are ports are going to have been put together quickly, that really doesn't surprise me. And for every game that might not look as good, there are still games that look just as good if not better on the WiiU, such as Batman for example.

      If the xbox has its reference levels set to expanded, shadow detail is almost completely lost by the massive level of black crush, intermediate is not much better. I'd bet that's why the u version is perceived to have more shadow details. It'll be a calibration or setting issues in my opinion of course.


        Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
        Good for you sir, sadly that's not the reality of the situation however...

        Why bother posting then? I was merely spreading some information people maybe interested in...

        Blimey, just how bad is the WiiU version then?

        I urge you to watch this and see how bad the framerate it makes it pretty unbearable. As for 'what to expect' I was expecting: more powerful hardware that would cakewalk current gen games ensuring the best version is on WiiU... Perhaps I am in the minority? To be fair I hope the ports get better they surely couldn't be much worse...

        Also slightly concerning is that whilst the machine has more vram it seems to run 43% slower... (sauce)

        Looks to me to be another Nintendo games only machine...
        I'm not going to play the numbers game, whilst that particular video of batman shows it in a bad light, why does the gametrailers video not show show that? Something doesn't add up somewhere. Also as stated previously these are quick dirty ports, companies are not going to be worried about a new platform as much as they are worried about their installed user base for 360 and PS3 versions.

        Your not just spreading information that people might or might not be interested in, you are trying to pick up on every single little flaw the WiiU might have. As stated previously there are examples of where games on the WiiU are better from what I have seen so far.

        Lets just get the launch out of the way, and see what happens over the next few months rather than trying to be negative for negative sakes which I get the impression that you are trying to do. We don;t know what the future of the WiiU holds yet, we don't know what its capable of currently, so lets stop with the mud slinging and picking up on every little detail that doesn't meet with your approval.


          Also for balance I would suggest reading the IGN review of Batman which does not once mention bad framerates and got 9.5:

          If the game suffered from that bad frame rate the IGN would have picked up on that.


            Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
            I'm not going to play the numbers game, whilst that particular video of batman shows it in a bad light, why does the gametrailers video not show show that? Something doesn't add up somewhere.
            to be fair GT's comparison is just face value, not performance based.

            Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
            Also as stated previously these are quick dirty ports, companies are not going to be worried about a new platform as much as they are worried about their installed user base for 360 and PS3 versions.
            That makes no sense, surely they would want new fans? - A lot of these people might be new owners... Besides wasn't Batman shown as a Wii U game in 2011 E3? Seems like a while to me... Besides a developer has anonymously reported to Eurogamer Nintendo aren't much help - which doesn't fill me with confidence...

            Originally posted by Eurogamer
            Software quality will undoubtedly improve over the coming months, but with Microsoft and Sony looking to launch their own next-gen consoles within the year, time is not exactly on Nintendo's side. One developer working on a key AAA franchise port told us anonymously that the Nintendo toolchain is "fighting us every step of the way", suggesting that plenty of work still needs to be done in getting development workflow up to scratch. Will the tools improve in time? Will publishers have the time and the financial incentive to stick with it?
            Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
            Your not just spreading information that people might or might not be interested in, you are trying to pick up on every single little flaw the WiiU might have. As stated previously there are examples of where games on the WiiU are better from what I have seen so far.
            Erm... I dunno I just spent a lot buying my WiiU and games, am I not right to be slightly concerned with the current state of the launch? Besides what are the positives exactly? A new Nintendo console...?

            Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
            Lets just get the launch out of the way, and see what happens over the next few months rather than trying to be negative for negative sakes which I get the impression that you are trying to do. We don;t know what the future of the WiiU holds yet, we don't know what its capable of currently, so lets stop with the mud slinging and picking up on every little detail that doesn't meet with your approval.
            Ok, lets ignore the launch even if it's all we have to work with, instead lets just spend money and accept whatever Nintendo fancy shoving our way?

            I am looking forward to getting my machine - but I can't help but be a bit dissapointed with the current offering and state the machine is in. I'm sure the Nintendo 1st party stuff will be worth playing - and that's why I bought the machine 1st place! Be nice if they announced something though!


              Whole thing is very confusing. Herb linked me to the Gaf ZombiU topic and it sounds fantastic!


                Originally posted by FSW View Post
                Whole thing is very confusing. Herb linked me to the Gaf ZombiU topic and it sounds fantastic!
                Yeah man, Eurogamer's review sounded awesome too as indeed did GT's review even if they gave it 6.4 or something in the end!

                Metroid + Resident Evil + Modern controls = sounds pretty win to me!


                  Originally posted by FSW
                  Whole thing is very confusing. Herb linked me to the Gaf ZombiU topic and it sounds fantastic!

                  You should've seen the Black Ops Declassified thread. They loved it.


                    My spidey sense is tingling. Sarcasm overload?


                      So basically what we are saying is that we are a little bit dissapointed with the launch of the WiiU, I think that was a given a long time ago in all honesty.

                      I knew full well that this was going to be the case after E3, and I am quite happy to part with my money, if that makes me a 'sucker' so be it!


                        Originally posted by ozzzy189 View Post
                        If the xbox has its reference levels set to expanded, shadow detail is almost completely lost by the massive level of black crush, intermediate is not much better. I'd bet that's why the u version is perceived to have more shadow details. It'll be a calibration or setting issues in my opinion of course.
                        Ironically though the WiiU does not have full RGB255 support, so blacks are going to look grey until they get it fixed, if they can.


                          Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
                          So basically what we are saying is that we are a little bit dissapointed with the launch of the WiiU, I think that was a given a long time ago in all honesty.

                          I knew full well that this was going to be the case after E3, and I am quite happy to part with my money, if that makes me a 'sucker' so be it!
                          Amen to that bro! We both are!! I do have genuine excitement for ZombiU and finally playing Sonic Racing though I must say!!


                            Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
                            Amen to that bro! We both are!! I do have genuine excitement for ZombiU and finally playing Sonic Racing though I must say!!
                            Strangly I am looking forward to ScribbleNauts more than anything else, although I have no idea why!


                              Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
                              Ironically though the WiiU does not have full RGB255 support, so blacks are going to look grey until they get it fixed, if they can.
                              Or your tv supports a limited range mode. Or you use component cables.


                                Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
                                if that makes me a 'sucker' so be it!
                                You guys aren't alone. I CANNOT WAIT for my Japanese unit. Monster Hunter 3G ftw!

