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Nintendo Wii U

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    Our Nintendo rep was in store last week & said September !!


      That doesn't actually sound that unlikely, Xbox and PS4 are gonna show up at E3 and Wii-U was announced last year. There is that Apple style trend for launching really shortly after announcements, so perhaps yeah!


        I've earmarked three hundred quid in one of my savings accounts ready for the Wii U this year. I'm willing to risk early adoption. Never regretted getting the Wii on launch (may have missed its 'glory days' otherwise), and while the 3DS disappointed in the first few months, it got well into its stride faster than most of us could have anticipated.


          I've been playing the Wii recently and it really could do with a graphics upgrade, it looks like garbage compared to the PS3 and 360 despite the relatively basic style (Wii Play, Wii Sports Resort). It's a shame that when the Wii-U finally catches up it will only be on the same level for a year at most before the Next Xbox and PS4 come out.


            Not sure whether to hold out on buying this, get it the week of release or preorder as soon as it becomes available.

            I didn't preorder the Wii as I really hated the idea at first, but come release I had caved and wanted it. Of course by that time I couldn't get one anywhere so ended up buying a bundle off someone locally for about ?30 more than RRP which was decent given the ?100+ above RRP they were going for on ebay (and the fact the bundle included a 2nd remote).

            I'd hate to have the same thing happen this time around but then again I'm not so sure this will do so well on release as the Wii did and I don't want to see the price slashed a few months down the line as has happened with the 3DS. I guess I'll have to wait until the launch lineup is revealed to make my decision...


              I bought a wii launch day. I was convinced Nintendo had it right and MS and Sony didn't have a clue. Talk about deluded!
              I'll wait for the full spec of this and the planned games. A new Metroid Prime from Retro and I'm in.


                Nintendo talisman Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed that he's currently working on a brand new "original" title as well as…

                Miyamoto says he's working on an original IP and Pikmin 3.

                Surely by now Pikmin 3 is long enough in the tooth be of concern?


                  Nintendo seem to be one of the few devs to actually make a decent game no matter how long its been. No worries for Pikmin 3 and i'd be surprised if they even started actual development of it since the first rumour mill.


                    Yeah, no worries from me regarding Nintendo's quality. Unless they ship it off to a third party, like Other M. But even that was still a pretty good game, just not upto Metroid's usual quality IMO.


                      I think Pikmin 3's delay is logical? New Play Control: Pikmin is brilliant, one of the Top 10. games on the Wii even? You can see why when they came up with this new Wii-U controller Miyamoto and co. decided to hold Pikmin 3 back to use that rather than more of the same? With Wii-U not even out now the development schedule probably just got pushed back. Wouldn't surprise me if there's a completed game sat there already just being tweaked constantly.

                      IMO given that Wii-U plays Wii games I think if all Nintendo ever released on Wii-U was Pikmin 3 (just imagine that on a Wii-U controller for a second) and a "New Play Control" or "Virtual Console" release of Wind Waker it would already be the only console I would ever need (and I'm sure I read somewhere that GameCube games will be Virtual Console on Wii-U so HELLO!)


                        I'm never buying another Nintendo console on launch again. I should have remembered that the Wii was hot trash after only owning it for a month or so (after finishing Zelda) but I went ahead and bought a 3DS, never again.


                          If there's a zelda or metroid I'm there day one, otherwise after the 3ds, yeah I doubt I will.


                            Nintendo consoles are fairly straight forward affairs, it's easy to second guess most of the systems lifetime releases before it's even released. What a Nintendo console is, is perfect back up to another Xbox or PS system. If I had to have 2 out of the three consoles I'd take a Nintendo console and one of the other two over both the other two together anyday


                              I'm getting one on day 1 if there is a Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero or Mario game to go with it. I might bend for Pikmin. Otherwise I'm waiting.

                              True about the 360 and PS3, I find it's a bit pointless owning both unless you absolutely must play both Halo and Uncharted. All the other exclusives are asscraxx. One of them is essential however.


                                Anyone seen this yet?
                                Apparently that was shown at last years E3 behind closed doors.

